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Local Elections

Michael Hardman

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All I can say is don't bother slagging off the goverment at all in the future as this is your chance to change somthing and your throwing it away :S

Someones seen the advert, lol.

Well, not much point in me voting...where I live its a battle between Labour and the BNP. BNP will no doubt win it and destory the place, OR, labour will get in and destory the place.

I don't really 'support' any party, so if I did vote the party with the most fun name would get it...hardly fair. So bollocks to it, lol, I don't really care. That rhymes with the times...read between the lines...watch me now! *robotic dances*

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i don't want to associate myself with any of the parties to be honest. If i don't agree with any of them why should i condone their actions. At least by me not voting, i can slate them off for being the shits they are without being a hypocrit.

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i don't want to associate myself with any of the parties to be honest. If i don't agree with any of them why should i condone their actions. At least by me not voting, i can slate them off for being the shits they are without being a hypocrit.

i know what you mean, its hard to actually want to like any of the parties-but thats the way its always been

at least try and use your vote for a party that you even slightly agree with, cos people cant be arsed to vote/cant see anything positive in a party, they are leaving the decision to the rest of the voters-then the non voters complain when somebody they dont like gets into power....stupid? i think so...

i think its pretty important to use your vote, and use it wisely, after studying politics for a-level (yeah i know sad isnt it?) you can see exactly why this country sucks so much :(

alternatively, dont vote and cry when a bunch of complete noobs get elected :P (when you could of had 3/4 noobs-every little helps)

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that's what loads of people say to me, if you don't vote you can't bitch?

well why not? if i bitch about all the parties before the elections, why can't i bitch about whoever gets elected?

i just think that once people are in power, they don't really give two shits. Their decisions don't effect them, they just effect people like me. Whatever decisions they make they are immune from the impact of them, they are still getting paid, they still have a job, they still live in a nice house and are pretty much immune from violence/rape/muggings/murder.

I just find it hard to trust people, i'm a cynic and i believe everyone has a bad side to them so why the hell would anyone really wanna help others, when it has no beneifit to themselves?

although please not, I'm not a bad person myself, and i try to help people out when i can, i don't flame people or shout abuse at them and i keep my thoughts to myself unless i'm asked for an opinion.

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I can't believe that people are making such a big deal of John Prescott sticking it in his diary lady person. If that's stopping people voting labour, they need to sort their shit out. Politics is *way* too much about personalities now, not policies.


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So many people is this country don't bother to vote, or just do whatever their friends are doing, and then they all whinge about Tony Blair. Fine, no one vote, but don't start wetting yourselves when we invade Iran...

As for John Prescott... why shouldn't he be allowed to do what everyone else does? As you say Mark, this is politics, not Heat magazine. FFS...

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i'm not voting simply because i don't know enough about politics to have a valid and fair opinion.

Same as.

I voted in the general election and the one that elects our local MP, so i would still say i have a right to complain about the government. I'm not voting this time because i have no idea who the candidates are (except one whos my uncle - but hes running for labour boo hiss) and there has been literally no campaigning other then a couple of leaflets in our door (both from different labour candidates :S). I would vote tory just because i dont like the labour party, but thats not a very sensible use of my vote anyway so im giving it a miss.

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**Might be a bit offtopic but i thought i'd post this anyway**

I'm a few years of voting and i don't want to seem like a smartarse or anything but i thought i should poke at the voting system anyway. like alot of you have said you havent been edducated properly about the partys running for election and i was wondering if anyone else agreed with an idea that me and a few friends came up with about only giving the vote to people with an understanding of the current issues etc, or would that be silly and have i made a tit of myself on the internet?

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All I can say is don't bother slagging off the goverment at all in the future as this is your chance to change somthing and your throwing it away :S

Well i'm too young to vote, which means i get to slag of the government without having to vote. :P

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I did my local vote since it was my first lol. Went up to the doors then these two old ladies asked if I was 18 ^_^ oh well. Any hoo I voted for thee Conservative mainly due to their advert on TV ;)

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only giving the vote to people with an understanding of the current issues etc, or would that be silly and have i made a tit of myself on the internet?

we discussed this in politics, and it just wouldnt work-it cant happen

why not? well it goes against your human rights-freedom of speech and all that-equal rights prevent it

certain people cant vote, say mental patients and dudes in prison-for obvious reasons

your idea would mean bugger all people would qualify to vote, cos realistically few people seem to really vote for the party policies, more for the heat magazine style image thing

part of the reason blair got in over major back in the 90s was cos he was younger, brighter and, well, just had a decent image-compared to major who was boring, hadnt really done anything special whilst in power (i think his most radical thing was setting up a call centre for lost traffic cones-i kid you not) and his party was full of sleeze

anyway im kinda drifting here, how can you prove who is capable of undestanding politics? the majority who really do, are involved in politics in a way that would lead to corruption and a loss of democracy(i miss that word, we used it all the time)

argh im shit at explaining things, it just wont work :( best thing they could do is change the voting system, cos the curent one doesnt work that well

