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I Used To Believe...


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What did you used to believe when you were little? Alsorts of beliefs about things such as sex, religion, growing up, money, famous people, the human body...assorts.

To start us off,

When I was about 8 years old, me and my neighbour were at his house and we were playing with a telescope and looking out of his bedroom window with it.

If I look out of his window, its just fields and fields of nothingness, but theres a pub, right on the horizon. We looked at the pub through the telescope and were convinced we saw a yellow and black sign saying 'Warning: Aliens'. We paniced and hid...but later that day we built up our courage to take another look, we saw the sign again and looked around a bit more.

Using lego, we built a little 'wall' and if we held it up to the window, the light would shine through the cracks and it was a map to the aliens.

So...we packed up some food and drinks, and went off on our quest for the aliens...we got about as far as the park behind our houses...we were 8 and not allowed to go very far. We still laugh about it to this day, and we were seriously convinced about it. I think its a bit of a shame that we have to grow up and apply logic to things now, nothings as fun.

So post away your childhood thoughts...

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- Counting to a hundred: 1,2...34, 35, 36, 100

- You can pause a programme you're watching on tv.

- God doesn't exist (I believe in that ever since the 1st day I went to church).

- America is below Europe

- When you eat, a chemical reaction takes place in your stomach, similar to the examples we were shown on chemistry classes (ie. burning magnesium, sodium running around on water etc)

- A human has a limited amount of tears, so one had better not cry or all the tears will disappear.

- If you swear, your parents will clean your mouth with special soap.

This was before I left england so I must have been under 7.

Still none of this is as good as seeing an alien sign through a telescope and building a wall out of lego :P Made me laugh ^_^

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AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Dynamite! Now that one is proper funny, and this was at the age of 16?

Just wondering how you never knew what they were before :-

That Aliens one is proper funny as well.

I used to believe that cats could stick to anything they wanted, i mean when you see a cat run up a straight wall or a fence it makes you think they have some sort of super natural ability,

It turns out that cat's CANNOT walk on the ceiling upside down :-

stu (Y)

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AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Dynamite! Now that one is proper funny, and this was at the age of 16?

Just wondering how you never knew what they were before :-

T'was a joke :) It was actually about 8 or 9.

I was a very imaginative child to say the least.

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when i was about 5/6 some big lad said that iff i told my mum to f**k off she would buy me a present lol

all i got was a smacked arse :(

This simple lad in school (this was Year 11) he used to walk the same way home as me and a few mates. So, one mate went up to him and said 'Andrew, go ask some woman for a rub...a rub means money'...so off he runs off to this woman (loads of mums going to get they're kids from school and stuff) and goes up to this woman and says 'excuse me, will you give me a rub?'...she told him what she thought.

Although, eventually all shit hits the fan. He ended up telling his mum who phoned up the school, we all got bollocked, but it was well worth it.

Another time my mate got a crisp packet, turned it inside out and folded it to a knife shape and chased him with it...he was crying and screaming, poor sod...ah well.

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lol i used to find the word fanny so funny for obvious reasons, mainly due to a girl i knew up the road,

anyway my mum always used to read us stories and one enid blyton book had a character named fanny and i used to laugh hysterically for 10 minutes easily.

I also used to believe man eating plants lived under my bed, and i couldn't sleep next to the wall becasue that's where they'd come up.

And i remember my mate used to think girls took a piss thorugh the 'same hole' as they went for a shit, hahaha this was like year 11 too. HAHAHA! he even said it out loud in a science lesson.

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I also used to believe man eating plants lived under my bed, and i couldn't sleep next to the wall becasue that's where they'd come up.

I had that one, but a man in my cupboard. all because one night I couldnt sleep, and the door on my cupboard just opened up on its own. I almost shat myself.

Anyway, I finally got over this when my dad took me into my room in the dark (not what you think) and then opened the cupboard and proved there was nothing in it...thanks dad!

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when id sleep id have to keep my feet hands and ears under the quilt as i thought e.t would take them, that film seriously f**ked me up as a kid.

i used to think my elbow was muscle and id walk round telling people to touch my muscle.

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i used to believe thunder n lightning could come through the window and kill me, when there was a storm i would hide under my bed with my pillow over my head to try n drown out the noise. Nowadays i stay in bed with the pillow over my head


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I could never sleep with my legs stretched out, I always thought there was something at the end of my bed :(


I was similar, i was scared to hang my arms of the side of the bed when i was asleep, thought they would be pulled of.

Edited by Jules
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I had a thing where i had loads of boxes and it had to swing doors covering it, and at night i was obsessed i was going to get attacked by a monster.

Also the first time i watched the trueman show, i was a bit weird for a while. Especially in front of mirrors and stuff.

Other than that my younger years were amazing.

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I used to think ginger was normal

oh dear :P

- I used to think wheelieng was impossible

- I never understood how the tide rose and fell

- I used to think that pre 1980's the world was grey :$ :( I even remember asking why

- I thought I was adopted because Im so different to my brothers I can't see how we can be from the same family lol

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My mums/sisters tampax = convinced it way dynomite and she was planning to blow the house up. I was about, well, 16 or so.

There was a chapter in my young life when my mom was trying to explain what a tampax was. I think she told me it was a nose cleaner and I will be able to use it when I'm older and have larger nostrils.

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