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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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so here`s how it went last night, all setup for a lovely night in with the girlfriend, bit of tea and some champers to see new year in, then she gets a call from her EX husband saying his dad is ill in the hospital and about to die. so what does she do? straight in the car to see him in floods of tears saying she was close to his parents and its summat she has to do. now if the boot was on the other foot and my EX rang me saying the same, it would be "you go out of that door don`t bother coming back". am i being selfish in saying its not her responsibility? because her being with me and not him surely would mean her being in with me on new years eve? i`m a little bit annoyed by it all, every time he calls her she comes back in floods of tears, and things haven`t been right since he phoned her saying he wanted her back in floods of tears. i don`t want it all to end and lose her cos i love her, but this is a pretty big thing.

bit f**ked off with it all now.

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Wait till she's calmed down, then ask her if you can talk about it. Wouldn't bring it up straight away as emotions will be running very high.

I can see her point to be honest, I was incredibly close with my Ex's Mum, I consider her to be a very good friend still and I'd be straight off to visit her if she was ill.

to be honest I think you should just take it, if the situation is ever reversed you'd expect her to be OK with you visiting an old friend right?

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Oh mate :( what happened?

Last night was a f**king joke, paid 15 quid for a ticket to miss a sweet party with lots of my best mates just to be with Mel at 12, spent from half 10 til quarter to 12 more or less on my own in the club 'cos i barely knew anyone about and she pretty much told me to leave her be til midnight as she was with the girls, find her just before 12, midnight comes round and she kissed her mate kerry before me. Err, what? Then she starts being all naughty clearly wanting something (thus signified by a "i reeeeally wanna have sex with you when we get back") i go along with it and suddenly all i want to do is take her home and have sex with her. Me wanting to go home at 3 instead of 8 as i'd been awake since half 5 f**king about with land rovers. Again; err, what? So we stayed out 'til 5am, i spent 70 quid, had an awkward semi-naked sleep.

Similarly, had a row the other day as she's getting wellll close to her mate from uni again (kid's tried to pork her numerous times) and when i bring it up she gets all raged claiming its nothing but good friends, it's all fine etc, nothing going on, all innocent, then says she'd not be that close to him if we were still properly together. What the f**k?! Can clearly see there is something not quite right going on then...

My love life is a joke.

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Similarly, had a row the other day as she's getting wellll close to her mate from uni again (kid's tried to pork her numerous times) and when i bring it up she gets all raged claiming its nothing but good friends, it's all fine etc, nothing going on, all innocent, then says she'd not be that close to him if we were still properly together. What the f**k?! Can clearly see there is something not quite right going on then...

My love life is a joke.

nearly as bad as mine son. think you should find this lad and take him for a coffee and tell him the error of his ways.

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Oh mate :( what happened?

Basically couldn't save it. If I'm honest I don't think Leannes heart was into giving it a proper go after the last time. She decided not to come and spend New Years Eve with me last night which really f**ked me off - it's the night I look forward to most in the year so it was important for me to spend it with the ones that I love.

Anyway, this morning/afternoon I asked her whether she wanted to be with me and she said no, so that was that. I'm f**king destroyed to be honest, because I've decided not to fight against it this time - I'll respect her decision and leave her to it. In an ideal world she'll miss me enough and we can have another go in a while, but I honestly can't see it happening.

Today has been appallingly bad. Emo as f**k but I could definitely be up for not waking up tomorrow morning.

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In ways it's worlds apart, but in others mine and yours is pretty similar! I'm just a week or so behind in terms of that decision to just leave it, I can tell she's not feeling it i'm just too stubborn to give up.

As usual, you know where i am mate! Think i'm free this weekend if you wanna ride or something, otherwise i'm more than happy to just come get wankered and chat shit with you :P

Let me know if you need anything bud (Y)

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Basically couldn't save it. If I'm honest I don't think Leannes heart was into giving it a proper go after the last time. She decided not to come and spend New Years Eve with me last night which really f**ked me off - it's the night I look forward to most in the year so it was important for me to spend it with the ones that I love.

Anyway, this morning/afternoon I asked her whether she wanted to be with me and she said no, so that was that. I'm f**king destroyed to be honest, because I've decided not to fight against it this time - I'll respect her decision and leave her to it. In an ideal world she'll miss me enough and we can have another go in a while, but I honestly can't see it happening.