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we discussed this in politics, and it just wouldnt work-it cant happen

why not? well it goes against your human rights-freedom of speech and all that-equal rights prevent it

certain people cant vote, say mental patients and dudes in prison-for obvious reasons

your idea would mean bugger all people would qualify to vote, cos realistically few people seem to really vote for the party policies, more for the heat magazine style image thing

part of the reason blair got in over major back in the 90s was cos he was younger, brighter and, well, just had a decent image-compared to major who was boring, hadnt really done anything special whilst in power (i think his most radical thing was setting up a call centre for lost traffic cones-i kid you not) and his party was full of sleeze

anyway im kinda drifting here, how can you prove who is capable of undestanding politics? the majority who really do, are involved in politics in a way that would lead to corruption and a loss of democracy(i miss that word, we used it all the time)

argh im shit at explaining things, it just wont work :( best thing they could do is change the voting system, cos the curent one doesnt work that well

There was talk, im told, of making voting compulsory, not sure how that would be enforced. Either version is pretty useless, everyone should have a choice to vote regardless of whether they know anything about politics or not, however you dont want a situation where people who dont want to vote are forced to.

How do you mean change the voting system, I remember at the last general election there was talk of text voting and such, however such methods are open to fraud, look at postal votes, a bunch of labour supporters were caught in birmingham opening other peoples postal votes and filling them in!

Or are you on about proporsional representation?

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I wasnt going to vote as I was playing a very important game of ssx tricky, but my dad made me go :(

I voted green party as I like the colour and the box was at the bottom of the page so I didnt have to lift my arm as far.

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I'd have thought the main problem of choosing who you were going to allow to vote would be the huge potential for voting fraud, and for political parties stopping certain people voting or certain types of person, guarantying them a win? Same way how in America, the Bush administration raped a load of ballot papers in certain states where they knew they'd lose, or added names to the "not allowed to vote" list (i.e. criminals, etc.) when they shouldn't have been there.

However, the main thing is just that it's everyone's country, so everyone should have a say. Saying "You don't know much about this, blah blah blah" is effectively stopping people having a say in the direction of their life, no matter how small. Equally, with the amount of shadiness going on in politics and the revelations about, say, them freeing 1,000 dangerous criminals from foreign countries without tracking them or whatever, that even "experts" don't really know what's going on.

On the plus side, if people don't know much about it all and just go from what they read in The Sun or whatever, it means the politicians have to work harder because they know that people aren't going to fully read into all their policies, so they have to make an effort to make sure they don't slip up so they don't get caught out by tabloids or whatever, if you see what I mean?

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I'm fast moving away from the idea of democracy and shalln't be voting.

If I were were happy with democracy though I think I would choose the Green Party as their views are most alligned to mine.

I think our political structure should be moving towards one of anarchism. This is the point where people start to realise themselves as free-thinking individuals non-reliant on rigid lines of thought that are predominantly set by minority structures with self-interest.

Do any of you think about the fact you are born into an unvoluntary association with our "state" and it's rule?

How free thinking do you think you all are by the way? Do you ever consider the boundaries of what's acceptable to question? What are your reactions to questions and ideas like if I were to say I don't believe in a legal justice system, in punishment and prison, what would you say to me?

Sorry for going off on a tangent I'm just highly interested in opinions.

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What the hell! you don't vote!

All I can say is don't bother slagging off the goverment at all in the future as this is your chance to change somthing and your throwing it away :S

Whats the point voting for a party that just lies, have you heard them in the commons grown menand women slagging each other off with big words, no different than a bully at a school.

There was talk, im told, of making voting compulsory, not sure how that would be enforced. Either version is pretty useless, everyone should have a choice to vote regardless of whether they know anything about politics or not, however you dont want a situation where people who dont want to vote are forced to.

How do you mean change the voting system, I remember at the last general election there was talk of text voting and such, however such methods are open to fraud, look at postal votes, a bunch of labour supporters were caught in birmingham opening other peoples postal votes and filling them in!

Or are you on about proporsional representation?

Big fines or jail time I guess.

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Whats the point voting for a party that just lies, have you heard them in the commons grown menand women slagging each other off with big words, no different than a bully at a school.

Yep i've got the polotics channel :P they all lie you've just got to pick the one which you think will be the best for you and your comunity. Just makes me lasugh the amount of people in the country today who slag off the goverment and the way this country is but when it comes to voting then just shruge their shoulders and say whats the point!

Hardly a positive atittude to promote change for such critical people.

Ohwell it's there choice i guess :P

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Yep i've got the polotics channel :P they all lie you've just got to pick the one which you think will be the best for you and your comunity. Just makes me lasugh the amount of people in the country today who slag off the goverment and the way this country is but when it comes to voting then just shruge their shoulders and say whats the point!

Hardly a positive atittude to promote change for such critical people.

Ohwell it's there choice i guess :P

Well all I can say is the politicians only have theirselves to blame, if they didnt spend half their time slagging each other off and doing somethignt o actually make a difference then it may be worth voting.

Education have improved to a degree but there will always be a divide. Health seems to have gone down the pan dispite all the mmoney spent on it, if it wa sspent on it. The list goes on.

Theres too mcuh beuraracy in this country and it costs the tax payer.

Local governemtns need more power to make up and implement their own policies for their area as the current method of getting approval form central government is crap as the two views and ideas have to match otherwise theres no funding.

This country has far from a democratic government, brides, moneys, sex, cash for food and oil and other stuff Im guessing, I bet theres more were not being told.

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