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Thank God For 9/11? Thank God For Aids?


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A bit self condidictory isn't it? She's all about following God's word and comandment number 1. Thou shalt not kill. That means, every death due to purposeful murder from another human is illicit and doesn't really count as part of God's plan. By that, that means no one in the twin towers deserved to die. Which means she is supporting murder "and is herself a sinner of the lord" /black priest voice from The Blues Brothers

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If you're in the Army and you're told to go to war, you go to war or spend some years in prison. So I'd say that anyone who died in the war deserved to go down is unfair.

I'd say your half right, half wrong.

I'm gonna cast a huge unfounded generalisation here, from what I can see, there would be 3 types of soldier fighting over there.

First, the people who joined the army not realising they'd have to fight in a war they dont agree with, who grudgingly go along with it so they dont end up in jail. Probably not that many soldiers out there with this opinion.. but I wouldnt say they 'deserve' to die.

Secondly, people who signed up who are just too stupid/under educated/brain washed/closed minded to realise what they're doing is wrong. Probably covers most of the soldiers over there. Pity on them if they get killed, but if you go fighting in a war, you should be prepared to die.

Thirdly, people who signed up to the army to get kicks out of killing some people. If they get killed, great. One less idiot in the world.

Either way, all parties of that video have something to be ashamed of.

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i Really would not think twice about making her "bite the curb"

f**king horse

if any of them were at one of my friends/relatives funerals i would not be able to control my self !

after ruining her life on earth through her own stupidity she'll have ruined anything after it anyway.


Besides How the f**k did she know who was in the twin towers, it could have been jesus bloody christ ressurected !

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i Really would not think twice about making her "bite the curb"

f**king horse

if any of them were at one of my friends/relatives funerals i would not be able to control my self !

after ruining her life on earth through her own stupidity she'll have ruined anything after it anyway.


Besides How the f**k did she know who was in the twin towers, it could have been jesus bloody christ ressurected !

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I hope they die.

Agreed. I mean what if we went into her house and got every member of her family and killed them all wit ha butter knife then shaved her head and beat the shit into her so she just survived. I bet she wouldn’t like that now would she. I emailed her telling her what I thought. I would love to touchier her. I think she thinks she could kill someone and try to get away with it by saying god told me to. Silly cow rot in hell. Ahh I fell better now.

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God hates you, he told me not to tell you though so keep it quiet.

Message sent. :lol:

I've never actually wanted to punch a woman sooo much in all my life.

They're intitled to their opinion of corse, but to do it near funerals is sickening.

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If Americans want to go to Iraq and fight a war against a group of people almost entirely incapeable of defending themselves then they are even more stupid than most people think if they think they can do it and not take flak from other people. That woman was taking it too far, but the newsreader and the other guy who came up were as much f**king idiots as she was. The war in Iraq is illegal, is based on greed and hatred, and anyone who dies for that f**king well deserves to go down.


I respect your right to speak your mind but what you're saying is almost as narrow-minded as the retards in that video. I personally am in the Army and feel both you and those protesters need to be beaten with a stick. I signed up to defend my country and to defend the constitution. I accept the fact that I have a great possibility of dying. However, where I fight and who I fight is ultimately not my decision and to sit there and say that I deserve to die is disrepectful; and you say Americans are assholes.

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I'd like to apologise for my comments I posted up last night. I was kind of drunk and felt like having a go. I did make a major generaliseation as Danny pointed out in that most American troops are look upon as being all gung-Ho Lets go kill us some of them Arab f**kers, and I think I'll just agree with how Danny put it that all of the people in that video were bad people or had something to be ashamed of.

And Dave (Marshall): WOW..... Thats the first time I've heard you swearing or being nasty..... :blink:


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I just e-mailed them with this.

I have seen one of your videos recently in which you say "thank god for 9/11" you say that the 9/11 incident was the rath of god and all the people deserved to die. A bit self condidictory isn't it? Your all about following God's word and comandment number 1. Thou shalt not kill. That means, every death due to purposeful murder from another human is illicit and doesn't really count as part of God's plan. By that, that means no one in the twin towers deserved to die. Which means you are supporting murder "and is herself a sinner of the lord".

