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Work Experience

Alun Goch

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I'm on work experience for 6th form, July 10th - 14th, and basically I need to find somewhere.

It would be amazing for me to do it anywhere trials related, but preferably something other than just a shop, eg a factory, but I've no idea whats out there and where, so please, suggest anywhere relevant.

Obviously being close to home would help, but any suggestions are much appreciated. Bonus points for being close to ANGLESEY or MANCHESTER!

Preferably trials related and close to home, but anything is much appreciated, so thanks very much in advance.


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Please think carefully about what you want to do with your life befor going for something like working in a shop. What are your career plans etc, what do you want to end up doing etc.

I was planning on becoming an accountant, and spent my work experience in an accounting firm (only doing general office work) and got a good feal for what it would be like as an accountant, subsequently i decided it wasn't for me and so went along a different career path. This is one of the only oppotunities you will get to try out a career before you have to make big decesions about going to college/uni or getting a job and so any relevant experience, whilst confirming whether your current career thoughts are right or not, will also show up well on your CV.

The decisions up to you, but try to see past the fun of working on bikes all day, if you want to do that get a sat job in your local bike shop!!

EDIT: Just read that back, jesus i sound like an old fart!!

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^^^^^As said, I dont really want to do my work experience in a shop, I'm not just going to any any bike shop just because I ride a bike, sorry if it came accross like that. Ideally it'd be somewhere more to do with the designing and manufacturing side. Appologies if that wasn't clear, and no, you dont sound like an old fart!


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I was planning on becoming an accountant, and spent my work experience in an accounting firm (only doing general office work) and got a good feal for what it would be like as an accountant, subsequently i decided it wasn't for me

Same here, i found it to tedious..

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Could always try somewhere like Hope I guess? They do a lot of in-house stuff, so it'd be useful for you in that sense. I'm doubting your chances of getting anything other than that that'd be factory related; Leeson stuff sounds like it gets done on weekends or something (Clive has a full-time job?), not sure about Curtis... maybe Pashley?

I did mine at Supercycles, just as they were getting in loads of new bits and pieces and launching the first of the Levelboss-style T-Pros. It was amazing, and I had a super good time. I was supposed to be staying with Tart, but he had to drop out of that last minute, so Ian at Supercycles sorted me out. Stayed with him for the week, and just rode in to work with him in the mornings. Got to scope out their shop, their warehouse, interviewed all the people who worked there, got my proto frame, got a cut-price T-Lite frame on warranty, got to see Gilles Coustellier sign for Onza then play about on his new T-Lite on the shop floor's trials display bits, got to see how it's all run and so on - it was just a great time, coupled with a fun group ride in Nottingham on the Saturday. All in all though, it was really good. I wrote loads each day for it, and ended up with a big 'n' burly 40 page long document for my case study that I was doing that got me something like 96% or thereabouts. IT worked out really well, and I've been able to use that work placement in many different contexts in job applications and so on. More than that though, I had a great time, and it was super cool to see a new way of life, really. Ian and his wife were ridiculously friendly and I got to spend time at their place and with their friends, and just generally lived a different life for a week. I'm really glad I did it, and it goes to show that if you sort your shit out, you don't have to do some wanky work placement with a crappy place just because you decided to get your placement sorted the weekend before and they were all that was left.

But yeah, in case Ian reads this - many, many thanks :)

Note: Don't phone them asking to do a work placement there and stay at Ian's house or whatever, you could try a work placement I guess but I was in a really fortunate position with them at the time, so it probably wouldn't have happened otherwise. Worth a shot though, I guess. Raleigh might want a new temp employee at their new store there :P

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I stopped in bed for my work experience because a garage I was going with backed out at the last minute, so I had to stop in school...f**k.that.

Although I heard good things about the police if that floats you boat.

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I stopped in bed for my work experience because a garage I was going with backed out at the last minute, so I had to stop in school...f**k.that.

Although I heard good things about the police if that floats you boat.

Not all the police will take you on unfortuantly. Insurance and all that jazz.

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Not all the police will take you on unfortuantly. Insurance and all that jazz.

Jeeeeesus, politcal correctness bollocks. Police is a waste of time, i'd love to join and be a right bent copper, but they only set on every 4 years in Derbyshire, so obviously the que to join is somewhat massive.

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Yes please think about what you want to do when you leave school as i worked in a local bikeshop near me and it was kool and all but to be honest i dont want to do that when i leave school in 2 weeks so try and get a work experience placement for the type of job you want to do when you leave becuase me working in a bikeshop aint going to help me gain a job as a carpenter/joiner.


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If you want a design and engineering experience then try finding one at an engineering consultancy, that way you'll get a good idea about things. Also if its a large firm then there will be a variety of work that will give you a nice rounded experience.

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I've got mine soon .... i forgot all about it but the other day teachers goes " right people you have 1 more day to get you work experience forms in" I'm like :S:ermm: so i though hell with it. I'll just see what i get put in with, i wanted to do Carpentry few days later teacher gives me a form telling me i'll be doing carpentry :) Got lucky really but i should of sorted it out my self.

Some of my mates got the worse though. There doing stuff like working in play houses, corner shops.

If i was you i would do something that you want to do in the future like (Y)

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Thanks for all the sugestions, not decided yet but I'll let you know. A girl im really keen on is trying to get me to go with her to a primary school, I know I shouldn't go there just because she's there, but god it's tempting!


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andy what did you take at uni?

I'm in my final year of a mechanical engineering degree. I know i definately picked the right course in the end as its been really enjoyable overall. The thoery cuked a bit but doing a placement year really helped me see what i was workig towards, and the final two years have been a lot more practical project work which has been good fun.

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I'm in my final year of a mechanical engineering degree. I know i definately picked the right course in the end as its been really enjoyable overall. The thoery cuked a bit but doing a placement year really helped me see what i was workig towards, and the final two years have been a lot more practical project work which has been good fun.

do you have msn? i fancy a chat, that seems to be the avenue i intend to go down. and i reckon you could be a great help

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What ever you do dont let the school find your placement (N) i got stuck in spectrum electrical :S which was so unbelievably boring :sleeping: i literally stood around all day, and all i learnt from it was how to knock up a television stand in under ten seconds

Edited by mikehulltrials
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