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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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First post in here! I don't know wether that's good or bad, nut anyway.

An ex, who was the last girl I was with before being with my last g/f (for 2 n a half years) has offered me a room in a flat with her next year if I go to dundee uni.. let me get straight from the start that she is not the reason I would be going there.

Shes with a guy at the moment, has been for a few months but she's a relationship sorta person so isn't generally single for a long time, not a slapper or anything. I doubt what she has with him is any differant from what she has for anyone else.

We've allways been really good mates, and she's acrually the only ex I can actually spend time with and talk to, she's also the only ex I REALLY Regret splitting up with, because she's pretty much everything I look for in a girl, Petit, Funny, Intelligent, Arty etc.

Should I go to uni and live with her, it'll be cheaper than living in halls, i'd be moving in with someone I know and can trust, we are both sensible, she said so herself. or would it be better to move into halls for my first year and get settled that way or what?

I worry that i'd try it on with her if she didn't want to and then i'd be f**ked royally. I seriously can't read her sometimes she makes me think she would want something to happen othertimes she can be just friendly.

oh one more thing, which would seriously influence my descision if I was to go to dundee, about where to stay;


what do I do?

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Mmmmmmmm belly, I would move anywhere for a lovely belly like that, I'm a sucker for a nice midriff and that looks like a very nice one, nice and tanned, but bit hard to see because I cant seem to view the pic any bigger, would be nice to assess the full situation as it were, any chance you can help with that?

Seriously though, before I get punched hahahahaha, it's probably not a good idea unless you have an easy backup accommodation plan which can be put into effect quickly, just incase you push the boundaries of what is socially acceptable and she kicks you out on your arse! In my experience living with a girl can be tricky/awkward at the best of times. You would potentially have to put up with her being rogered in the next room by her boyf, which would be weird no? Mind you, I quite like little lady sex noises, little moans etc, but if it's your ex it's not so good!

Having said that, if I were in your position I would probably move in with her, I'd find it too hard to resist. I'd move in a purposefully walk around in just a towel, hair still wet kinda thing (see Davetrials pic in the pics of yourself thread, that kinda thing), and wait for the inevitable day when you wake up in the middle of the night and she's slipped into your room. It's the whole "forbidden fruit" element coupled with the fact that the thought of you in the next room all naked etc will probably drive her nuts, the excitement of being naughty alone will probably drive her to it..... not that you neccesarilly want that to happen, just putting that out there, you know if you did want that then that's how to go about it!

Christ, you'd think I thought the whole world revolves around sex, really I dont... honest. Basically, if you think you can keep it all friendly then go for it, and if you think you can push your luck a bit and get away with it and end up back with her maybe then go for it, but if it's likely to end in a restraining order probably best move into halls!


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you may want to consider moving into halls, banging as many different nurses as possible (seriously, go for the nurses) and using your spare time to worm your way back into her knickers.

By the end of the first year (assuming you haven't got aids) your flagrant womanising will have reminded her how much of a stud you are and she'll be gagging to have you move in and bone her. it might save you some embarrassing moments

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Mark my words. I'll officially send you a Polish Kit-Kat if you move in with her and don't manage to bang her within 1 year. There's no such thing as a very good friendship between a man and woman. Before you reach that stage you'll already be in bed with her. Just pretend you're not in the slightest interested in her. That turns every woman on.

Go for it - if not for her sake, do it for the sake of a Polish Kit-Kat.

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i would say move in with her, if we stood around and wondered, what happens if it all goes tits up, then im sure wed never do half of the stuff we do in life, with regards women, bikes, cars, going out. etc.

but... heres my 2 cents on it, dont deny yourself the chance of going to halls, to move in with some bird you used to go out with, maybe move in with her second year or summit if you still want, but staying in halls,making friends with your neighbours,nights out on the piss, parties back in halls, 5am water fights, 50 people pillow fights at a moments notice, and the large abundance of single girls, great mates, and that community feeling. is more than worth it all.

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Hmmm some excellent point's there guys thanks a million, definately food for thought.