Today has been appallingly bad. Emo as f**k but I could definitely be up for not waking up tomorrow morning.

Not cool :(

Chin up ! ride your bike!

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Cheers, and definitely.

Losing isn't something I generally let happen, but with this I've just got to accept it somehow. I know I tried as hard as I could and that clearly wasn't good enough. I will blame the distance forever, because I knew damn well this would happen when she moved back out. Just wish I wasn't right :(

I'm off to London as we speak to ride though I feel rough as f**k, no alcohol last night so that must be the lack of food! Should still make me feel better for sure :)

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Wait till she's calmed down, then ask her if you can talk about it. Wouldn't bring it up straight away as emotions will be running very high.

I can see her point to be honest, I was incredibly close with my Ex's Mum, I consider her to be a very good friend still and I'd be straight off to visit her if she was ill.

to be honest I think you should just take it, if the situation is ever reversed you'd expect her to be OK with you visiting an old friend right?

all didnt work out. came back from shipley glen, after being told by text she needed to be on her own for a bit, to find she has moved out and taken all her gear with her. on the plus point, at least me and the boy have our bachelor pad back. result!!

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they live in halls together which is buuuulllshiiiiiittttttt.

That's dangerous... If she really means a lot to you best get things sorted otherwise it'd be all too easy to lose her. I should know as I met my now wife in halls when she was already with another guy from her hometown. It didn't end well for him.

Edit: that last sentence sounds rather dark... I didn't kill him or anything :P.

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I've just got to accept it somehow.

Accepting is not going well. AAAARRRRRGGGGHHH rantrantrantrantrant. I couldn't be more of a cliche if I tried: I can't eat, sleep or work. I also can't let myself text or phone her. Must, respect, decision. I f**king hate this :

Why can't I get it out of my head that I'm gonna wake up soon and it'll be New Years Eve and she'll be on her way? The only other thing I can (supposedly rationally...) think is that I'm in a coma and I'll wake up soon and she'll be at my side, having been told that she caused it. Lol.

Definitely trying not to be such a pussy, but as you can see I'm just ending up being some sort of emo little girl. The radio is not helping either, they've got their "songs I've enjoyed with Leanne" playlist on today.

Honestly don't worry about replying, I'm just venting because I can't vent anywhere else. I'm just hoping it'll let me be able to work.

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You know it'll get better pal. Neurochemical changes and reactions are f**king you up. Get high, fight your brain at it's own game.

I had a good conversation about that last night, she's f**ked me over there good and proper - I moved out of the flat I rented from my Dad mainly (although I didn't admit at the time) because she didn't like him at all, thus rendering myself completely contactless! I shall, however, be making a trip back to my old town tonight to make sure I rectify that situation.

But yea, I know it'll get better, I just don't want it to. I want it to be best, like it was with her a few months ago.

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That's dangerous... If she really means a lot to you best get things sorted otherwise it'd be all too easy to lose her. I should know as I met my now wife in halls when she was already with another guy from her hometown. It didn't end well for him.

Edit: that last sentence sounds rather dark... I didn't kill him or anything :P.

Haha, tell me about it! She means an awful lot to me, been my best mate for coming on 4 years and we were properly together for the last 2, just a very very awkward situation to be in. I've made it clear i'm not happy about it, and if anything does happen i guess it's just gonna be proof she's not worth it. Either way;


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I had a good conversation about that last night, she's f**ked me over there good and proper - I moved out of the flat I rented from my Dad mainly (although I didn't admit at the time) because she didn't like him at all, thus rendering myself completely contactless! I shall, however, be making a trip back to my old town tonight to make sure I rectify that situation.

But yea, I know it'll get better, I just don't want it to. I want it to be best, like it was with her a few months ago.

The way I deal with the pit of despair after a break up is think about the ex ex. I thought I wouldn't get better than her but I did, and the next one will be better, and destroy me even more than the one that's just destroyed me.

I know this is all shit you know. But sometimes someone reminding you that it's always shit, and that each bird is better than the last (whether we pick better or that's just psychological who knows) it can help.

If drugs and positive thinking fail, high class escort it is, with drugs.

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That's some pretty sound logic actually, at least in theory. Cheers man, I know I'm being completely pathetic but I'm kind of bored of not being pathetic now - I've constantly tried to not let stuff like this get to me but it's about time I wallowed in some self pity for a bit!

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