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Just Checking The Legality Of Something...


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OK I've got on DVD a recorded episode of a TV program which was broadcast around a month ago. Is it legal for me to rip the program from the DVD and cut a bit out of the episode for me to then send to my friends?


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Will asked them if he could use the footage for himself on the day didn't he? They said yeah. Depends what you're using if for I'd imagine. Personal use is OK for sure, even if you post it up here or anything, doubt you'd get found out?! Judging by their speed they'd never get round to doing anything about it anyway!

Who where the other riders on't DeeVeeDee? The ones right after us?


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Who where the other riders on't DeeVeeDee? The ones right after us?

Yeah i wanna know that. It was welsh punk but the footage seemed a bit NTSC ish :S

Then again the red telephone box gave it away a little lol

Wills face at the end though LMAO :):lol:

Ill bet u download music, its just as bad.

Dave, what I listen to isn't classed as music :)

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I thought if you sold it to make a profit them it was illegal otherwise its fine.

Im not sure thats my understanding of it.

That's wrong. People download music for themselves only, not to sell. That's still illegal.

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The copyright owner can:

Copy the whatever it is

Broadcast the whatever it is

Adapt the whatever it is

Show the whatever it is to the public

And one other thing that I cant remember.

If anyone does ANY of those things who is not the copyright owner, then its breaking copyright. Nothing will probably happen though, unless you knowingly do it 'in the course of business' - in which case its a criminal offence.

The owning something for 24hours and destroying it if you dont own the origional is bollocks.

Guess who did an exam on this stuff on wednesday...

In short, what your doing is 'primary infringement' of copyright and even if someone does find out (unlikely to say the least), its not a criminal offence and not much will happen.

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So are you not allowed to copy the CD for your own use then? I thought you were allowed to make yourself up to whatever copies of something if you owned the original too?

Theres a special clause for computer programs that you can make a copy for backup purposes.

If youve heard that its legal to be in posession of a backup for 24 hours, after which you must destroy it.. if you dont own the origonal, thats bollocks (I say that cos one of the *ahem* 'backup' forums I'm a member of makes everyone put 'if you do not own the origonal you must destroy any disks bought within 24 hours' in their signature.. pisses me off 'cos they must think that suddenly makes piracy legal for 24 hours, when it doesnt make any difference at all)

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Legally i dont think you are even allowed to make mp3's from the CDs you own (N)

Then how do iPods work? Or walkmans (Walkmen?) or minidisk players...

Bear in mind that Apple and Sony are pretty much the two leaders in hating piracy.

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I guess you're supposed to buy the music in MP3 format. Its really 'wishy washy'. The copyright law says that only the copyright owner can copy their work (makes sense). But then theres 'fair use' stuff which for example lets you make backups. Eitherway its only 'primary infringement' if you do it yourself which doesnt look to be that bad - you're not going to be classed as a criminal in the eyes of the law.

As for MP3s though, I dont think the UK has got that in their copyrights act yet -

In some countries, including Germany, consumers are permitted to make backup copies of a purchased CD, for example. In the United Kingdom, however, no such fair-use provision exists.

God knows.

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To answer the question, it's illegal to record a TV broadcast. (Even though you've paid for your TV license). Although people have been doing it since Betamax recorders were around. And unless you're doing a high number of reproductions and selling them at a boot fare I don't think you'll be getting in trouble. Mainly because I really doubt the authorities have the manpower to monitor all of the piracy forums, let alone a trials forum.

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