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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Its really pissing me off how on nights out, the world and its wife seem to be pulling girls left right and centre, apart from myself!!

Literally have no confidence to speak/ dance with any girl. Its so frustrating because when others do it, to me it looks cringy and a bit rapey!

Damn women! Forever alone!Untitled-1.jpg

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Hah :D

Got another problem with this girl, we've been going out for about a month now and she's still pretty stubborn about me not coming over to her place or vice versa. What's up with that? She a virgin and afraid of something? It's ridiculous how we go out somewhere, then I drive her home and we spend an hour talking in the car. Or yesterday before I collected her she asked me if I want desert and brought it to the car >_< It's putting me right off. I've spent so much time in that car during the last month that I don't want to get into it anymore. Besides, if we're pursuing some sort of a relationship it's not going to be brilliant when we've known each other for such a short time and I'm already having to invite other girls over to my place to enjoy a nice evening because she doesn't want to come.

I think you should look at it from a different angle. It might be annoying, but she must have a reason. She could just be an annoying bitch or actually have a legit reason. For all you know she has some sort of phobia of taking people home or something.

I would just ask her straight up.

I'm not having any girlfriend problems myself. But I've been seeing a girl I met on the interwebz. I was't really expecting anything as most girls on the internet are too good to be true. But this girl is actually pretty nice and cute. I'm not sure how to approach this though. We're having a great time, playing video games and stuff. But it's hard not to feel attracted at times. Not only confused about my own intentions, but also hers. She's incredibly difficult to read, I have absolutely no idea if she sees me as a friend or fiends me attractive.

I guess you guys can't really help witht his, but I just wanted to get it off my chest.

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Freindzone or not, the Hannah chick wants a bit. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, but yeah :P

Shame about the one who's attractive though. Still, we'll fix it up (Y)

Im defiantly getting involved in this...

Commence mission get Max Laid!

Edit: Who's the attractive one? Do i know her?

Edited by Rich Hill
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But it's hard not to feel attracted at times.


Also, the best way to look at it is, will you be happy if you just stay friends? Potentially this could involve you becoming too close as a friend, and having to put up with the fall-out when her next relationship falls apart, etc, etc. Not good. You do not want to be this man.

I'm going to quote Tyler in Fight Club here: "The first soap was made from the ashes of heroes, like the first monkey shot into space. Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothin'."

Just start pushing things a bit, and you'll soon find out if you're read her wrong.

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Also, the best way to look at it is, will you be happy if you just stay friends? Potentially this could involve you becoming too close as a friend, and having to put up with the fall-out when her next relationship falls apart, etc, etc. Not good. You do not want to be this man.

I'm going to quote Tyler in Fight Club here: "The first soap was made from the ashes of heroes, like the first monkey shot into space. Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothin'."

Just start pushing things a bit, and you'll soon find out if you're read her wrong.

Haha yeah, being friends with hot girls is hard at times, but she's also my type personality wise which makes it that much harder.

That's exactly the point, I could see myself being friends with her. But as soon as she starts something with another dude I'm sure I would get jealous as f**k and don't enjoy the friendship anymore.

I have been sending off messages but the responses are very mixed or too sarcastic to determine the nature. She told me about a friend that confessed his love to her, and that she now doesn't speak to him anymore. She found it strange that he liked her, because she didn't even give any greeting hugs "like she does with me" (her words).

Is she trying to warn me that I shouldn't try anything or else the friendship is over, like with that guy. Or is she trying to tell me that I'm not like that guy because I do get the hugs.

I get those things all the time. And the above is one of the reasons that I'm not gonna try to push it, afraid I'll ruin everything!

I'm gonna take her with me to some buddies of my soon, a good chance to observe if she interacts any different with other guys.

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You're not like that guy. Unless of course you go and make yourself more like him in which case you will be :P

Being friends with attractive chicks is never hard and never a bad thing. Whether you take things further with said hot friend, or realise that hot females have hot female friends and use that fact instead, are two different things though ;)

I'm a pretty soft guy and when female friends have relationship problems I always kick in, so I'm pretty much bound to be that guy :P

But I know myself, I value friendsships and don't care if I suffer under it. So it's not like I can go back anymore now haha.

