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Were Will Trials Evolve To.

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Hi everyone i was just thinking to myself and i thought were is trials going at the minute.To my knowledge there are allot of trials riders who ride only street or only natti because of certain areas of were people live but in later years were will trials dominate. Also it seems that everyone on this earth either has a gu a zoo or a echo,were have all the really old school stocks gone, it seems that if its not made by deng none wants one.Double disk a step forward for trials or a step backwards, its true that in comps the double disk system will dominate over rimbrakes but disk are not for the streets.I think at the minute the future is bleek and we shouldnt forget all the amazing times when we all used to watch old cls vids on a monty and go wow he can sidehop 7 palets .Well thats my opinion what do u think?

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I think your wrong - the frames by deng are the way forward because you dont see any old school frames about because there all snapped! deng offer cheap high quality goods with trials specific geo. i think its good the variety between natty an street it adds a texture to the sport which is almost incompariable - i mean im ok at street but shite on a trial

double dicks wont last people will hit rotors an go :angry: f**k it ill go back to my durable maggie however well the disk may perform its too unreliable really. i think the future is great more people riding - cheaper components really bring trials onto the main stream an into the shops

some rides it is how big can you go comp - which i dont find totally inspiring - a well funny ride with good mates is the way forwards backwards an round in circles

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If more people rode like Damon Watson on a high BB frame then there would be so many 26 inch frames with high BB out on the market, as you've probably noticed alot of frames look the same now. Most companies are setting trends, for example the design on the Coust frame was followed by Onza, ZOO!, Adament, Toxsin. And then those companies have modified the frames, then after that another company will copy the design and modify it more etc etc.

I very much doubt any rider will reach a sidehop above 56 no matter what geomatry frame or bike set up. Trials has evolved.....but only because the sport has expanded and more talents are showing.

I always thought 10ft flat to flat (forward hop gap) would be impossible for any rider until Neil came along.

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i have only been riding for 7 months but the way i see it is that in everything its out with the old in with the new so some things wont survive, personally i cant see the ashtons lasting long at all. companies like echo zoo gu monty and so on are just firing out new designs that are different and that is what people want nobody wants to be plagued by the old.

and the dual disc bikes i think are all about looks rather than the brakes performance, its like a status symbol although the lad with the dual discs maybe rich as hell but what can he do on his £1000 bike, whereas the lad with the HS33's rules ass on his bike

somethings will change everything is all about progression in this world not being harsh at all but get used to it mate

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pissin on the fence it isnt tbecause oldschools are weaker they are stronger there steel yousm will be aaliminium which one is stronger use your common sense


I recon trials will slowly stop advancing for a while, A loada top riders are pushing silly boundrys, and the human ability to go any higher/further has got to slowly stop progression.

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I very much doubt any rider will reach a sidehop above 56 no matter what geomatry frame or bike set up.

i'm pretty sure that benito ros did that it was ten pallets which worked out as 56.blahblah

but as bikes improve they become stronger and lighter it makes thing's like sidehops a little bit easier benito would'nt make that sidehop on a old shcool monty but he'd have a good go at it on his new prototype.

Edited by Gavyn L
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Watch a good 'old skool' video.

Then watch a good one from recent.

See how bigger it's got?

I recon it'll keep going bigger, and better.

For example, say the highest sidehop 5yrs ago would be nothing compared to now.

And then the current biggest sidehop would be nothing in 5yrs. :ermm:

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Watch a good 'old skool' video.

Then watch a good one from recent.

See how bigger it's got?

I recon it'll keep going bigger, and better.

For example, say the highest sidehop 5yrs ago would be nothing compared to now.

And then the current biggest sidehop would be nothing in 5yrs. :ermm:

yeh can see what you mean. the stuff some riders pull of now is insane. alot of street though for example has been influence more and more by jump/bmx which you never used to get....

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