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Illegal Drugs;


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some drugs in controlled moderation are ok, you've just got to limit the risk you are causing to yourself when taking them. unfortunately some substances will trigger or accelerate a pre-determined disposition or illness, unfortunately its not just illegal drugs that have this effect on people. dont forget the amount of people in the world that suffer from alcoholism and the damage and effect it has on them and their families. some people will be susceptible to these things unfortunately you dont know its going to happen to you until its too late.

i've done quite a varied amount of drugs, some in excess, not something i'm proud of. really it was during my last years of school and the first year of college that they took a hold, and i'm only talkin 'soft' drugs. unfortunately its during this period of time in someones life that the brain is still developing and people are more susceptible to the effects. luckily i was able to see where it was going before it completely ruined my chances of a good life, the support and counselling i received was what got me through 4 years of manic depression and several suicide attempts. i managed to finally get back to and finish college and i'm off to uni in september. i think one way of monitoring and controlling in some way the sale and distribution would be to legalize some drugs in some way or another. cannabis for example would be the obvious choice, only available through licensed premises and regulated by the government to monitor quality and strength. yes it would also mean they could tax the hell out of it, rake in the money from the people that 'have' to have it and remove the taboo and wonder of it from the people that want to try it.

unfortunately i think a lot of it is down to the choice of the individual in the end some people will choose to do some things irrespective of wether they are legal or not

just my tuppence


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To be quite honest, when someone says the word drugs I automatically think of tramps shooting up in a grubby little alley way. :ermm:

A few people I know have recently started smoking weed. At first it was only once which I thought was ok and that would be the end of it. Now they've started doing it day-in-day-out, even in school which I personally think is silly.

I don't really have anything against people who take drugs or what ever as long as I'm not dragged into the crowd.

Agreeed with the last bit, if they dfie from overdosing them I cant care less more of this world for me.

Legalise drugs and see what happens, if you die you die, its legal so its your own fault, Im sure prices will drop and the government could even make money off it through taxes. Fags kill eventually so why not other drugs.

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Hello People,

I was just wondering if any of you have an opinion on the subject of drugs? More specifically I'd like to hear what opinions/knowledge you have on individual drugs rather than viewing all drugs as one and the same. I do mean drugs that are either illegal or appear to be socially unacceptable. I would like to hear, if you do have an opinion, why you have that opinion?

I'm still interested in all opinion/information, even if you are unable to find a strong justification for it or it seems insignificant or whatever. I just want to know what pops into your head at the mention of the word "drugs".

Mucho appreciated and hopefully this doesn't drop straight out of forum sight >_<


Hi Ben ! hope your doing well!

I love drink too much! nuff said. not happy about it. right now have beaten it.

lately i have replaced it with running. Fortunately i am am good at running , v good,,,,,but as good as i know i am at running ,having 9 beers is still within me. trying to control a legal drug is hard for me. i steer clear of ilegal drugs stuff cause i know how how bad i am withn drink.

although i still want the alcohol buzzz im getting so much more endorphines off running.....and i generaly feel better ,,,,,,,

i recomend eating mega healthy running fruit veg and u willl feel sooooooooooooo good

blah blah

my balance has improved ssoooooooooooo much in 3 weeks for being healthy

shit is shit............is shit

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Agreeed with the last bit, if they dfie from overdosing them I cant care less more of this world for me.

Legalise drugs and see what happens, if you die you die, its legal so its your own fault, Im sure prices will drop and the government could even make money off it through taxes. Fags kill eventually so why not other drugs.

Might help wipe out some of the less apreciated groups in society, which would be a plus :) like to make another point i'm not against people who take drugs because it never affects me, although a few weeks back some teens got off their faces got in a car and wrapped it round a tree, they all died. i wasn't sorry for them although the idea of them hitting someone else on the road did wory me alot. meh

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The effects:

* Getting 'stoned' on cannabis makes most users relaxed and talkative.

* Heightens the senses, especially when it comes to colours, taste, and music.

* Cooking and eating hash makes the effects more intense and harder to control.

* Can also leave people feeling tired and lacking energy.

* May bring on cravings for certain food.

The risks:

* Affects short-term memory and ability to concentrate well.

* Getting 'stoned' affects co-ordination, increasing the risk of accidents.

* Impairs driving skills, so never get in a car with someone who is stoned.

* It can make users paranoid and anxious, depending on their mood and situation.

* Smoking cannabis over a long period of time may increase the risk of respiratory disorders, including lung cancer.

* Many regular users find cannabis hard to quit.



Just so you can seperate the facts from the shit people make up and post.


The effects, the risks, the law.


E, pills, doves, XTC, disco biscuits, Bruce Lee's, echoes, hug drug, burgers, smarties, magic beans


Ecstasy is made up of a mixture of drugs, including a synthetic drug called MDMA, and is classed as a hallucinogenic amphetamine.

Usually white in colour, but comes in tablets of different shapes, and sizes. Different ecstasy tablets contain different amounts of MDMA, if any at all. This has a huge influence on the nature and strength of the effects.

The effects:

* Users take the drug to enhance feelings of empathy with other people and increase sensitivity to their surroundings.

* Sound, colour and emotions can seem much more intense.

* The energy buzz from ecstasy means users may dance for hours.

* These feelings tend to last three to six hours.

