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How To Bleed A Brake


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i thought i d put this for those of you that don t know how to bleed there brakes and they might want to do it instead of paying the money to get it done by a shop or someone.

step 1 you first need to adjust your tpa right down to the bottom so the lever pulls in as far as it will go.

step 2 you then take the bolt out of the caliper.

step 3 you then set up the syringe by putting the pipe on the end .you then pump the syringe full of blood and get rid of an ar bubbles this is vital.

step 4 you then screw the syringe pipe into the caliper and on the lever loosen the bolt there so it lets the old blood out.you may want to put a jug under this.

step 5 you then pump the blood through until you see new blood coming out the other end

step 6 you then need to screw the lever bolt back in and pump to get it as pressurized as you can so the bleed is a god one.

step 7unscrew the syringe out of the caliper and the put the caliper bolt back in and adjust the tpa to were you want it

this is only a quick bleed but i use it all the time and it works a dream (Y):)^_^B):shifty:

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