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If You Were Sponsored


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If you were sponsored by a manufacturer or whatever, would you blatently/deliberatley diss/slag off other product's manufactured by competitors?

What is the likely outcome for such behaviour? Personally, whoever is doing the 'that's a shit product, ours are better' is actually destroying any hope they had of me buying their gear.

I just think that a good product should speak for itself when used correctly, those sponsored riders are there to show the capabilities of the product's they are using, if they are not getting any more money for slagging off others, why do it? (Not that getting money is an excuse anyway)

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I'd go for the Savage route, keeping quiet and helping out with regards to information on Products when I can. Getting into arguments over the internet with people is plain silly as it does nothing for your reputation nor the company you're supposed to be representing.

Let the products and riding speak for themselves (Y)

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  Raub said:

I'd go for the Savage route, keeping quiet and helping out with regards to information on Products when I can. Getting into arguments over the internet with people is plain silly as it does nothing for your reputation nor the company you're supposed to be representing.

Let the products and riding speak for themselves (Y)

I agree, however have noticed quite a few people on here who when asked what frame they'd ride, would always suggest a particular brand - through their full range - which they are sponsored by. It's a bit annoying people plugging their own stuff all the time.

There's a couple of good examples on here but I won't delve into an argument.

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I like to big up ashton when I can, but I wont slag off other companies for no reason......I still like leesons, iolos, echos purs, some koxx etc

if I slag somthing off its because I personally dont like it, not just to get people onto an ashton

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  mat hudson said:

because their sponders treat them better if they promote the goods better.

The point im making is that by slagging off other companies, they are letting themselves, and their sponsor down because they are not promoting the good, they are de-moting others in an effort to make their's seem better.

I have nothing against people posting their opinions and more importantly their experiances, but when, say for example, a sponsored rider has a presence on the forum, and constantly says their componies gear is the best, and that everything else is a copy or of much lesser quality, it does tend to get a bit tiring and what they say had much less of an impact on me.

I think raub has got my thought's in his post....

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However, what i've also found is that people can't give their honest opinion on something, where in the rare case, it is actually what they like best if they are sponsored by the manafacturer or not.

There is always two sides, but i must admit, these cases are rare. :P

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Nope, never slag other products. I'm not sponsored but have a fairly close relationship with a mtb frame manufacturer, and as soon as they released their new full sus 4X frame I got it really cheap (like a quater of the price). In return I was to give them some feedback and promote their frame. So if somebody asks me what frame I recommend, of course I'll recommend the one they have given to me but indeed it is an exceptional design, so by promoting it I'm somewhat justified.

I won't go around telling people "don't get a Nicolai, get XXX" just because I owe the manufacturer something in return. Just say "get what I ride, it's great".

The behaviour you mentioned is just stupid.

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I wouldn't go around slagging off other companies products. With the same idea as Ali C, if i ddentthink a product works all that well then I will say so.

Thing is, perception of "sponsored persons" attitude is created by what all the little bummers say. If one makes a comment saying;

"your just saying that because you ride for x,y,z company"

then all the arseholes come out giving it what for, when in actual fact the person probably is just giving advice on what they feel is right. For example, i rridefor adamant and heatsink (also tartybikes but they aain'ta company)

SO........i ride their products. So if I big them up its because i think they work. I ddentride an ashton so i cant comment, but towler had an ashton back in the day mk1, and it was balls, it rode shit, so to me MK1 ashton is crap. However at the moment there are certain deng products i have on my bike that i would like to change and sort out, and at the moment (to me) coust-sinks and heatsink red pads are among the best available.

Of course im not going to come on the forum and slag off adamant/deng products/heatsink components instead i will go to said sponsor and say "this isnt working, we need to work on this etc etc" and when its working right i will tell the forum how well the bits are working.

meh, good topic, kinda got my brain working :S.

To finish, no i wouldn't slate other companies products to get them to buy mine. Instead i let people ride my bike / watch my videos and hope that this instead entices them to buy said companies components. Id rather give advice and let people on my bike than slag other companies off, because its pointless :)

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  ben@hulltrials said:

So if I big them up its because i think they work.


I think everybody is entitled to their opinion , and the fact that we're talking about Waynio is quite obvious, but at the end of the day, he is an amazing rider, and what works for him, should work for us , we don't necessarily have to agree with him, but I think we should take on board alot of the things he says :)

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in all honesty Id probably be a crap sponsor. If people asked me "does your company sell this" instead suggesting an alternative my company sell Id just say "na but this company sells them and they're prettty good too (Y) "

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the a fine line between promoting your own company and products and slagging off others.

i know i have in the past said that my frame rides better than others but never said thats s**t dont get one of them i have merely stated and opinion.

