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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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It's easy to look back at stuff now thou, with my ex there was plenty of stuff that was wrong but seemed normal at the time.

My ex went on holiday to Zante with her mates for 10days, 4days in she paid £750 to fly home because a lad lifted her skirt in a club. I know from small acorns and stuff but it's hardly rape, she was so messed up its unreal.

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Also she always said that she would get massively pissed off if I ever got tagged in pics on Facebook with girls in like clubs, even if i'm just standing next to them. And I always felt a bit kind of nervous to tell her I was going out with my friends?

Looking at that now you guys might be thinking why were you even with her, but it seems like I always convinced myself the positives outweighed the negatives if that makes sense? Like we did reallllly get on and our humour levels were the same and we could just talk for hours!

I was exactly the same dude, if that helps you feel more comfortable haha.

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Haha. This thread is amazing at the moment.

Last night my mystery woman text me, she has been away for a few days so I hadn't spoken to her for three days, pretty standard.

Half 7 last night I get a text, "I have just made some broccoli, asparagus and pancetta canaloni. Come get some."

What a winner?

Rocked up to hers, she buzzed the gates and turned the drive lights on from inside so she must have been watching for me.

Knocked the door, straight there with a cuddle and a glass of wine for me.

All VERY unlike her 90% of the time.

Walked through to the kitchen thinking we were alone and all of her teacher friends were there eating dinner.

They all knew my name and everything about me, "oh she won't stop talking about you so we had to meet you to see what it's all about."

Then two people come in from the study, and boom..."Oh Naz and Sian, this is my boyfriend, sorry you missed the introduction."


So immediately I dragged her to the kitchen and told her I am not her boyfriend and that we should talk about it together some other time.

Stayed the night, ruined her, she made me breakfast and all is back to normal.

So I guess it's offish'.

Edited by Pashley26
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In all seriousness, she sounds a bit mental. Sounds like there's been 6 years of you wanting more, and now she does and you don't. Ironic, potentially correlating factors. Good while it lasted though, eh?

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Was there an allowance for the fact you might not have seen the cannelloni text or maybe had pre-existing plans and not been able to go?

2 things:

1. She put broccoli in cannelloni…that's not cool. If it'd been aubergine i'd have understood.

2. Is she certifiably guaranteed to know you'd be up to sweet-fa and go round? She already had all those people there which would have needed to be planned, and you apparently had no prior notice. She either wasn't bothered whether you'd come round or she knew you'd be round like a whippet. Kinda sad either way.

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There was aubergine in there to be fair, and like bread crumbs on top which had gone all crusty and yummy. She is a f**king well good cook.

I think she was just having a good night and then thought if I wanted to come round I could have made it nicer.

I work really late, I don't finish until 8 most days if I am lucky so she knew I would still be at work, hadn't eaten and would quite like a nice evening with her.

I wouldn't read into the ifs and whys of her asking me to come over last night, she is perfectly mentally stable and very normal. And to be fair I probably spend 3/4 nights a week at hers anyway so it was kind of to be expected.

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There was aubergine in there to be fair, and like bread crumbs on top which had gone all crusty and yummy. She is a f**king well good cook.

I think she was just having a good night and then thought if I wanted to come round I could have made it nicer.

I work really late, I don't finish until 8 most days if I am lucky so she knew I would still be at work, hadn't eaten and would quite like a nice evening with her.

I wouldn't read into the ifs and whys of her asking me to come over last night, she is perfectly mentally stable and very normal. And to be fair I probably spend 3/4 nights a week at hers anyway so it was kind of to be expected.

Go out with her then.

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Shit man :( are you okay? What happened?

Upset to the point I want to be sick.

I think it's probably for the best, was somewhat of a mutual decision but only because I simply don't make her happy anymore. Which in turn has been making me very unhappy.

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^^ agreed, sorry to here that Jack but just rememeber it gets better/easyier in time.

To add to the bad feeling I got kicked in the dick on Saturday. The girl I've been seeing came round to watch a film, thought I was gonna get lucky but insted she told me she didn't want to do it anymore because she didn't want to hurt me. Long story short she won't go anywhere near relationships. I'm fine with it really, it was going that way anyway and after previous encounters with girls I didn't let myself get attached because I knew right from the start I wouldn't get a relationship out of it.

Gotta admit I've never done this whole seeing a girl thing before but it was pretty damn good, especially when its a girl way way out of your league. We had a right laugh while it lasted. Met her at a sixth form social, I'm not in sixth form but a few of my mates are so I go along with them. Talked to her for about 5 minutes right at the end and then messaged her the day before christmas eve asking if she wanted to come to our New Years party and she said yeah. From that point it took roughly 4 days until she way staying over haha. Best New Years ever.

Unfortunately what comes with a very hot girl is a number of other guys chasing her. It doesn't seem to piss me off as much as I thought it would, I mean everyone's got to have ago sometime. I do love it though when some lads start to be hostile towards me because I went there and they didn't, I just stand there with a huge smile and a middle finger pointing there way haha.

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One of the main reasons why this is so shit is because I live with her best friend. Our entire group of mates are going to be affected.

She's still going to come round when we all hang out etc, which is going to tear me apart. Especially when that inevitable new guy comes along.

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You basically know as much as I do. It's been obvious that things haven't been right for some time now, we both love each other as far as I know but the relationship just isn't healthy.

Been trying to decide whether it's worth me sending her a long message, as a final shot.

Edited by harmertrials
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Sorry young Daniel it's my turn to be the little bitch:




It ends with a reply from me saying "we'll talk about it when you wana come over", followed by "ok x"

... Do I send some sorry last ditch attempt at fixing this, or do I wait it out until she comes over and do it face to face (could be like a week though)?

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