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Energy Food/drink


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I was wondering what people eat/drink to kepp thier energy up on a long ride.

For example i find eating a sandwich with meat in it and a lucozade hydro active gives me plenty of energy.

This could be helpfull to others who are planning to go on a ride, and if they like me have issues with energy.

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I eat loadsa crap before I go riding. Can't be good for me...

Usually consists of mini Mars bars, crisps, and a sandwich. Followed by something like a Muller Crunch Corner. :D

For drink, I sometimes have that Orange sporty Lucozade stuff. well nice!

Or Dr. Pepper. :rolleyes:

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Liptons Ice Tea. Tis' the answer to anything and everything. Although if your in a down centre make sure theres an alley way nearby* because you piss like a camel...

* - Do not piss in an alley way on a Nottingham ride, chances are you won't come back out of it. :)

I know people don't really go for water, but on a long, long, long ride, in hot weather, get an ice old bottle of volvic from the shop. Its a good pick-me-up. Really does make you feel refreshed.

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I tend to drink alot of water and pasta, This helps to keep my energy up on the long rides. Doesnt directly make me ride any better, but it makes me rides more consistantly. This helps my riding as my confidence grows and it makes me push myself.

From Lee

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I know that pasta helps but i didnt think it would make a big difference.

I do know that eating a proper breakfast (full english :D ) will keep you going until lunch, and having a good lunch coupled with snacks durng the day will keep your energy up.

Edited by 6ft-midget
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pasta sounds like a good idea but for a quick energy boost you cant really go wrong with pure glucose tablets. you can get them from places like tesco for around 65p per pack. eat them when you need to and they sure taste great to! i use them alot i give them top rating, lucosade and water is the way to go about drinks though, if it gets to hot and you start to get a headache get in the share for an hour or so because this is the early signs of sunstroke witch can really do you some harm, stay cool in the sun and safe!

Edited by trial-biker-ryan
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i have to be very carefull with what i do because i am diabetic so i have to make sure my sugar levle is stable befor, while and after i ride so balancing carbs and surgar is tricky but i usaly have pasta then small boosts of sugar like mini packs or hairy bo or dextros tablets to keep me up

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Rick comes out after 4 botles of "kick" (tesco's red bull) and hes well hyper and twitchy so funny i always delay riding to annoy him :P

I find kick is better than red bull, its cheaper, you get more and because you get more you get more of a "kick.

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i have to be very carefull with what i do because i am diabetic so i have to make sure my sugar levle is stable befor, while and after i ride

Never going on a ride with you then...if you think I'm cleaning your drool up :)

Joke. ;)

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pasta sounds like a good idea but for a quick energy boost you cant really go wrong with pure glucose tablets. you can get them from places like tesco for around 65p per pack. eat them when you need to and they sure taste great to! i use them alot i give them top rating, lucosade and water is the way to go about drinks though, if it gets to hot and you start to get a headache get in the share for an hour or so because this is the early signs of sunstroke witch can really do you some harm, stay cool in the sun and safe!

Xstals, ask anyone whos used them you get an evergy rush like never before, they're pretty hard to get hold of at the mo' though, you have to keep constant on them and you'll have all the energy you need. Onlybad thing is when your coming down off them, after 3 days nonstop of eating them it took another 3 days to get back to my normal self :P Woth it though, dont taste that nice and as someone i ride with said, 'Its red bull in a pill'


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pasta is good! maybe bottle of lucosade too. also the nutrisment (sp??) milk shakes in a can, they taste fairly foul though.

I am never really hungry during a ride though and i usually just snack a little, i found that the slim fast milkshakes are quite good (a meals worth of protein, energy and stuff) and some banana and a mars bar

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I'm vegetarian so I basically eat anything that gives energy without meat in. Pasta is good, so I eat that. I also eat Mars bars but my mom says that they don't really help and the energy thing is just a myth.

I like drinking powerade and lucosade. Also if I'm going to be doing a lot of active stuff then theres little lucosade tablet things you can take (Y) . I've only tried them once though.

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