I can be friends with attractive girls as long as she's not my type personality wise. I'm not sure if she is yet, don't know her long enough. But there's a pretty fat chance.

I never really liked messing around with friends of friends, it always causes drama. But I can see your point :P

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Is she trying to warn me that I shouldn't try anything or else the friendship is over, like with that guy. Or is she trying to tell me that I'm not like that guy because I do get the hugs.

I get those things all the time. And the above is one of the reasons that I'm not gonna try to push it, afraid I'll ruin everything!

I'm gonna take her with me to some buddies of my soon, a good chance to observe if she interacts any different with other guys.

Good god your making hard work of this for yourself. Just let it roll, if its gonna happen it will. Just try an spend a little bit mote time with her an see how it goes.

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Good god your making hard work of this for yourself. Just let it roll, if its gonna happen it will. Just try an spend a little bit mote time with her an see how it goes.

Yes, I am haha. I should just let it roll but I'm constantly fighting with myself about it. I'm currently working on my graduation project so I only have school once every 2 weeks and no job. Way too much time to think about stuff!

I asked her if she wanted to meet up next week, but she says she is too busy. But you can always make time if you like somebody, so I'm not really optimistic.

I will try to just let it roll indeed, waste of time and stress to keep worrying about it.

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Was on a dating site. Girl sends me message. Send a few back and forth, get chatting, texting and calling. She seemed ok. Met her last October. She sayed at mine, I've stayed with her a couple of times. She has 2 kids, doesn't do a lot and I don't really fancy her that much. Feel like Im leading her on by still seeing her when I'm not that into her but I think she really likes me. I was straight up right at the start and told her I didn't want a relationship but I think she might be crazy.

So how do I tell her I don't like her without telling her she's munted?

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Buy her a cucumber and a tub of Vaseline. She'll be too preoccupied to even notice you're gone. (Y)

Edit; Kids,my bad. Better make it a marrow.

More seriously though, there's no real way to get it done 'properly' other than to wait 'til the next opportune moment (make one) while you're having a more serious conversation about something and just come out with it.

If you think she is genuinely insane hide the knives first.

If she likes you considerably more than you like her then cutting it off is the only humane way to do it.

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Lesson: the girls who are actively sending messages on dating sites are all nuts. It's an unfortunate byproduct of the fact that the decent ones just have to sit there and sift through the million pictures of cocks that they recieve every day to find a message they actually want to reply to.

Other than that, Luke's bang on the money.

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Haha yeah, being friends with hot girls is hard at times, but she's also my type personality wise which makes it that much harder.

I have been sending off messages but the responses are very mixed or too sarcastic to determine the nature. She told me about a friend that confessed his love to her, and that she now doesn't speak to him anymore. She found it strange that he liked her, because she didn't even give any greeting hugs "like she does with me" (her words).

I'm gonna take her with me to some buddies of my soon, a good chance to observe if she interacts any different with other guys.

If she has the same sort of personality set there may be more? Attraction is not everything i find some guy's attractive but find them complete knobs so the dislike set's in :P

The hug part is another sign if ever i have seen one. But i play games online and 97% of my friends are guy's some of them do display signs that they are interested but obv i mention my b/f

Just use some tact and ask questions along the line's of weather she has ever had a relationship that has worked through gaming? And maybe test the water pre admitting your interest?

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Well this could be in the happy thread too but.... the girl I was talking about eventually pieced together the hints and found out I liked her , but I already knew she felt the same and came up to me and told me it's fine and she doesn't mind at all . Which is great considering she is one of my best friends and she said as much today :))

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  • 5 weeks later...

Wow, amazed this thread survived the cull...

Anyway, i'm in a really shitty mood. Ex has just annihilated my newsfeed with photos of her looking mad hot (we've still got a lot of mutual friends who've just been down to see her = loads of photos)

That coupled with my mrs being a massive wanker for no reason today is making for a really unhappy skoze thinking about things far too much.

Dreading seeing the ex around in Brighton, likewise not looking forward to how things are gonna go with current girlfriend come september (she's awesome but i know for a fact she's shit at distances, even if it's just her mates) also having the whole "it's just not the same maaaaaan" thought processes.


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