MJCycles.com :D :D lol

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When I was sponered I did hype up the products that I rode for, but I didnt slag anyone else off.

I didnt care what anyone thought about it, if I liked something, even over my sponers, thats what I would say.

I cant comment on 90% of trials parts, as I havent riden alot of it.

now everything is gay

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Waynio's not the only one, he might be on this board, but not the only one by any stretch.

Good rider, good guy who seems to be doing his bit for the sport and all that, I didn't mention names because I wasn't referring to him specifically, but to those who behave as above.

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well one of the main points in companies sponsoring people is to big up their products, but i can think of one or two riders that are actually sponsored somehow and dont actually let the products do the talking, i know plenty of people who shouold be sponsored but arnt, people just put their points across in different ways.

personally id be a crap sponsored rider as i would end up saying 'oh well x company does this better' etc etc.

in my opinion the best way to get a products quality across is to have someone beat the living daylights out of it and show everybody what its made of (Y) , not fill us up with technical crap that everybody gets bored with, i want to see things in action, not be blubbered with theories and facts.

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depends how much shit the company sponsoring me gave me lol, ill bash parts i think are shit, but i dont tend to bash parts ive never use or had experaiance with, cept 06 echo rims its just common knowledge they suck :P

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  Raub said:

Let the products and riding speak for themselves (Y)

Amen to that... Whenever someone asks me about a product from Cleanbikes or Secndlayer i would never lie. Tell them pro's and con's of the product. Even Barbara and Craig told me not to lie about products. (Y) Not that i would anyway :P .



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iv ridden more than what you lot have seen simple as that.

if you notice i dont ALWAYS plug the same thing ;) for example the XTP copy thread on the onza thing. i quoted the headset was worth more than the frame, where did i say "buy a koxx???" or koxx is better than that??? see???


funny that isnt it. il let my riding do the talking, take fort william for example there was me savage,ben travis,watson and another dude on a belaey. we all had fun and enjoyed ourselves people got to SEE what we were doing and who we rode for. no petty shit like on here. its not the bike that makes the rider but doing something big on a bike makes some people buy that bike for that reason. for example:

Nick Carter uglyiest person you will meet!!! bought a zoo python cos he thought he would get as good as CLS simple answer to simple questions boys. do you love me now???? but please go back and read the thread on the zone XTP thing you will enjoy it (Y) i did not advise or say anything about koxx. youve got to love forums hey????

it was mike poyzer who took the bit by the teeth ;)


the REAL people who know me know who i am and what im about. the people from the weekend in fort william will tell you. so argue away, i dont need to reply. i promote KOXX.CO.UK and YAABAA.COM i can do this as they pay for advertising on here.i only advise it when it is asked about. you dont have to take all the advise you are given, but if you ask for it dont moan when you get it.

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  Waynio said:


iv ridden more than what you lot have seen simple as that.

if you notice i dont ALWAYS plug the same thing ;) for example the XTP copy thread on the onza thing. i quoted the headset was worth more than the frame, where did i say "buy a koxx???" or koxx is better than that??? see???


funny that isnt it. il let my riding do the talking, take fort william for example there was me savage,ben travis,watson and another dude on a belaey. we all had fun and enjoyed ourselves people got to SEE what we were doing and who we rode for. no petty shit like on here. its not the bike that makes the rider but doing something big on a bike makes some people buy that bike for that reason. for example:

Nick Carter uglyiest person you will meet!!! bought a zoo python cos he thought he would get as good as CLS simple answer to simple questions boys. do you love me now???? but please go back and read the thread on the zone XTP thing you will enjoy it (Y) i did not advise or say anything about koxx. youve got to love forums hey????

it was mike poyzer who took the bit by the teeth ;)


the REAL people who know me know who i am and what im about. the people from the weekend in fort william will tell you. so argue away, i dont need to reply. i promote KOXX.CO.UK and YAABAA.COM i can do this as they pay for advertising on here.i only advise it when it is asked about. you dont have to take all the advise you are given, but if you ask for it dont moan when you get it.

at the end of the day that is what they are paying you to do so you have to do it to an extent.

