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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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That's birds for you. You obviously do care though my friend, or you wouldn't be writing about it on here. It's hard, but the best thing you can do is move on. Sometimes bring on your own is better

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I'll message you mate ill probably get it ripped out me on here haha.

It should not be worse, when you think you met with a very good lady, and you are aware you are strange so only a few girls would like you and generally be your gf, but she seems to be fit you, as your experience says, but as it turned out her gf will move with her soon...

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It should not be worse, when you think you met with a very good lady, and you are aware you are strange so only a few girls would like you and generally be your gf, but she seems to be fit you, as your experience says, but as it turned out her gf will move with her soon...

Don't quite understand any of that mate but thanks

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There is a girl, who seems really fitting to me, she always laugh with me, and we have generally a good time whenever we do something

I am not a professional at relationships, actually I am quite bad at them, but she seems to be a "perfect match" for me, that is really rare, as I think I am strange

But her girlfriend will move together with her so I am majorly fecked

Yours should not be worse

Don't quite understand any of that mate but thanks

Sorry man, I talk gibberish when I am really tired :/

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have always known Bethan is going to Australia for 6 months, and I have always said it didn't bother me.

I thought she was going in January.

Last night she told me she is flying on the 2nd of October. I don't want her to go SO badly.

To the point that I just applied for a 12 month holiday and working visa and I contemplating jacking my job in to go with her.


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Pretty nervous about meeting up with this girl from Tinder that i said in happythread. She was telling me about this art exhibition she's got and was saying I should come and see it and she'll take me. So I said sure I'd like that but she was like "but it's in a week time why don't we do something this week?" So she suggested drinks this week. As in that is SOON. I'm honestly nervous as f**k which isn't like me, think its because I find her so pretty that why is she talking to me. i've only been talking via text for a week or so which isn't a long time.

Plus it's texting, not whatsapp. As I always preach, whatsapp is way better as you can get to know someone WAY more. She seems so nice and is stunning from the pics i've seen .

Told her my height and she texted back so that's orite too hahah. Nervous ranty dan over. Might suggest a phone call tonight to organise which night, that'd be cool and always eases the tension

Edited by dann2707
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Pretty nervous about meeting up with this girl from Tinder that i said in happythread. She was telling me about this art exhibition she's got and was saying I should come and see it and she'll take me. So I said sure I'd like that but she was like "but it's in a week time why don't we do something this week?" So she suggested drinks this week. As in that is SOON. I'm honestly nervous as f**k which isn't like me, think its because I find her so pretty that why is she talking to me. i've only been talking via text for a week or so which isn't a long time.

Plus it's texting, not whatsapp. As I always preach, whatsapp is way better as you can get to know someone WAY more. She seems so nice and is stunning from the pics i've seen .

Told her my height and she texted back so that's orite too hahah. Nervous ranty dan over. Might suggest a phone call tonight to organise which night, that'd be cool and always eases the tension

Mate, worry less. I got a Whatsapp message from a previous tinder date announcing she's pregnant. whoops.

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It's just the way a text is always a massive long message trying to talk to someone new, asking questions then they reply in the same manner answering questions in order etc.

Where as WhatsApp is like chat messaging, you don't sign off a message with kisses etc it's just quick fire messages back and forth. Allows you to have super quick witty retorts when you're both online which in all my experiences has got me to be closer to people. Depends on your sense of humour/how you get to know someone

Just not really a fan of the whole writing out a huge text and even though you don't have to texting, you still have to wait for it to send etc.

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Pretty nervous about meeting up with this girl from Tinder that i said in happythread. She was telling me about this art exhibition she's got and was saying I should come and see it and she'll take me. So I said sure I'd like that but she was like "but it's in a week time why don't we do something this week?" So she suggested drinks this week. As in that is SOON. I'm honestly nervous as f**k which isn't like me, think its because I find her so pretty that why is she talking to me. i've only been talking via text for a week or so which isn't a long time.

Plus it's texting, not whatsapp. As I always preach, whatsapp is way better as you can get to know someone WAY more. She seems so nice and is stunning from the pics i've seen .

Told her my height and she texted back so that's orite too hahah. Nervous ranty dan over. Might suggest a phone call tonight to organise which night, that'd be cool and always eases the tension

I'd say the main thing you have to worry about is what she's going to see when she sees the new 'hairstyle' that you've given yourself.

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