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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Sooo, tl;dr = Can't live with them, can't live without them? Been there. :P

My ex cheated so there was never any question of us getting back together in my eyes (she could have at least tried though, bitch...), but for weeks we still got on really well. We've lost touch now though seeing as I got together with her best friend/house mate. Get the impression that she wasn't too happy about that.

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Know exactly how you feel mate, Mel is still my best mate despite everything and I really can't see anyone replacing her - i'm in the same boat as you when it comes to hoping things'll work out for us to have another go at it sometime in the future. Similarly we were getting on so much better and still doing the couple-y things when nothing was officially going on. Weird how that works with girls, eh? I mean, it didn't make the blindest bit of difference me but obviously did to her.

Still feel kinda lonely sometimes , but we're still chatting and on pretty good terms so I think if you can maintain that then there's no reason things can't or won't pick up again sometime.

As usual, love, hugs, and a bike ride soon yeah?

Cheers as usual mate :)

Yea, I blame my yearning to live in the 1950's and thus hatred of distance, uni, and lack of marriage and babies. Maybe it can work when she's done with that in a couple of years, who knows.

This week involves a lot of bike riding, and probably a lot of spraying stuff.

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Cheers as usual mate :)

Yea, I blame my yearning to live in the 1950's and thus hatred of distance, uni, and lack of marriage and babies. Maybe it can work when she's done with that in a couple of years, who knows.

This week involves a lot of bike riding, and probably a lot of spraying stuff.

*Cough* Bristol *Cough*

As for me, yet another lonesome valentines day awaits. I am seeing a friend, but it's pretty clear nothings ever's gonna happen between us, despite me having feelings for her for pretty much the last few months solid.....


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*Cough* Bristol *Cough*

Soon, very soon.

Isn't it odd how context of situations completely change your view of them? If I hadn't split up with Leanne, I'd still be sitting here right now on my own watching the same TV programmes and browsing the same websites. It's annoying that those same actions now feel so incredibly depressing. She's definitely doing things the 'right' way though - she's quite clearly getting on with her evening and not talking to me. I hope she's not feeling as completely gash as I do.

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You gotta think rationally my man. You know shit's gonna get better. I can throw facts and figures at you. But this is how I see birds, they're like degrees, it's very rare they're perfect, but anyone above 70% compatible is a f**king winner. You're not looking for one person, you're picking from a lot of good ones.

I hope that degree analogy wasn't wasted.

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Not wasted at all man. I definitely wont be looking or contemplating anyone else for a long time though - I waited for 4 years to get with Leanne when the time was 'right', which I evidently got wrong, and then had 3 years with her so there's definitely a lot to get over first.

I know when I think logically that everything's going to be OK, i guess I'm just really worn out over how long this has gone on for. Plus my logic only lasts for as long as it took to write that sentence, then the normal natural post break up thoughts get back in my head. Sorry in advance for boring the shit out of everyone with this AGAIN, but I don't really use anywhere else I'd feel comfortable doing it, and my mates all have shit of their own to be dealing with.

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Looking and contemplating is the kinda thing teenagers do IMO mate. Next time a lass comes along who's worth thinking about, you won't have to think about it, because you won't have a choice. Emotions are way too powerful to ignore when someone in that 70% and above bracket comes along IMO. Sometimes they come along before you're looking/ready, other times you can have been ready for months or years and never meet anyone. My Dad was single for 3 years between my Mum and his partner, he met her in tescos and now they've just had twins. You never know what's going to happen!

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so the saga goes on, got a real foul mouthed phone call on thursday night saying that she has found out i slept with another girl whilst we were on a break, we were broke up so i don`t see the issue. and i quote "nobody is ruining anything for you, you are doing a pretty good job of that all on your own. we could have been really happy together but you had to ruin it. now you can go shag all the cheap little slappers you want cos thats all your worth you cheatin twat"

1. she walked out on me

2. we were broke up

3. said girl in question, i have known for 12 years and known the ex 5 months.

4. how can i be cheating if we were broke up?

i didnt deny it, no point, just told her straight that we aren`t getting back together ever again cos i don`t love her anymore. cue a very drunk phone call from her at half 11 last night saying she loved me and was gonna be at my door in 20 mins. told her not to come cos i don`t want her here. think i did the right thing, just got to drop some of her stuff off then i won`t have to deal with her again.

don`t want a girlfriend now, too much hassle. have been in 2 long termers now and got burned both times. am just gonna shag about now, miles more fun

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She'll run around like a fruitloop for the next 4 years of her life telling everyone how horrible you are that you cheated on her because it was her fault she isn't with you anymore. Sounds like she didn't want to break up at all and did it for ulterior motives (probably attention).

