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Going to make the best of a bad situation and run the Corsa anyway. Means I can finish building the B16 I have to swap into my EK3 and have a pretty car ready for when my premium comes down a little.

Me and the gf sorted our problems tonight

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Here we go..

Was in a pretty dang tight relationship all last year, all things were perfect and stuff but then things just started to die off and we came to a somewhat mutual agreement to end it. I was devastated she was perfect blahblah teen relationship growing up blah (the sex was on poiinnt, Lets call this girl Sharon)

2-3 months later a girl fell for me and I was in the ' okay lets see if there is anything here ' mindset. she was cool and everything, enjoyed spending time with her but nothing really clicked. no overwhelming mutual pal overlap (not surprising seeing as I despise most of the shiheads in my area other than my riding pals) she ended up pushing me away 'out of habit' just as I started enjoying having her about in my life and routine and things and I wasn't too fussed. pretty numb heart at this point and not seeking a rebound~~ (going to call her Gemma)

I then started focusing on what really matters to me like bikes, my camera and friends, a bit of college just for the long run dealio

Started receiving attention from girls and stuff, using this opportunity as a test of what is possible, 'acting', gaining confidence and adding a tally's to the imaginary chart. keeping myself conscious of my intentions and not going out of my way for anyone

Started talking to 'Sharon' again, met up with her a few times as friends to see how things are and stuff. both came to the agreement that we miss the physical things and she was more than DTF. I never made use of this because I knew that if I put my willy in she would have my heart in her hands again.

I soon found myself saying 'sorry I think im going riding tonight' quite a lot... haha hm.

So the situation right now is.. I met up with the 2nd girl, 'Gemma' today to see whats where and things..... "
I miss you so much, today when you hugged me and gave me a cute kiss on the forehead I literally thought I was going to cry, I never really realized how much I want your company until today and I feel so crap because I'm sad and I want you and I miss you" thing is she just seems sad and empty all the time, for someone so beautiful I find this strange. What I don't want to end up happening is me being her source of happy and put 'work' into someone so broken ( not frick fracked with her but from previous encounters I can assure crazy girls are rad in bed) Also bumped into the next girl mentioned ( I got this rather edgy feeling, I think I liked it)

PLOT TWIST: There was a girl before the one at the start (calling this female Sarah). honestly the sexual energy between us is enough to power a small town for a year. over all the time of everything mentioned she found a lad, I helped her with advice and stuff telling her she should go for him because all I want is for her to be happy, thats all I want for everyone. They broke up within the last three weeks or so and she has been moving closer to me and saying she wants to f**k and spend some time together. thing is Sarahs ex has started to catch on to things.. he is a bit of a twat but almost fits the description of a generic handsome man. would probably kick my skull in for showing disrespect towards him buy going through with the plans me and Sarah have made.

That said I would love to ruin her repeatedly and probs will, but ehhhhhhhh Things are looking promising with Gemma and by getting all close with Sarah it would either completely f**k up things with gemma and I don't really want to hurt her for some really really good sex. even though I'm single annddd I'm pretty certain things with Sarah will stay quiet

spent a bit of time thinking and realized all I want is a similar situation with the first serious girl but in what car do I want to continue this journey of ~life~ in.

The sequential gear box hill climber with the blow off valve that makes your balls tingle or the 1.8 diesel with the bass and a bit of poke.

(I'm pretty sure that taking both of these out for a track day at the same time would be something they would enjoy and certainly be up for. again all hypothetical for now)


Tl;Dr, FBRB.

f**k Bitches Ride Bikes. Add the comma depending on the mood you're in.

shout out to drstix's mum, sister and gf for the names HEH X

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So confused, sounds like my 16 year old self back in high school where there was SO much drama haha.

My only advice is just do whatever as most likely you won't see any of them again after college. I only see the one girl from my old college, admittedly we have done the naughty though haha. Maybe that's the key to keeping in touch haha

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I f*cked better and better girls


Tl;Dr, FBRB.

f**k Bitches Ride Bikes. Add the comma depending on the mood you're in.

shout out to drstix's mum, sister and gf for the names HEH X

Well, the question if you should f**k the best girl, or the girl who is bad (I hate diesels)

I mean, as a guy who really can choose his Gfs, and the best at getting girls (I hope everyone gets the irony),I do not understand why would you go with the worse girl?

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Need to vent again haha. But it's not really girl related, well it kind of is but i'm needing to kind of get it out and see what people think.

Basically, when I went to Uni I stayed in touch with around 10 sixth form friends who were my best friends. Who also happened to do drugs when they went out (MDMA). Grace found out about this the night we met so instantly she had it in for them and whenever I went out with them she would basically cut me off the day I told her I was doing something with them and the next day she was ALWAYS shitty with me. Always. So much as it turned out every morning after the night out ended up with me talking to one of my friends about her doing this, they probably got sick of this to be honest but didn't seem like they did.

Also happened, as I explained a few pages back about my mates 21st and she went crazy because I didn't pick up the phone whilst in a club.

So basically, I did the wrong thing, I ended up slowly phasing them out to keep her happy. Looking back I just can't believe this is what happened.

It all kind of happened and kicked off at Graces birthday in June where I said we should all meet up in Newcastle, for her bday and mine and all get together, her friends and ours. Basically one of my friends said something negative about newcastle about it being expensive to get to so she automatically started going "they don't care, they can't be good friends if they're being negative" which f**king killed me, it realllllly did. She then started being really awkward about sleeping arrangements, so in the end it didn't end up happening and i messed my friends around. A lot, as one min 3 friends could come, then 2, then "would they be noisy etc"

I essentially turned against them :( which is NOT what I wanted at all.

