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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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She is 17, but that point about the part about the pub is that she lied to her parents.

I'm perfectly fine with her going to the pub, as long as she doesn't get utterly drunk every evening or smoke again.

If you start telling her she can't do stuff she wants to do she'll get pissed off and there's not much you can do about it - even if you're saying it for her own good.

Look at it from her point of view - if she kept telling you to stop riding you'd be annoyed, even if she was doing it cos she didnt want you to hurt yourself.

Eventually either she'll grow out of it or you'll grow into it - but consider that I'm 28 and I like going to the pub and until a year or two ago I was still smoking dope fairly regularly

Basically you've got four choices

1: let her do what she wants but sulk and bitch about it

2: let her do what she wants and either join in (obviously don't smoke or drink if you dont want to but go along with her and have a laugh) or find something else to do when she's out getting shitfaced

3: try to stop her doing what she wants

4: find a different girl who doesn't do stuff you don't like

if you opt for 1 or 3 she'll dump you for being a tosser (which would be correct)

the correct answer is 2

4 is only really an option if you can't hack number 2 and you have a backup girly.

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If you start telling her she can't do stuff she wants to do she'll get pissed off and there's not much you can do about it - even if you're saying it for her own good.

Look at it from her point of view - if she kept telling you to stop riding you'd be annoyed, even if she was doing it cos she didnt want you to hurt yourself.

Eventually either she'll grow out of it or you'll grow into it - but consider that I'm 28 and I like going to the pub and until a year or two ago I was still smoking dope fairly regularly

Basically you've got four choices

1: let her do what she wants but sulk and bitch about it

2: let her do what she wants and either join in (obviously don't smoke or drink if you dont want to but go along with her and have a laugh) or find something else to do when she's out getting shitfaced

3: try to stop her doing what she wants

4: find a different girl who doesn't do stuff you don't like

if you opt for 1 or 3 she'll dump you for being a tosser (which would be correct)

the correct answer is 2

4 is only really an option if you can't hack number 2 and you have a backup girly.

I'm not telling her that she can't do that, I just told her I feel that it's wrong that she is doing these things because of her friends.

So i'm basicaly doing choice 1.

About the other choices, I absolutely hate her friends, and I would join that group I would surely lose my temper someday and do things that she would never forgive me for.

- Choice 3 is not an option because I don't want to stop her having fun, I just want to make her realize that she is doing stupid things now.

And yes I knew that option 3 was sarcastic :P

- Choice 4 is no option aswell, because I want no one else than this girl

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I'm not telling her that she can't do that, I just told her I feel that it's wrong that she is doing these things because of her friends.

So i'm basicaly doing choice 1.

About the other choices, I absolutely hate her friends, and I would join that group I would surely lose my temper someday and do things that she would never forgive me for.

- Choice 3 is not an option because I don't want to stop her having fun, I just want to make her realize that she is doing stupid things now.

And yes I knew that option 3 was sarcastic :P

- Choice 4 is no option aswell, because I want no one else than this girl

You'll get away with 1 if you don't sulk and bitch at her face - it's effectively the staying home part of option 2.

seems like you've got your head on straight at least. Women are like 3 year olds, they respond badly to orders and well to chocolate

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You'll get away with 1 if you don't sulk and bitch at her face - it's effectively the staying home part of option 2.

seems like you've got your head on straight at least. Women are like 3 year olds, they respond badly to orders and well to chocolate

Well thats the crappy part, my self control is very low I will almost always bitch about things like these :P

I've been trying to hold it to myself, but I find it too annoying to keep it to myself.

But she is overreacting a bit, she even started crying for a second, just because I told her that I don't like her friends.

And I btw never told her that she should stop seeing her friends or anything, I just stated how I think about them, nothing more.

Felt like I didn't make that clear enough in the first post :P

And the reverence to 3 year olds is quite true :P

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Hahaha, Just a quickie but anyway

Got back from barcelona on..Monday, Friday night I was there and met these lasses, talking for ages (Russian) and got on well. They asked us and mates how old we were (We learnt to say 18 rather than 16 because everyone was so damned old there) any she was 26, 26!!! so yeah, night went on and got with her all night and shit. Could of likely bedded her but I was feeling on the brink the night coming back up so I decided to cut it there but yeh, well chuffed, a 26 Year old when I'm only 16 :D

Now I wait for some Pornstar like Joe Maher to come and slate me with his 96 yearold bird.