The risks:

* As the drug kicks in, users may experience an initial rush of nervousness, and uncertainty, a tightening of the jaw, increase heart rate, sweating, and nausea. This is sometimes known as 'coming up'.

* Some users have reported a bad experience on ecstasy, including feelings of paranoia and confusion.

* Much depends on the content of the drug and the user's state of mind at the time.

* Ecstasy effects the body's thermostat.

* Dancing for long periods in a hot pace such as a club increases the chances of users overheating and/or dehydrating (see below for advice).

* Taking ecstasy may leave women susceptible to cystitis and thrush.

* Men report difficulties in attaining an erection or orgasm while on ecstasy.

* After the effects have subsided, users can feel tired and depressed for days.

* There is some debate into to the long term psychological effects of ecstasy use, including links to possible brain damage.

Last point, Thos are pretty much worse case senarios, You can judge the scale yourself by reading about caffine, WHich is actually the most frequently taken DRUG in the world, Have that emo kids... your all druggies!


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The effects:

* Getting 'stoned' on cannabis makes most users relaxed and talkative.

Well if you count shouting at the screen that your yoshi is winning in mario kart talkative then yes

* Heightens the senses, especially when it comes to colours, taste, and music.

Hell yeah, bob marley comes out of the grave and does a personal gig for me when I toke

* Cooking and eating hash makes the effects more intense and harder to control.

Youve just gotta ride that shit out

* Can also leave people feeling tired and lacking energy.

I think we have covered this as being relaxed, who wants to go running after work anyway?

* May bring on cravings for certain food.

Well yeah, it also enhances food taste immensely

The risks:

* Affects short-term memory and ability to concentrate well.

Well its not like I need to remeber or concentrate in the evening

* Getting 'stoned' affects co-ordination, increasing the risk of accidents.

This is a bit of bollocks, it makes you slower yes or sometimes its fine depends on the intake

* Impairs driving skills, so never get in a car with someone who is stoned.

This also depends it can largely improve driving just dont toke in a car with a police car going past and dont hot box a car outside a police station :$

* It can make users paranoid and anxious, depending on their mood and situation.

What the f**k was that noise?

* Smoking cannabis over a long period of time may increase the risk of respiratory disorders, including lung cancer.

Not as bad as smoking cigarettes regualrly though

* Many regular users find cannabis hard to quit.

why would I want to quit?

The law in holland works extremely well, its all regulated and taxed and you can smoke the finest of hashish in comfort of knowing that you cant be arrested for it :)

pretty pointless post but most people who write these affects and risks havent got a clue

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They don't have 'a clue' to a social standard, yet they do have 'a clue' to the scientific effects. If you made a website with information on drugs for YOUNG people, you're not going to be putting 'yea mate, its shit hot' on it are you?

Yes, it might well be over the top, its called a scare tactic because thats sometimes the only thing that get through to some people. Anyone who say drugs are harmless (esp. cannibis) is talking out there arse.

But hey, what with your mass knowledge in drugs how dare I argue the point, we're all so impressed, well done there mate.

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I guess this is the right thread to ask. Sorry if it isn't.

But is the name munchies as in the sweets drug-related.

Always made me wonder.

The munchies is when you feel hungry, even when you eat. I've seen people eat masses of food, and still be hungry, eating anything put infront of them. This was from smoking cannabis.


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The munchies is when you feel hungry, even when you eat. I've seen people eat masses of food, and still be hungry, eating anything put infront of them. This was from smoking cannabis.


haha i know that shit, got a bit mashed last night and ate chips, potato wedges and sausages but i was still hungry lol. ended up falling asleep in an armchair

Good times, good times.


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Alexx - I wasn't talking about the whole hard drug trade, I was talking about the noticeable effects on the end user :)

I know full well that the drugs come from complete f**king animals!

That wasn't meant to sound nasty either, it just kinda did :)

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i know why the munchies happens - the tv told me ...

ganja eats up some fatty,sugary protein or other (can't remember the exact name) - your body then decides it wants some so you get hungry for snickers.

it's a bit of a catch22 really. eating sugar makes you less stoned so you have to smoke more, which means you have to eat more snickers and so on.

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munchies is just a craving for food of anytype.

Obviously, prohibition does not work, otherwise drugs wouldn't be a problem, the goverment are just to scared to admit that they lost the drug war.


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Diabetes has 2 types, yes, but both have high blood sugar. And if you are using insulin you can get hypoglycaemic (low blood sugar).

Hypoglycaemia can be easily sorted by eating a bit of glucose or anything sugary, there's no need to roll up.

Cannabis just makes you hungry. It acts on the brain to make you want sugary and fatty foods. I think the TV was wrong in this case.

Having said all that, apparently smoking weed can help diabetes in the long run by lowering blood sugar levels, if you can avoid eating when you get the munchies :D

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Alot of older tokers I know eat healthey munchies anyway - pasta's, snacka jacks :sick: and all sorts of healthey crap

there is also a chemical inside cannabis that can make you feel like youve got a full stomach this can happen like it did to me yesterday

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Hyperglycemia is when there is too much sugar (which I should have said) and hypoglycemia is where the sugar level is too low (hence the eppy pens of insuline).

Hyperglycemia is uncommon as most diabetics know their 'limits' as such and learn the knack for regulating it and usually feel it coming on.

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