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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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I just hate hate the idea of doing all this for basically nothing at the end of it ? Getting closer and closer to each other then boom goodbye.

The bit I emboldened you could just as equally apply to life as a whole. Perhaps it's something to do with the western obsession that we should always be working towards something, that there's always better stuff around the corner. Two important words to consider in place of such banality: experience and today.

In 2008 I got together with the girl of my dreams barely a month before she moved back to France, and like you she was different to anyone before. There was no question about not bothering, or letting it pass me by, and I absorbed and lived each and every one of the moments we had like it was the last. As it happened we got more than 2 years out of our relationship before it came apart.

This time last year I was in a relationship which I knew would finish, to all intents and purposes, in September of that year because she was going away for 3 months and I was going to a different continent for at least 6. But we knew that from the start, and made each weekend we had together count, just for the pure experience of being together, doing fun stuff and having a good time. Likewise, right now I'm with a girl in Spain, who knows that in the autumn I'm off to another continent for an indefinite amount of time, and other commitments in her life mean that she can't come too.

It's always worth it, not least because things can change before she goes away. One of you could die, she could get a 'once-in-a-lifetime' (I hate that phrase) job offer near you and ditch university, you might decide to move there with her (I should've grown a pair, ditched my job and done this for the French girl, actually). You never know what's around the corner. And if none of that happens, if you wave goodbye knowing that it's finished, then you still keep the memories. Sure, you've invested emotion and whatever, but you know a relationship was worthwhile when, standing alone amongst the wreckage when it falls apart, you smile and don't regret getting involved in the first place.

Now go smash that b'tch.

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That's a rich request coming from the guy who sent me a PM (I think) about even mentioning your missus' name ;)

Yes. Porblem?

Nah seriously, it was just that you mentioned her facebook name and told people to search for it, and she's that self-concious that her facebook name isn't her real one, just to stop people finding her lol.

She's had a lot of hassle over the last year bless her, people getting her phone number, ringing her up wanting to talk about her titties, etc. Tis nice!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh shit here we go. I'm going on holiday for a week and wont see her for 2 weeks. She's "not trying to guilt me" about it, but just f**king complains everyday.

She broke her phone today and was so understandably annoyed, she asked me to call so I did, she shouted at me for over half an hour about shit that there was nothing I could do anything about. I was like "just calm down and stop shouting at me" so she was like "I just want to be angry and shout" so I said "WHY THE f**k DID YOU WANT ME TO CALL THEN" and hung up...... oh shitttttttttt haha

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Be fine, just sounds like shittygirlsyndrome to me. Every time one of us goes away, we fall out for about a week before it, then come back and it's all perfect again.

Just return with lots of presents and don't be "ZOMGZ MAH HOLIDAY WAS AMAZINZ", and ask her how her time without you was. Seems to work alright for us anyway. :P

EDIT: As for now, probably phone her back, say you're sorry for shouting but it was getting to you, bad day etc etc. Or just stick it in her pooper. Bitches love surprise pooperfun.

Edited by Muel
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Don't know how I feel right now, definitely a mixture of sadness and happiness and my body can't interpret either, it's weird. Kind of a sick feeling. Properly started last night.

Girlfriend has just got her A level results and got into Newcastle so it's 100% certain she's going away next Month. I'm super happy that all the work she had done has payed off and she's going where she's longed for for all this time but i'm so so sad that she's not going to be 45 mins away on the train or whatever, things are going to change and i'm just not sure what's going to happen.

We've both said long distance like this is going to be so hard. Despite how happy we are now, and literally we are, every time we see each other things just get better, we both know it. I've never experienced anything like it before. Just got back from hers for a few days and we can't annoy each other, everything is just perfect now.

I know a few people have said long distance is good as it makes it so much better when you do see each other, but I just don't think I can do it, or it will work. But I want it to. I like her so much and i'd go as far and say the time i've spent with her has been the the best time i've spent with a person pretty much forever.

Really don't know how to play it out? :( Christttt a serious post from me for a change what going onnnnnn haha

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If it takes longer than 30 mins from decision time to being together, it's long distance IMO. My ex lived 30 miles way, that meant an hours drive for her or 1.5 hours on a bus for me, that only ran every 2 hours. Might as well be 5 hours away because we had to plan to see each other, couldn't just pop over for an hour or two.

Current wench used to live about 30 min walk away, which was great, could just text her saying "Bored. Busy?", walk round and spend the evening with her. We live together now though so even less of an issue now. :P

Easy decision to be honest Dan, can you be arsed to drive up there to see her next weekend? Would it be worth it? If the answer to either of those is no, then break up, otherwise less thinky/crying/emo and more just get f**king on with it.

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If it takes longer than 30 mins from decision time to being together, it's long distance IMO.

My current female of choice lives around 10 miles away, yet between March and October that can sometimes be a 45 minute drive. Long distance? :P

30 miles is far from long distance too - a pain if it's a long/awkward journey, sure, but you're hardly worlds apart.

Dann; If you think a couple of hours is too much for anyone to take just have a chat with JT ;)

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woke up crack of dawn, got to high wycombe for 10 on the dot ..went into my 'interview' to find out there was another 20 people sitting in the same room ( i was the youngest here ) ..filled some stupid self assessment forms out ..then i had to wait a f**king HOUR till i was seen, then to be told "we can not continue this interview" because i "didnt get a high enough score" ..what the f**k are they on? a score on some self assessments?

waste of f**king time that was ..waste of f**king time!

And the stupid bloody lady who arranged it doubted me coming in and started questioning me if im actually gunna come into the interview for some strange stupid reason

time wasting c**ts.


What does this have to do with relationships? (with girls or guys, this thread ain't homophobic).

If you want the angry thread, it's been closed. Tom said for everyone to just make a topic if it's worth making a topic out of.

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To cut a long story short, I pulled a german girl last night, she was ginger and I found it all very amusing (thought it'd be a good opportunity to sleep with a ginger and german in one go to overcome my previous curiousities). Went back to my mates with her and sexed rather pitifully, way too much whiskey and these condoms I found that apparently have numbing stuff inside them (seriously I could punch my dick and it didn't hurt) anyway after a couple of average sex sessions went to sleep.

Woke up in the morning and she'd came on her period in the night and there was some hefty blood stain on the sheet. I couldn't help but laugh but kicked her out nonetheless and now I feel pretty bad that my mates bed sheets got all messed up. I tried washing them before he woke up and there's still resemblance of the blood but he thinks it could be a coffee stain.

Do I tell him or not?

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