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Looks painful :P

In extreme cases, offenders can be escorted from the premises, for which punishment is immediate loss of ACU licence.

Pretty heavy :S

Because of this, the organisers rely on being able to trust that riders comply with the rules. The only way an organiser would know that a cycle or rider did not comply is by a rider protesting. This applies to all Technical Rules, whether a 26" cycle not complying to the '6 working gears' rule, or the 'all riders must wear a helmet' rule etc.

At the first round of the British Championship in 2006 we received our first ever protest against a rider not complying with the '6 working gears' rule. The bike was examined and regrettably found to not comply with the rules. The rider on that occasion received penalty points.

Despite this, at the second round of the Championship, and after a warning on the entry form that bikes would be checked for compliance, four 26" bikes were found to be running with only one gear.

Those with only one gear will not receive Championship points for this event. Remember, BikeTrial UK does not make these rules but is responsible for enforcing them.

I wonder who that was, and why...

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Since the BIU rules have provisions for local ammendments to National competition technical regs (Article 40), we can change the rules to an extent to suit our events and still fall within BIU regs.

That said, I'm very encouraged by the Biketrial committee's reponse to the situations that have arisen and the measures they have put in place to stop these problems reoccuring. The idea that the rider is responsible for their conduct and the suitability of their bike for the event is a fair approach which treats riders with respect, and not the nannying jobsworth attitude which can so often appear when rules and regs are involved.

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i agree with what has been put, it wont take much for people JUST to read the BIU biketrial championship page and take heed of it.

and mark................LEAVE that SH!7 back where it belongs. at round2 in devon THERE WAS ALOT of non 6speeders. they will be penilised by the sounds of things. its simple all 26" riders need 6 working gears which is a Rule.

but hey, it hasnt and wont affect my bike i dont think. i will have 6 speed gears on as i did at the first round. i only have gears for the british rounds, i have a wheel with 6 on and a wheel with 1 on. i just swop em round when i need. (Y):)


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and mark................LEAVE that SH!7 back where it belongs.

Eh? I was asking a question based on a new news article on BiketrialUK's homepage, so why should I "Leave that shit back where it belongs", if it's the first time it's been put up? Equally, all I asked was "I wonder why", in that it was the first time a rider had complained about it, so something must have made them do it?

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i apologise then(if you didnt mean it about the gear rule), i thought u was bringing up the "Gear rule" sceanrio" again. its been brought up way too much.

BUT on the page it does state anyone WITHOUT gears from the 2nd round will not have championship points i do not know who this applies to. but thats now being brought in.

ALSO i would like to know the 6 people who DID NOT have BIU licenses???? :S thats crazy. how could they not send off a FREE form?

Mark iv JUST re-read your Quote and then your remark afterwards. you CLEARLY in BOLD writing highlight the 6 speed rule then put this:

I wonder who that was, and why...


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Yeah, I just meant that it was weird that someone had felt the need to complain. I wasn't bringing up the 6-speed gears debate or anything, it was more a rhetorical question more than anything else...

Although as people seem to want to ride comps singlespeed, could always re-open the debate or try and get some sorta thing together like BiketrialUK recommend to try and change the regs :P

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i agree BUT you cant change the rules half way through????

they can be up for discussion at the end of the season if someone disagree's with it then it will be over turned and it cannot be taken out of the UK rules.i dont mind what rules there are in trials, i will ride my bike and just have to obey what people put in front of me.


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i agree BUT you cant change the rules half way through????

Of course you can't, but you can have a discuss in time for next year.

it cannot be taken out of the UK rules.

Yes it can. Article 40 of the BIU regs allows countries to ammend the technical rules as they see fit for events in that country.

NOTE: I'm in favour of gears on stock bikes, but just making the above observation.

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Yes it can. Article 40 of the BIU regs allows countries to ammend the technical rules as they see fit for events in that country.

NOTE: I'm in favour of gears on stock bikes, but just making the above observation.

I think you misread what wayne wrote :P

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QUOTE(danny B @ May 30 2006, 10:59 AM)

does that mean that all of the xc riders that run single speed are on oversized bmx's lol (N)

Singlespeed riders have a lot more problems than what their bikes are classified as...

BTW, I actually did a singlespeed race in 1996, was daft but very fun.

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they have!! lol! The Fresh products one the Rollof one and the Heatsink one (Y) all sound tensioners

no, nearly and no again.

a good tensioner needs to be sprung, the rohloff is sooo close to being perfect but its just not stong enough.

the pin that sits on the mech hanger can break or crack around where it goes into the actual tensioner :(

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