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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Not really many pictures of her about, there's about 10 on Facebook and none of them are hugely flattering.


I can't put into words how much I don't think she has any intention of doing the dirty whilst she's away. She knows that, I know that. It's not even on the radar. But it's been one of the incredibly annoying things ALL of my mates have said, they've all assumed we're "on a break" and I'm going to be on the pull every night whilst she's gone. And vise versa.

Besides, I was with her then I split up with her for 5 years and always regretted what I had done and then came back. Waiting 4 months isn't going to kill me. :)


She's going to Bangkok Tony, it's the first place she's travelling to on the 13th when she gets up there. Any suggestions or recommendations I can give her?

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I don't know what's gone on behind the scenes, so can't comment. Sounds a bit shitty though like

It's all backed up somewhere on here. I'll write it out another time but shit ain't on. She met him through me and spoke to him behind my back when we were together. Broke up with me because she didn't wanna be in a relationship and suddenly 2 months after she's feeling fine!

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And people are generally rubbish at being honest about their feelings, and make sh'tty excuses. "Oh I just don't want a relationship right now" seems fair enough, then they're with someone else. And you think, why didn't you just tell me straight-up?

I remember you writing about her talking to Ben. Pretty grotty situation for you to be in, but you just have to deal with it. If two people like each other then they may aswell be together - I know it must suck that she met him through you, but what can you do? I sympathise anyway.

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Well those things aren't necessarily a problem... one thing I found is that girls, especially in their 20s, generally like guys older than them. So it's actually quite funny listening to girls in their 30s bitch about the fact that guys the same age are too busy hooking up with girls 5-10 years younger than them... lawl.

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I used to well look up to him which really kicks me in the teeth :(

Thanks guyzz, had a chat and stuff with my dad which helped so I don't feel as mad. I'm doing a week of work experience as part of an interview so I really struggled today in a few aspects.

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I used to well look up to him which really kicks me in the teeth :(

Thanks guyzz, had a chat and stuff with my dad which helped so I don't feel as mad. I'm doing a week of work experience as part of an interview so I really struggled today in a few aspects.

Age is just a number G

Dont let your own mind beat you up and make you angry-she is not part of your reality so why let her effect it ? Go find the positives in your life and pour your passion in to them . :) peace georgy poo X

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Age is just a number G

Dont let your own mind beat you up and make you angry-she is not part of your reality so why let her effect it ? Go find the positives in your life and pour your passion in to them . :) peace georgy poo X

Thank you davey, keep in touch - I miss you <3 x

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Thank you davey, keep in touch - I miss you <3 x

Your welcome bud. i hate to see any decent people suffer -wether its mental/emotional/physical....Always look on the bright side of life should become your new mantra :) You will hear from me now and again....Ive not completely dissapeared -YET ;) take it easy bud <3 x

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It made me laugh to be honest. Shows how both of them really dont realise how unrealistic a 300 mile+ relationship is in their positions, especially when Ben can barely muster the energy to get his arse out of Shipley.

Chin up George, not worth being upset over x

Edited by SamKidney
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