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I have Savo (after the footballer Savo Milosevic because i couldn't shoot for shit)

Kidney Bean (some random bloke called it me and the name just stuck)

Bean (evolved from above)

Kes (mainly from my toes are a funny shape and they look like talons)

D'wason Le Rouge ( because my name is Jason and my old mate combined it with Pouason (sp) Le Rouge which is french for goldfish)

Edited by Jay Jay
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ginger b*****d

ginger pupes

Ginger Minge?

anyway, I get called 'Tolley' or 'Matty'...

Tolley - my surname, creative. About everyone I know calls me it.

Matty - Girls call me Matty because its 'cute'...what a load of shit. Anyway, if anyone calls me Matthew, rest assure that you won't be seeing your family again.

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Alun muff muff,


the muffin man,


I had big ginger (well auburn really :P ) hair for a while, sortof affro. Muffin related names where by little chav kids, mainly girls, who used to follow me around saying how stupid I was on a bike with no seat. Oh what I'd give for them to be male and my age...


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My Surname is Montague, so it's been MONTY, or MONT since primary school....

For a spell in Senior school ONE friend of mine called me 'CENTER PARTING WEINER LICK' (he made up songs and everything! lol) because ONE DAY in like, year 7, i tried to centre part my hair like Ian Walker (the legendary goalkeeper of spurs...)


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