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Thank God For 9/11? Thank God For Aids?


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thought it was very funny actually, the fact that he said bullshit on TV as a news reader!

Its mad how people are, although i don't personally get offended, i do appreciate the absurdness of their mindsets.


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For some interesting reading, check out their website HERE.

To quote their website: 'JESUS CHRIST DIED ONLY FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE' - so basically, they shouldn't give a f**k that we don't give a f**k. If 'Jesus' died only for people that believe in him, then those that don't believe obviously don't care, which means we don't give two f**ks about 'God's wrath' - that should mean they need to shut up right?

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right here we go, im going to try and be as impartial as i can.

and for the love of all that is worth living for dont make it another religious debate.

to have the right of free speech, you've got to accept the fact that people will say things that offend you.

she isn't doing anything wrong so to speak, you may not agree with her. however she has every right to say it.

technically parading outside a funeral isn't illegal, just highly f**king insensitive.

i object to that. however we can go to her funeral and dance around like pricks should we please.

what they've done is no different to any exteremists ( i use the term loosely ). taken the words of a text and manipulated them to suit their needs. like hitler to nicher. and the guy who shot john lennon.

it's just a matter of belief and interpretation.

and its all well and good, you saying 'i hope they die', you could just say, i dissagree.

you never know she could be right, there may well be a god, he may well hate cripples and fags. who knows?

its like any religious debate , it becomes one mans word against anothers, based on blind faith.

so i doubt this is really worth worrying about in the grand scheme of things

there are much worse things that have come out of america.....

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If Americans want to go to Iraq and fight a war against a group of people almost entirely incapeable of defending themselves then they are even more stupid than most people think if they think they can do it and not take flak from other people. That woman was taking it too far, but the newsreader and the other guy who came up were as much f**king idiots as she was. The war in Iraq is illegal, is based on greed and hatred, and anyone who dies for that f**king well deserves to go down.


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If Americans want to go to Iraq and fight a war against a group of people almost entirely incapeable of defending themselves then they are even more stupid than most people think if they think they can do it and not take flak from other people. That woman was taking it too far, but the newsreader and the other guy who came up were as much f**king idiots as she was. The war in Iraq is illegal, is based on greed and hatred, and anyone who dies for that f**king well deserves to go down.


If you're in the Army and you're told to go to war, you go to war or spend some years in prison. So I'd say that anyone who died in the war deserved to go down is unfair.

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"How dare you disobey the lord our god" Arghhhh!! That shit winds me up so damn much. It's people like that who just confirm my thoughts on the f"^king retardedness of anyone who reads the bible and takes it as more than just a crap fictional book about magic and incest. It takes all sorts but the world would be a much nicer place without extremist w@nkers like that.

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"the f"^king retardedness of anyone who reads the bible and takes it as more than just a crap fictional book

just reminded me, has anyone seen the red dwarf episode where rimmer explains why his family used to server sunday dinner "hopping" around the table? :lol: :lol: (they had a misprint with the love, faith and hope) :lol:

I think its people like these who take religion too seriously :ermm:

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