Anyway, when one of them found out i'd split up with her, after 10 months of no contact he sent me a photo on whatsapp that had a shark patting another shark on the shoulder and saying chin up etc which was nice. So we get talking again and he's invited me out with the other 9 friends, again after not talking to them for so long, next Friday

I just feel like it's going to be f**king horrendously awkward when I see everyone again after just cutting them off due to her. And I feel so shit, like i'm using them as i'm going out with them again now she's out of the picture. Which is such a cliché whipped thing to do.

:( Should I just tell them it was all to do with her when I see them or whatttt

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more clitche.. a true friend will always be so, no matter what. no need to explain unless they ask, they'll probably just be glad to have their pal back, and not seeing them in a while apart you'll have a lot to talk about. in my experiance you may find that you've out grown the friendships but its always worth finding out

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As above, mates is mates, they obviously know you were tied down to a f**king psychopath and want you back :wub: the only awkwardness will be on your part because there's probably 1000 inside jokes you're not in on. I don't see my mates often, it's always like that, no big deal.

The more you reveal the more I can't help but wonder how rose tinted that relationship was, I've been in a similar relationship but I realised she was f**king mental at the time! Cutting off friends or making me feel shitty for seeing them was never ok!

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Yeah I suppose. Infact i've just looked at a convo between me and one of them last year and he said this "to be honest mate its your life and you can do what you want. Weve known you for 10 years now. And we will always be your pals!" when I was explaining to him how I felt / forced to feel.

f**king christ, she even got funny when I went out with my sisters for meals and shit. I remember one time I went out to a buffet with my eldest and she was just blanking me alllll night on whatsapp and I kept sending her messages asking if she's okay, telling her I love her etc. How f**king pathetic of me..

I honestly think it's because I fall into shit way too easily, like we both fell deeeeply in love after 2 months of knowing each other, she came up to me in the club which never happens, kept telling me I was perfect, the perfect face and body. This feeling was new to me and I bloody loved it and wanted to keep it as beautiful, and by doing that to keep doing shit that would make her happy, always falling in with her plans etc.

I just know not to do that now, lost lots of friends (potentially not), stopped riding for a bit because of it etc. But as I said before, I just kept making the positives outweigh the negatives :/.

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Look at it this way, 99% of people are a little mental in some way or another, but 50-75% of women are f**king mental. All lads know and accept this, and most girls do, so any decent friend will forgive you for getting roped in to it, because we all do at one time or another.

If I were you, I'd either apologise to the mates you feel you've upset or just ignore it and carry on. If the subject comes up just laugh it off!

I'd be interested to hear if any of the regular posters in here have not had a relationship with a f**king mental girl? I can't think of a single person who will say they haven't. :P

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I agree with the above.

So things are rolling along well with me, we have had numerous light hearted chats and things have progressed to a place that we are both happy with.

Sunday was the pinnacle of this, she went out Saturday night and want me a drunken text saying "I was worried that I didn't really want whatever is going on with us, but having been drinking since 2PM I can safely say that even now when my brain can hardly function I am still thinking of you. So that's good."

Which was a kind of nice text to wake up to, taking the standard uncomitting woman talk out of it.

So Sunday morning I went round to hers to make her breakfast, she was feeling a bit sorry for herself but the weather was glorious.

We spent the day shuffling around the garden chasing the sun whilst she did her marking, then we had an afternoon snooze in the garden and went for a walk around the village. The woman who rents a room off her was winding us up by saying how I am a great boyfriend etc etc. I'm secretly thankful of that, because it's much better to gauge it when somebody else just makes the assumption and says it for you.

I took the pair of them out for dinner, then we watched some TV and played Jenga and things in the garden.

A good day.

Monday night I don't normally go round to see her because I work a 14 hour day on Tuesdays, but I wanted carbonara for dinner so I set it up.

Turned up on Monday night and she was having a swim in the pool, so I jokingly said "well aren't you a shocking wife! I've been at work all day looking forward to your lovely carbonara and I get here and there's no dinner and you're in the bloody pool!"

I went upstairs to have a shower and came down twenty minutes later and she had done probably the nicest thing anyone has done for me ever.

I REALLY love this little Italian down the road from her, it's my favourite place at the moment.

She had paid for one of their chefs to cook us both a really nice dinner in her kitchen, with champagne, proper three courses etc. So we sat in the conservatory and had a nice half romantic dinner together and it was all really good.

Then she hit me with a bit of a bomb shell.

She is a higher level teacher doing a degree to become an academy head teacher. As part of her work she has to teach in a foreign country to gain experience. Her house mate is Irish, so she is going to Ireland to teach for 4 weeks, then she comes back for 6 weeks and her contract finishes so she is going to Australia for 6 weeks.

Which is a bit of an annoyance for me. I was a bit sad about this, but over all happy for her advancement and for her to be going to have some fun and discover the world.

She has asked me if I will move into her house for a few months whilst she is away, which I guess shows trust and commitment.

I am trying not to read too much into it because I always knew she travels all over the world and is always off somewhere exciting. And she did tell me always from day one that she was going to Australia for a few months, but the Irish trip was a bit of a shock.

So yeah, a bit miffed.

I guess I can't be too annoyed, I did leave her for another woman and move to Plymouth for 4 years without even talking to her.

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