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Hahaha, Just a quickie but anyway

Got back from barcelona on..Monday, Friday night I was there and met these lasses, talking for ages (Russian) and got on well. They asked us and mates how old we were (We learnt to say 18 rather than 16 because everyone was so damned old there) any she was 26, 26!!! so yeah, night went on and got with her all night and shit. Could of likely bedded her but I was feeling on the brink the night coming back up so I decided to cut it there but yeh, well chuffed, a 26 Year old when I'm only 16 :D

Now I wait for some Pornstar like Joe Maher to come and slate me with his 96 yearold bird.

Barcelona is the best place to pull really fit birds (mainly sweedish) :rolleyes: ther's sooooooo many fitties here it's untrue, especially in the summer.....

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm boooobieeeees..... :wub:

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Right this is a bit of a long story but i'm gonna try explain it all with it still making sense lol.

Well basically after i split up with my ex a while ago, i started getting close to another girl, but it was my ex's best friend, but as time went on i started to like her more and more, and she did with me. This dragged on for quite a while, and i didn't really know where i stood with her because she never really told me how she felt about me or anything. So yeah that went on for a while, but i'd had enough of it all just going on and on, so i started being more clear about my feelings for her, and she was showing the same back, again that went on for a bit with us both vaguely knowing how each other felt. But i just decided to tell her straight, which i did, and she just told me the same back about how she felt for me, so everything seemed good.

But that was when she started telling me about how she couldnt really do anything about it because of my ex being her best friend, so she couldnt be seen with me or anything, stupid i know but guess thats what you get with a group of girls. So we kinda stopped talking after that for a bit. So about a week later she starts talking to me again, and it went on, and she started telling me how she still felt, and i felt the same. So i asked if it was still the same with the whole best friend being my ex thing, and if there was anything i or we could do to change it so we could get together, but yeah basically nothing came from it, and i still didnt know what to do.

So i figured it'd be best for both of us if i just forgot about it and moved on 'cause it was just getting me down the way i liked her so much, and she did me, but there was nothing i could do about it. Inevitably by doing that i ended up getting closer to someone else, things went on a bit, and i stupidly happend to tell this person that i thought i liked them (but all the time i was just trying to forget about her by being with other people).

But a few days ago she started speaking to me again, saying how she has been thinking about me, and how she's lost me and really wished she hadn't, so we carried on talking for a bit, and stuff went on, and she started telling me how we could be together now because she doesnt think that my ex (her best friend) would be botherd anymore, and it made me so happy to hear that because deep down i still really liked her, so stuff was picking up and turning out good.

Until the other day, when she decided to ring my ex (her best friend), just to tell her how she felt about me, and that she wants to go out with me, but my ex happens to know about the girl i was getting closer to before, so started telling her that i've been telling another girl i liked her and wanted her and made it sound 100 times worse, when that wasnt even what i said.

So yeah, now its at a point where its f**ked it all up again, and i feel so shit about it, although i kinda guess it's my fault. But i've tried explaining to her why i ended up saying it, just 'cause i wanted to forget about her, and that i couldnt keep hanging on to some chance that stuff would work out good with her and we'd end up together. And the thing is, i could take it on the chin or whatever if it was someone that i just liked a bit, but seriously i get on with her so well and care so much for her, dunno what to do really.

Just spoke to her now on msn, just told her how sorry i was for it, and how i know it was stupid of me and stuff. And she seemed to take it better than last night when she was just calling me a liar n stuff, when i know i never have to her. So she just ended up saying well lets just forget about it, meaning forget about me and the other person. But then is that a good thing or not? and is she still totally pissed off with me :ermm:

I hope all that made sense lol.

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He split with his ex. Fancied his ex's best mate, she fancied him back. f**k all happened. He fancied someone else to get over her. Didn't happen. Ex's best friend told him they could be together. But then her ex told her best mate what he'd said to this other girl he liked to try and get over her. And f**ked shit up.

EDIT: If you can understand that :S

Edited by Barber
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that sounds pretty harsh man. I guess all you can really do is apollogise and hope that if you two really feel like that about each other you will get past it. Sure it will be alright (Y)

Me- I think im in love, yes i am 16 so it probs has shit all to do with love. But I feel so strongly for some one. really care about them. There perfect for me, I trust them 100%, there good looking, make me laugh, and i could tell her anything. problem 1:she has a BF :( problem 2: I have always been pretty crap with girls so somtimes because of how i feel it can be akward.

