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Riders In Hereford.


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Hi, My friend Max and his friend Connor ride in Hereford, There is no other riders in that location what they know of or around that area. Max rides a pimped out Zoo Pitbull and Connor rides a Koxx XTP. i speak to them both a lot on msn and they are really good and keen riders. They would both love to ride more with other people then just them two.

So if you either live near there or there please let me know and ill give you their msn.

Cheers Aaron

Edited by aaron-i'anson
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Hey, I live in Hereford but I hardly ride trials at the moment (hardly matters as I'm crap anyway!).

When I was back from uni in the christmas holidays I met another trials rider called Adam in our local bike shop. I've never got the chance to ride with him but he said he rides with his younger brother and a few other riders; one of them has a pitbull, so maybe it's your friend max, but they're the only other guys I know in Hereford that ride.


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