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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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hmmm bored sounds possible, but i jus duno how to excite things, alredi using lube and handcuffs. And shes just gone on the pill. But we tend to have to be a bit quiet as my family are downstairs whilst were having sex. Anything anyone can suggest. Shes really got a thing for germans and nazi's lol.

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Shout 'Zieg Heil' and 'Wir mussen die Juden Ausrotten'? That's bound to get her well horny.

Ill leave it to you to go and translate it into google. :P

Oh and 'Est is zeit fur racht' (This is the time for revenge.)

Good luck

Edited by Scopse
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lol your always horny. And its never really botherd me before, my mum and dad have both walked in (not both at the same time) on us before and i jus carried straigt on after theyd gone. I just cant work out why this is happening :( And ill try thr german lol, doubt it'll do much for me though.

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alredi using lube and handcuffs.

Hahaha, sorry, about pissed and came at the same time when I read that. Ditch the f**king handcuffs for a start, its sex for frig sake, or do you have something for citzen arrests? I don't get all this bondage 'kinky' bullshit...f**king pork her and get the job done.

You're only 16, never ever heard of anyone having this problem at such an age, especially with hormones overloading, looking at the work 'sex' in a dictionary should make you ready for action at that age.

I wouldn't bother with viagra either, you'll only grow dependant on it and then you really WILL have a problem with your cock, and going into a chemist at 16 with a prescription for erection pills made for 60 year olds won't do you any favours either :P

As said, your nervous. You obviously can't be having that much fun if you're trying to keep it shh shh. Kick the folks out and break some floorboards!

Edited by anzo
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lol okay cheers guys, well shes got a free house for three days in the half term so that just mite be the answer. And dont worry about the chemist i know some kid at school whos brother can get hold of them lol. Want to reccomend me a good rammstein album? Whats there most recent one, she mite not have that. And i know its one in a million chance but i might aswell ask... Anyone know where i can get a lifesize cut out of lara croft from? :$

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hmmm bored sounds possible, but i jus duno how to excite things, alredi using lube and handcuffs. And shes just gone on the pill. But we tend to have to be a bit quiet as my family are downstairs whilst were having sex. Anything anyone can suggest. Shes really got a thing for germans and nazi's lol.

Book a room in a hotel, and let her scream the place down (Y)

haha, dress up as hitler, and paint a swastika around your cock.

Shout 'Zieg Heil' and 'Wir mussen die Juden Ausrotten'? That's bound to get her well horny.

Ill leave it to you to go and translate it into google. :P

Oh and 'Est is zeit fur racht' (This is the time for revenge.)

Good luck

Hahahaha you cruel b*****d LMFAO!!

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Book a room in a hotel, and let her scream the place down (Y)

agreed, doesnt have to be the hilton, can get somewhere tidy for about £60 for a night, probably with a restaurant that will do you summit fo reasonable quality for £10-£15 a head next door, bottle of wine, and your sorted.

blood on the sheets, you know youve had a good time

blood on the walls, you know shes had a good time.

either that or your goin out with a sadist.

just be warned,the maid will stare you up and down when she comes to change the now claret sheets at 11.30pm. wouldnt suggest using viagra as a common thing, but if shes getting annoyed with you, just every so often, when you got the time and the place to do it without worrying. slip a half.at your age, that should change things hugely. perhaps take a half once a month or so, just to give her that bang she needs. also think itll boost your confidence and make you try harder when your not dropping one, as youll know how much of a good time she can have, and youll be trying to give her that the rest of the time.

just prepare for soreness the next day, and difficulty sleeping after dropping one.

everyone saying "dont take viagra, no one our age should need it, well yea there right,we shouldnt need it. but i ask you to just try 1/2 once, and see what happens.ill guarantee its on a totally different level, and she will want you to see her again.

just dont go popping one everytime you have your hole, otherwise, you will end up with problems, and dependancy.

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lol okay cheers guys, well shes got a free house for three days in the half term so that just mite be the answer. And dont worry about the chemist i know some kid at school whos brother can get hold of them lol. Want to reccomend me a good rammstein album? Whats there most recent one, she mite not have that. And i know its one in a million chance but i might aswell ask... Anyone know where i can get a lifesize cut out of lara croft from? :$

i think you were right when you said you wank too much, stop wanking and see what happens.

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Hmm, seems like the most appropriate place to be asking about this kind of stuff. As some as you may know i had a bit of trouble with that bit between my foreskin and japeye bleeding and nerli splitting. But now thats all fine and i seem to have sex just as normal as it used to be, but now im having more problems. I go for about 20 or so minutes, and then it just seems to go all floppy :( and we have to stop having sex. Now aswell as being terribly embarasing its also f**king annoying as im missing out on sex. Ive decided it may be down to too much masturbating, so im giving that a break. But if that fails where do i go next, Viagra?

Anyone been in a similar situation, what did u do. I havnt had a bash for 3 days now and i jus dont know what to do with myself :(.

Happened to me a few times but it was less frequent, more once a week or so for a little while. Just stop touching your cock compeletely. It's probably desensitised cos you've been bashing far too much you monkey spanker.

Also, are you letting yourself get close to pumping her full and keep coming back down. That can make you go floppy if you keep doing it, so try and improve your control and don't let yourself get carried away whilst poking her. If you get good enough, she'll always get tired before you which is great cos they go all floppy and their boobs bounce about even better (Davetrials knows where it's at ;) ).

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Disagree there, made up with two of my exs (ended up back out with one of them recently but we broke up +i doubt i will make up with her for a while :( ) but i'm really open+such with the other one was like 6 months before we started talking to eachother though. meh

Doesn't that prove my point exactly? :huh: I'm not saying absolute that nobody can be friends with their ex's because I see that around me. However I see far more people who hang around with there ex's "being mates" when actually there just being strung along (either one of or both parties) and I just think this whole notion of "of cause we can still be friends" is imbedded far more in idealistic fictional media spin than in the real world. But hey maybe I'm just a grumpy git.

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in that case yeah, but with the other girls we're really close + such but at the same time i'm not jelous etc when i see her with her boyfreind. but i know if i saw the other one with a new guy i'd lay the shit into him.

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Doesn't that prove my point exactly? :huh: I'm not saying absolute that nobody can be friends with their ex's because I see that around me. However I see far more people who hang around with there ex's "being mates" when actually there just being strung along (either one of or both parties) and I just think this whole notion of "of cause we can still be friends" is imbedded far more in idealistic fictional media spin than in the real world. But hey maybe I'm just a grumpy git.

I know what you mean:


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Shout 'Zieg Heil' and 'Wir mussen die Juden Ausrotten'? That's bound to get her well horny.

Ill leave it to you to go and translate it into google. :P

Oh and 'Est is zeit fur racht' (This is the time for revenge.)

Good luck

hmm got most of it but it didnt translate mussen:

We mussen the Jews exterminating

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Your spelling gets "Callum's 'Oh Dear!' award" for 2007 thus far.

But you are allowed as your a nice person

No wonder the spelling bee loves you. you big gay

Edited by JT!
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