Regarding the whole staying in halls thing, Im not really a party animal, more you typical trials rider, somewhat socially retarded, keep myself to myself, I enjoy my time alone etc, so I don't know if that's something that i'd really be hung up on 'missing out' on. I could also end up being shacked up with a bunch of immature wankers, i'll still be 20 when I start, some people start uni in scotland at 17!!!!

I like inur's comment, and methods, play hard to get, but I don't know how long I could keep that up for. Trials punk also has a fairly good comment with how I guess I shouldn't stand around and wait, if I am to achieve anything in life I nee to be pro-active.

On the money side of things, I could be living with her for ÂŁ40-ÂŁ50 a week as opposed to ÂŁ88 in halls.

mm I think if I manage to get in to dundee i might just go for it. f**k it's only for a year like that's nothing in the scheme of things really.....is it?

I'll sort you out shortly davey (Y)

EDIT: halls are strictly non-smoking, keep in mind I smoke green so living in halls could be seriously annoying. (seems like im trying to convince myself now)

Edited by jake1516
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Auuright, here goes,

I was pretty mortal last sat, went back to the gf's house and did what you do, cept I was like totally mortal and can hardly remember it. Anyway. The killer bit, we used no protection, what are the chances of getting her pregnant? I dont mind the idea of kids but at the age of 15, (16 in like 6 days) it would basically f**k the rest of my life big big time so really, is there much I can do now except wait? Just to make things better we have now finished too and we havent talked since monday.. I dont mind talking to her though if need be, so yeah, what can i do? Please help!

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Righteo, my problem. Basically I am a slag. If i see a girl i like the look of, i dont stop untill i get what i want. I need to stop it, and its driving me insane.

Right, I like this girl called Hannah, We have been friends for ages..I mean for years. I don't know if she likes me..what do i do???

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I dunno if anyone has posted this before... but here it goes..

Girls = Money

as we all know, money is the centre of all evil in the universe...

Girls = Lots and Lots of money

So what are we left with

Evil + Evil = Evil2

SO... all in all

Girls = Evil2


I'm sure it went something like that :lol:

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Noooooo i need to stop being a slag/rapist. Its bad, im starting to get a name for myself and its bad.

So what do you guys think? just ask her??

i seriously wouldnt ask her, meet her for a drink or something and see how it goes from there. . . alcahol is always a great excuse.

imagine asking her to ind out she likes one of your mates and damaging your already good relationship?

just get pissed and if anything happens it happens then facethe concequences in the morning :rolleyes:

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i seriously wouldnt ask her, meet her for a drink or something and see how it goes from there. . . alcahol is always a great excuse.

imagine asking her to ind out she likes one of your mates and damaging your already good relationship?

just get pissed and if anything happens it happens then facethe concequences in the morning :rolleyes:

Ok, ill try it, she seems really interested in me, and i just dont want 'summing' to happen and then both forget about it. So im going to just chat to her and see what she says.

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i seriously wouldnt ask her, meet her for a drink or something and see how it goes from there. . . alcahol is always a great excuse.

imagine asking her to ind out she likes one of your mates and damaging your already good relationship?

just get pissed and if anything happens it happens then facethe concequences in the morning :rolleyes:

I wouldn't say that's the way to go :rolleyes:

I think he wants a honest answer. So just talk to her, much better =)

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Auuright, here goes,

I was pretty mortal last sat, went back to the gf's house and did what you do, cept I was like totally mortal and can hardly remember it. Anyway. The killer bit, we used no protection, what are the chances of getting her pregnant? I dont mind the idea of kids but at the age of 15, (16 in like 6 days) it would basically f**k the rest of my life big big time so really, is there much I can do now except wait? Just to make things better we have now finished too and we havent talked since monday.. I dont mind talking to her though if need be, so yeah, what can i do? Please help!

She on the pill mate? I managed to spew a love chunk in my (now ex) girlfriend a week or so ago, I was nervous as fook but there's a good chance nothing will come of it. I got lucky, and you will too.

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