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About a yearish ago, fell back off my bike, landed on my ankle, tore shit loads of ligerments. and took a chip out of my ankle were it hit the floor (yes it went that far over) was told in A+E it was a sprain and id be walking in 10 days.. i spend 2-3 weeks bedbound, then a month on crutches then 6 months+ in physio and have only just returned to trials, 6 months before id done the other ankle but not half as bad, so i now have 2 raped ankles.

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I broke my knee cap in four places, then got up and started walking because everyone said it was only swellin because it just had a hard bang. i then decided to go home and then to hospital, where i found out i was going to have to have an operation on my knee cap to allow it to heal properly. i know have tension wire holding my knee cap together and a pot covering my whole leg. All of this happened just because my chain snapped whilst i was doing a gap. Chck out my myspace to see a beasty photo of me nearly dying............. http://www.myspace.com/ben_coolio

Also check out the video where it went okay before my chain snapped!!!



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  radical rider said:

Cracked ribs, continued as normal for 2 weeks before going to doctor, as it hurts when i sneeze!


ermm twisted pelvis i guess was my worst, took 5 years for them to work it out, god bless chiropractors-fixed it in a month (even if they do rape your wallet)

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Yes it is, unless your mates with them... then they give it gentle loving.

Worst injury was a sprained wrist... lasted about a week and then about 8 weeks it kept reminding me it was there after i'd been out riding all day. I never seem to injure myself much though, at anything :S;)

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well i was doing some jumping and it was a high jump but as i comeoff the ramp , as i was up in the air then i lost grip and came off the bike, the ground was grass but i didn't see the rock that was in the ground so as i fell to the ground i land on the rock and cracked my knee cap (broken it in half) it hurt alot

not so long ago i was biking back from skool and my bag was scraching the back wheel so i put my hand on the bag to hold it up but after a 5mins i got tired and relaxed my hand and put it on the tyre bad thing to do i was going alond quickly and then i ripped off my nail

but its good now

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Laugh if want!

I was just learning about a year ago, practice my drop off style from a curb, lost my footing and the pedel span back round and hit me in the shin. 15 stiches and 3 1/2 hours in A & E i was alrite...

Luckily the nurse was fit so i didn't moan!! :D

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