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Hs33 Pads

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summer is coming and i for one are highly in favour of front magura hs33 and at the moment i am running black pads there performance isnt so great and im looking to buy some new pads i was thinking about buying some tensile pads on a smooth rim but i have heard mixed reviews i run a try all rim with no grind could you all give me some recomendations please :P

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black pads set up right on a ground rim can be pretty good mate (Y) grind your rim ;)

i agree, well with abit of tar, becuase one of my Heatsink blues wore down prematurley, so i had to resort to a Standard black magura pad, and it seems ok, not as snappy and reasuringly squeaky as the Heatsink blues, but defo a safe option.


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summer is coming and i for one are highly in favour of front magura hs33 and at the moment i am running black pads there performance isnt so great and im looking to buy some new pads i was thinking about buying some tensile pads on a smooth rim but i have heard mixed reviews i run a try all rim with no grind could you all give me some recomendations please :P

Standard pads are wank and tensiles aint good either, get some plazzies or koxx you canty go wrong.


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Smooth rim: Zoo pads. - My mate uses them on the back of his Adamant. They lock stupidly well, even with no tar.

He uses a smooth Try-All rim.

Plaz pads: I used mine on a smooth rim once, and they locked really well. Just don't for fo' shiz in the wet.

Grind: Plaz pads: I use them on mine, the lock really well, ands with a bit of tar, they're immense.

Cousts: My mate uses them, even on the worn grind the were good. Now he's ground the rim again, and they lock stupidly well.

He says sometimes they juast don't lock, but then straight after, they do. :huh:

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