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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Man me up guys.

For ages (9 months or so) my "best friend" has been a lass, love her to bits. Recently we were both single for the first time since we met, and decided to see how things went. It's been around 6 weeks now, and things couldn't be righter.

Everyone we know say we should be together by now, and to be honest I agree, but..... I recently split with my ex, who I'm still a bit hung up on I think, (she was "the one", lived together, planned life and all that teenage hormonal bollocks). It's made me very wary of how badly wrong things can go, and how one day the most important person to you can become the most hated.

I don't want this to happen with newlass, and it's holding me back popping the question. Motivate me?

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The old one was your first proper love interest and turned out to be a bitch. Yeah it takes time to get over that but the new one is a lot better and if she's making you happy just do it before she gets fed up of waiting and you end up hurting yourself before anything decent really happened. See how things go, don't start talking marriage straight away and work out where things are going. If it's all working out great and she's really into you that's when you can be sure she's worth risking it with.

Strap some balls on.

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No, the question in question is a question of whether we get together or not.

When I say "planned life" we (me and the ex) weren't talking marriage and kids, just her moving in full time next June. (She moved into mine but only for the 4 months of the summer between uni, she was always going to move out again into her new accommodation).

Don't worry, I'm not Fatty...

The old one was your first proper love interest and turned out to be a bitch. Yeah it takes time to get over that but the new one is a lot better and if she's making you happy just do it before she gets fed up of waiting and you end up hurting yourself before anything decent really happened. See how things go, don't start talking marriage straight away and work out where things are going. If it's all working out great and she's really into you that's when you can be sure she's worth risking it with.

Strap some balls on.

Cheers man, trying to work up the courage to bring up the subject over the weekend. See what she thinks...

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Sam, dont worry, ive got the solution, you ask her by the time i open the first door on my advert calendar, or i link her to this topic, and before you think about being a sneaky jew, Ive printscreeened and saved the last 3 pages, so you cant edit it out.

so you either ask her out, or tf does it on your behalf, i know which has got the higher chance of success.

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