Basically she started seeing her bf like a week or so ago. Ever since i found out on that day i havnt stopped thinking about it. Its actually tearing me apart, at some point during every day i have felt shit about it. I dont know what to do about it. Im being told left right and center to move on and find someone else, but i really really like her. And occasionally i get a hint she might feel for me. But i think its mostly being held off by the occasional akwardness, I mean its crap but doesnt bother me i figure it will just go away in the end. She is also pretty much my best friend. :S

I dont really know what to do. But at the moment it really is killing me. nearly made me cry at f**king work the other day. I mean wtf! I still speak to her loads and things at the mo. and i no her bf doesnt like it atall. :S

this is all abit jumbled up but maybe youl get the idea roughly?

Edited by tom132
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He split with his ex. Fancied his ex's best mate, she fancied him back. f**k all happened. He fancied someone else to get over her. Didn't happen. Ex's best friend told him they could be together. But then her ex told her best mate what he'd said to this other girl he liked to try and get over her. And f**ked shit up.

EDIT: If you can understand that :S


wait for it to blow over and stick it up whichever one still fancies you (Y)

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Is it just me or is the just Friends or we would be better of as Friends line the worst line ever i have had it so much.

like this girl i have been seeing for a few months really liked me we went out the other day then on my way home i get a text saying i think we would be better of as just Friends i was like excuse me dear wtf?

and then when i was trying to find out why she decided she didn't want to talk to me for almost a week, and all i want to do is talk it over and see whats happening in her head and try and convince her that we would better in a relationship then as Friends.

I swear to god i hate women at times.

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Is it just me or is the just Friends or we would be better of as Friends line the worst line ever i have had it so much.

like this girl i have been seeing for a few months really liked me we went out the other day then on my way home i get a text saying i think we would be better of as just Friends i was like excuse me dear wtf?

and then when i was trying to find out why she decided she didn't want to talk to me for almost a week, and all i want to do is talk it over and see whats happening in her head and try and convince her that we would better in a relationship then as Friends.

I swear to god i hate women Majority of the time.


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Is it just me or is the just Friends or we would be better of as Friends line the worst line ever i have had it so much.

like this girl i have been seeing for a few months really liked me we went out the other day then on my way home i get a text saying i think we would be better of as just Friends i was like excuse me dear wtf?

and then when i was trying to find out why she decided she didn't want to talk to me for almost a week, and all i want to do is talk it over and see whats happening in her head and try and convince her that we would better in a relationship then as Friends.

I swear to god i hate women at times.


I don't think i could look at my ex in the eye and just think 'we are friends'.

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my ex wants me back, shes real hot. but shes tapped.

i dont just mean tapped, as in all women are tapped, but shes real tapped. like a proper nutcase.

thats a problem.

also the fact ive been there before, we obviously ended for a reason. grrrr.... decisons.

Sounds like my type, gimme

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my ex wants me back, shes real hot. but shes tapped.

i dont just mean tapped, as in all women are tapped, but shes real tapped. like a proper nutcase.

thats a problem.

also the fact ive been there before, we obviously ended for a reason. grrrr.... decisons.

Yeah, pics?

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people are cruel :( but would you have done the same to him?

I just have a problem talking to girls... like I can pull a girl when im out but I haven't got a clue what to talk about or say...

and if I go to meet up with a girl, im just like totally blank and haven't got the faintest idea what to talk about :S

Can anyone help?

lol same, unless ive known them for ages.

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I dunno why but I just chat loads, and random stuff to girls but that's my personality with anyone really. I don't have a problem talking to girls that I like unless they're supermodel hot or really stuck up then I don't like them more than eye candy.

Just talk about anything you think they'll have something to say about, however avoid politics, books, football, shit sports and ex boyfriends/girlfriends haha.

How'd you meet them? Out? Did they have fun? Who were they out with?

What did they do this week, last week, next week, they got any hobbies? Ask about them if they do.

I ask about if they've got any brothers or sisters or anything and if they ask why just say you're curious, which you are!

If you like them a lot you'll want to know everything about them. Oh and go to the cinema on a first date, you don't have to talk much then, so if you find a lot to talk about then you can meet up again, if not you're not shitting it 'cos its only like 20 mins each way of the film isn't it. Oh and if she's a bird you like buy her a ticket, I loved waiting to see if they expected me to buy it or not, shows a lot about a girl.

Girls expecting and I mean WILL NOT PAY FOR their own ticket is bull shit. f**k that. Leave them straight away. I don't like buying girls drinks at all either unless they're friends and I'm loaded.

Meh! Sorry, random rant.

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