Plus does the fact that you have barely any followers perhaps suggest to you that nobody cares? You said in your video that you have just under a hundred followers yet about 80 of them are you're own family. This speaks for itself i think, and to protest outside of funerals is just completely insensitive. The families are having enough heartache as it is with the loss of their loved one they don't need you there saying they deserved it. So what if you beleive they deserved to die, does the bible not also say "do unto others as you would have done upon yourself"? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't go and make a scene at your friends/relatives funeral so what gives you the right to be so insensitive and try to release your hatred.. which i think again is another sin is it not, if nothing else it leads to the dark side so it has to be bad.

I take it you think incest is bad as well, so when god put adam and eve on the earth how do you think they populated it with the amount of people that are here today? They had children, then who did these children have children with? Thats it, you guessed it. EACH OTHER!

I tried to keep it as polite as i could without getting wound up about the stuff they say. I hope i got it all correct as well because i've never read the bible. I also used manxtrailzspaz's post in there to so i thought i'd give him a mention.

I wonder what they'll say? :blink:

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The first thing they'll point out is that you got the first commandment wrong.

The first commandment reads: I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

I think you're referring to the sixth commandment: Thou shalt not kill.

Interestingly, if the commandments are written in order of importance, the the first one contradicts everything and is what these people use as an excuse: 'I did it in the name of God because I must put nothing else before God.'

Other than that, a well thought out reply. (Y)


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"there is no innocent people"

Yeah right.

The doctrine of originla sin, look it up some time, f**king crazy.

The first thing they'll point out is that you got the first commandment wrong.

The first commandment reads: I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

I think you're referring to the sixth commandment: Thou shalt not kill.

Interestingly, if the commandments are written in order of importance, the the first one contradicts everything and is what these people use as an excuse: 'I did it in the name of God because I must put nothing else before God.'

Other than that, a well thought out reply. (Y)


Right, well I'm jewish and we see it a bit differently, the first 4 commandments are to do with man and G-d, but the last 6 are between man and man, so theres more of them they're more important, right?

Now, anyone who says that murder in the name of the lord is permissible is blaspheming, it does not anywhere in the torah say that killing is forbidden, but the commandment is "Thou shalt not murder".

The commandments to do with g-d are first because if you won't obey what He says you have to do about Him why would you do what He says about other humans.

What you have to remember is that there are sick evil twisted people in this world, they will use religion as an excuse. Religion in the true sense of the word is just a code of laws which one must adhere to for a decent society to exist.

I'll at this point draw attention to the fact that embarassing someone is like killing them 7 times, if that means that the laws between man and man are unimportant then I'm a fish. It shows how important feelings are and that people like that who damage the feelings of others are not true to their supposed "faith".

I'm sorry if I rambled a bit, but not having a good day. :-

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Well basically in theory they are the same, the torah is essentially the old testament, but they differ slightly. Not least because of translation.

Hebrew as a language doesn't translate well e.g. "thou shalt not murder" is 2 words in hebrew as opposed to 4 in english. Also many translations are innacurate, the wrong verb may be used, or in some cases the right verb may not even exist.

There are other differences, such as those of interpretation, and the order of things, for example the ten commandments.

However in judasim there are literally thousands of commentaries, on an A4 page you would have a business card sized area of torah and the rest would be commentary. People spend days arguing about the meaning of a single word, as a purely intellectual exercise. It's very different to christianity, everything is questioned and questioned again and no interpretation is infallible.

It's hard to understand, if you wanna ask more add me. (Y)

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The first thing they'll point out is that you got the first commandment wrong.

The first commandment reads: I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

I think you're referring to the sixth commandment: Thou shalt not kill.

Yeh, I knew it was down there somehwere...just didn't know where...Anyways, if they have to use that as an excuse for doing what they do, they don't really beleieve in themselves do they?

Sorta OT: Who thinks their relgion is like the Nazi party and started at member 50? Which leaves the remaining ~30, who think the family members have joined as a 'pity' member?

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