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To be honest, I really couldn't give a shit. If someone wants to advise I get a Monty or whatever and slag other bikes off, wheres the problem in that?...if someone comes up to you and says 'get my product, the rest are shit' then you're stupid if you listen to them.

Everyone does it, sponsered or not. Go look in the NMC, how many tops are 'get ____', f**king hundreds. Its not the fact they're sponsered, its the fact that they think they know best because they've been riding for X amount of years.

If anyone suggests to me on what to buy, I just won't listen, simple as. If I want it, I'll get it, I couldn't give a toss what a Monty rides like, if I want one, I'll get one.

'This frame is good' is 100% OPINION, theres no fact in it, meaning its your choice if you listen.

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anzo dont mean to be picky but as an example, if you want one JUST cos of "X" then your buying it for the wrong reason?? if you were in the shop i work in and i was selling the correct size bike to you BUT you bought the wrong size??? :S weird but, like my example, nick carter literally bought a python on CLS riding one ;) didnt make him any good, so he sold it, and bought a camera to go trains potting instead, you dont have to be any good at taking pictures to become a train spotter.


Zoo have it pretty good on the reason that they have tunni n CLS. koxx on the other hand, if you have had time to leave england to many other countries, you will see a big difference ;) NO echo/zoo in france pretty much. but hey its the way the cookie crumbles. i like my riding, i enjoy riding for a company and a person that treats me with up most respect and does for me all the best possible things, therefore a bit of banter on here towards me i dont care, i will put my opinions and views across. you dont have to take or listen to them. but to people who do and have purchased products i have advised and been happy, thats all well. for some southerner or what ever on here not to listen to me, do you think im going to go into my room and slit my wrists???i dont sulk, moan or cry when people dont listen or if i dont get my own way. i ENJOY myself live to ride and ride to live. make friends have good times and keep smiling.

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  Waynio said:

anzo dont mean to be picky but as an example, if you want one JUST cos of "X" then your buying it for the wrong reason?? if you were in the shop i work in and i was selling the correct size bike to you BUT you bought the wrong size??? :S weird but, like my example, nick carter literally bought a python on CLS riding one ;) didnt make him any good, so he sold it, and bought a camera to go trains potting instead, you dont have to be any good at taking pictures to become a train spotter.

I suppose its mostly because I'm too shit to be a 'picky rider'. I suppose my example was a bit vague, but when it was suggesting was that I'm sick of 12 year olds telling me what pads to get with no good logic behind anything.

They come along with the 'Yeah, get Koxx browns because I've got them', you ask why they advise them, and they reply 'because they're better than zoo! pads'.

I wouldn't mind someone advising me a frame IF they explained the reason behind it. You seem like a intelligent guy and you have the experience to guide someone properly. But that is just a valid agument. Its not throwing opinions in someones face, which it seems is what was meant by this thread?

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  Waynio said:

anzo dont mean to be picky but as an example, if you want one JUST cos of "X" then your buying it for the wrong reason?? if you were in the shop i work in and i was selling the correct size bike to you BUT you bought the wrong size??? :S weird but, like my example, nick carter literally bought a python on CLS riding one ;) didnt make him any good, so he sold it, and bought a camera to go trains potting instead, you dont have to be any good at taking pictures to become a train spotter.


Zoo have it pretty good on the reason that they have tunni n CLS. koxx on the other hand, if you have had time to leave england to many other countries, you will see a big difference ;) NO echo/zoo in france pretty much. but hey its the way the cookie crumbles. i like my riding, i enjoy riding for a company and a person that treats me with up most respect and does for me all the best possible things, therefore a bit of banter on here towards me i dont care, i will put my opinions and views across. you dont have to take or listen to them. but to people who do and have purchased products i have advised and been happy, thats all well. for some southerner or what ever on here not to listen to me, do you think im going to go into my room and slit my wrists???i dont sulk, moan or cry when people dont listen or if i dont get my own way. i ENJOY myself live to ride and ride to live. make friends have good times and keep smiling.

i found the end of that post very emotional. your heart was in that one. haha.

but anyway i know what you mean. really there is nothing you can say against koxx to be honest. people may say prices are high but they have a world class team to pay.

i think that people may buy a koxx because waynio rides one as they do with zoos because cls and Tunni ride them.

i dont see anything wrong with waynio 'helping' koxx uk to sell parts. that is what they have sponsored him for...to promote the company.

so even if waynio says that a koxx is better than a zoo(for example) then who cares. what difference does it make? you all have a brain. buy the stuff you want to buy because you like it.

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