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Sidehop 40 Inch ,ish

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Other then that nice one!

Edited by Ride or die
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First Visit? Can't Post? Read This!

Do NOT post new threads asking when you will be validated

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Other then that nice one!

Don't post the rules. What makes it worse is that you're not even validated ffs.

Also, he wasn't cross-posting, he posted this in NMC on the 19th when he wasn't validated. When he found out he was validated he posted it in the Riding Pics section yesterday. Don't be a dick, try and get validated and don't worry about picking out faults with other people's posts. Dunno why, but that really f**ked me off, probably becuase you're not even validated yet. Meh.

Anyway. Pretty nice sidehop there. Btw, what bike do you ride?

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"Euro" pallets are the blue ones, which are 6.5". So 7 blue pallets = 45.5", basically. Those aren't the blue ones though, so it might be less, but whatever - he's not been riding long (I think :ermm:) and it's still a good height for a sidehop :)

If you want helpful feedback on technique or whatever, post the vid up :)

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First Visit? Can't Post? Read This!

Do NOT post new threads asking when you will be validated

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Harassing Admins/Moderators via PM/Email/MSN WILL NOT get you validated any faster

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Other then that nice one!

Oy mummy boy shut up, Y post rules when your not even vaildated it aint going to make you get validated any faster either is it through sucking up.

Nice sidehop looked very neat, keep it up (Y)


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