Obviously you're 14 times better without her and it's probably better that this happened sooner rather than later.

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She'll run around like a fruitloop for the next 4 years of her life telling everyone how horrible you are that you cheated on her because it was her fault she isn't with you anymore. Sounds like she didn't want to break up at all and did it for ulterior motives (probably attention).

Obviously you're 14 times better without her and it's probably better that this happened sooner rather than later.

you are not wrong young sir, she certainly di like attention, it was all about her and her kids. mine got frozen out. what a cow

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Hot diggedy shit I'm lonely :( came up north to see my mum for some time away, but the only times I've been here are with leanne, which has f**ked that right up.

Literally had a conversation with my mum earlier about how to make friends in a new town when you don't work with anyone. If my best mate hadn't killed himself I probably would. Only half sincere.

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Hot diggedy shit I'm lonely :( came up north to see my mum for some time away, but the only times I've been here are with leanne, which has f**ked that right up.

Literally had a conversation with my mum earlier about how to make friends in a new town when you don't work with anyone. If my best mate hadn't killed himself I probably would. Only half sincere.

gym buddies? getting yourself out there? dare i say it, online dating?

i know we have totally different aims in life/outlooks on life(Although we also share the common hobby of gettin drunk). I signed up to an online dating site before xmas, as at the time me and the ex wernt speaking, and no one was going out, so no chance of meeting someone new. since then ive slept with 3 girls off there, and im a fat twat(granted i think ive got good patter, but you got to get them to meet you first) and could've probably slept with loads more/play people. (due to a bit of rabbit warmer a few months back, i now pretty much go "im kev, i want to have a laugh, maybe get laid, i dont want to change my relationship status on facebook or hold hands in the park"

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im a fat twat(granted i think ive got good patter, but you got to get them to meet you first) and could've probably slept with loads more/play people. (due to a bit of rabbit warmer a few months back, i now pretty much go "im kev, i want to have a laugh, maybe get laid, i dont want to change my relationship status on facebook or hold hands in the park"

sounds exactly like me. online dating is good fun

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What sort of changes did you notice in your missus? Since my gf started taking it 2 weeks ago, she's been very quiet. Most of the texts I get from her are simply short questions/answers. Last I saw her she was very meh about most things that she would normally get happy about.

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What sort of changes did you notice in your missus? Since my gf started taking it 2 weeks ago, she's been very quiet. Most of the texts I get from her are simply short questions/answers. Last I saw her she was very meh about most things that she would normally get happy about.

Usually just really moody, my ex was the worst when she had the implant too, she was impossible! A mate said his girlfriend was really off with him when she started taking a certain pill but didn't want to talk about it because there was no problem (you know the kind of conversation :P ).

Different pills have different effects it seems, might be worth her trying a different one? My gf has tried alsorts of pills to find one she's happy with, some gave her erratic periods and such too, she seems to be alright with the one she's on atm :)

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What sort of changes did you notice in your missus? Since my gf started taking it 2 weeks ago, she's been very quiet. Most of the texts I get from her are simply short questions/answers. Last I saw her she was very meh about most things that she would normally get happy about.

It's not the pill, it's the abortion she had right before that prompted her getting on the pill that's getting her down.

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Usually just really moody, my ex was the worst when she had the implant too, she was impossible! A mate said his girlfriend was really off with him when she started taking a certain pill but didn't want to talk about it because there was no problem (you know the kind of conversation :P ).

Different pills have different effects it seems, might be worth her trying a different one? My gf has tried alsorts of pills to find one she's happy with, some gave her erratic periods and such too, she seems to be alright with the one she's on atm :)

It's not the pill, it's the abortion she had right before that prompted her getting on the pill that's getting her down.

She has an implant as well! That was giving her erratic periods but she is taking the pill as well so she has no periods at all. She went to the doctors and asked to have the implant removed (she's had it for over 2 years) but somehow the doctor managed to convince her to not have it removed and take the pill as well.

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There's several pills availalbe. The first type my missus was on sent her f**king loopy, changed after a couple of months and she's been on it since with no ill effects. Might be a hard conversation if no one else has mentioned it to her? Mine was ok with it as other people had pointed it out a couple of times.

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