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Some Temporary Changes


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For one reason or another (DNS changes for those that are interested) - TF may (but hopefully wont) become unavailable over the next 48 hours for some of you.

BUT, that will only happen if you try to use the www.trials-forum.co.uk address.

To ensure you can still access TF,


I'll let y'all know when its safe to switch back (infact I probably wont as it'll just start working again, as I said last time, like magic)

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I've never understood why some people find difficulites whereas other don't when connecting to UK sites

Even if they live the same distance away... :S :S

I think it might have something to do with the operating system, or there internet supplier/program that they use. But thats just a guess.

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I've never understood why some people find difficulites whereas other don't when connecting to UK sites

Even if they live the same distance away... :S :S

Its because to get to trials-forum, first your computer goes off and asks you ISPs servers how to get to it. Your computer then uses the data it gets back from your ISPs servers (think of it like a map) to go off and find the server with trials-forum on it.

However, If I change where TF is, then I need to update the map. Cos there are squillions of ISPs servers all with a (now outdated) map on how to get to TF, it can take up to 48 hours before the updated map gets to them.

Some servers will get the new map before others.. meaning some people can get to it, and some cant.

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Moving data centres then or something?

Noooo.. just moving from the registrar our name servers were *meant* to be registered with to another registrar, so we can do it properly this time (they were 'bodged' with the old registrar and they wouldnt sort it out properly for us).

As you can imagine if TF still pointed to the same DNS servers while the domain for that DNS server is moving between registrars, there'd be down time for everyone. So i'm doing it in a couple of steps.

(So yeah, before you say it what I said before was slightly misleading, but got the main point across :P)

(and that was even less well explained than my last post :unsure: )

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