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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Not good :$ so sorry, how do i go about gettin checked out? Just ring up the docter for an appointment or so i go somewhere different?

got a brook/GUM clinic round your end, if not, go to the doctors, theyll either do it, or refer you to a place that can do it. first time you get checked out isnt pleasant, when they take a swab from behind your skin using that umbrella thing, could of almost lamped the bloke doing it.

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girlfriend whos been nothing but trouble f**ked me around non stop for last few months, just found out she cheated on me and worse of all think one of other friends knew about it, Hope for his sake he didnt otherwise im gunna get myself barred from every pub in my town... great.

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Rob, they'll have to cut your foreskin off, and take 3 quarters of each testicle off, no matter what STI you have.

and thats only if they catch it early on, you leave it 24 hours and thats it, job lot... all comes off.

And you'll have to turn into a woman dress up as a woman more often.

haha :P its a joke i know

isnt it?

please tell me its a joke

bastards :(

Ive decided to ring up the docters today, bit nervous but better off getting it done now. Or shall i ring sex line, if thats still running, and see what they say?

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Or shall i ring sex line, if thats still running, and see what they say?

how's a £1.50 a minute wank going to solve any of your problems ?

nobdocters are easy - i visit them for fun (i like it when nurses cradle my sack)

your local hospital is the best place to go - doctors are useless, they just refer you to hospital, family planning clinics are even worse, they refer you to your doctor who then refers you to hospital.


phone/website or whatever and find out the number of the hospital's GUM clinic, give em a ring and go down there.

While you're there get everything they offer - including the HIV (it makes it easier to get the bottle up when you really think you need the HIV test and there really isn't a feeling quite as good as knowing you don't have aids)

you'll probably be fine - its pretty difficult to get the aids off a lady cos the skin's so thick

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ha i had exactly the same problem as you, thought she might be preggas, wasn't....

then i got a wierd lump, get it checked out and it nothing bad.. but feels so sureal getting an sti check

and then i snapped my banjo string, blood everywhere, not funny at all

can't be bothered to type propperly, so everything in short

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ha i had exactly the same problem as you, thought she might be preggas, wasn't....

then i got a wierd lump, get it checked out and it nothing bad.. but feels so sureal getting an sti check

and then i snapped my banjo string, blood everywhere, not funny at all

can't be bothered to type propperly, so everything in short

If banjo string = willy then harhar. I've always wondered if it was possible to "break" it, had mine proper bent about in a couple of sessions and that hurts like fook.

Any permanent damage? Do you have a turn in your knob? haha

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does the morning after pill actully work :( Whats the chances of it not. Im only 16 :(

I doubt you'll of got her pregnant. Probabilities are slim, plus she's gotta be at the right time of the money and all that.

Hopefully you weren't retarded enough to shoot all your load 'in' her and if not then I'll be you a tenner you're fine :P

I had a fling ages ago when me and a girl who was in our friendship group were kinda a bit close - both single. I didn't use one and everything ended up alright. Thank f**k.

Silly bitch told me she was on the pill and she wasn't. Hmph! Good shag though..

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(and then i snapped my banjo string, blood everywhere, not funny at all) - Forgot to Quote

Id hate to do something like that. My gf is already more sexually experienced than me as iv had none :( and if something like that happened to me it's GAME OVER. Mite as vell grab the hose and get the car all toasty.

Edited by Boris_the_second
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