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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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I'd leave it, let her come to you or find someone else. Sometimes your brain tells you afterwards that it was better than it really was. It probably doesn't seem like it, and taking people's advice can be almost impossible.

Sometimes you've just gotta do what you want to do. What's the way you want to deal with the situation? You might feel more satisfied if you just do it your way, regardless of the outcome. If she doesn't want to be with you, do you really want to try and talk her round to being with you?

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Haha it's funny when you have enough burning will to do ANYTHING the best thing to do is nothing...

I'm lining a girl up for now, I'm hoping having a smash on something else will give me other issues to contemplate.

Thanks for the advice guys, if anything further occurs I'll likely return :ermm:

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No texts - face to face only, however and whenever is up to you.

I would say when you see her say this:

"Woman, god damn it i adore you. Truly i do. If you cannot handle this then now is the time to speak as i wish no further for my time, nor my efforts to be wasted. I care for you very deeply and i think truly you are an exceptional woman and i'd like our time together to continue. If you feel the same as me then you will now speak, and we shall walk off together hand in hand and have many happy memories....but if you do not feel this way, then know that i have cared for you, and wish you all the best as truly, as i mentioned before, woman, you are quite remarkable".

Feel free to add a little "good day to you" but say it powerfully, with good grace and with every little bit of your heart and you shall get a definitive answer either way, and also your pride will be very much intact.

either you are joking....or you are a virgin.

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That was a definite joke haha!

Girlfriend's being shitty with me because she's 'had to cancel' something because I'm pure skint, loads of others going, but apparently I've f**ked everything up because I literally have no money, mum/dad won't lend me money because I don't have a job, despite spending almost every day of the holidays so far looking for one. I've had to cancel loads of shit for her because work's popped up at last minute, holidays, days out, nights out, house parties, etc., but as soon as I can't make something everything's my fault and I get the shit from everything else that annoys her.


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Matt, postpone your girlfriend shit, you don't need it and she should understand more than anyone. What you need is like a week away, riding bikes with mates and sleeping on floors worrying about your safety. If only you could arrange that...

Ride now, talk later. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Edited by JDâ„¢
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either you are joking....or you are a virgin.

Neither is true. I've had more sex then you can fathom and I know from very real experience that girls appreciate honesty. Nothing wrong with being a gent.

Considering JD has just spent the night in my flat with my long term girlfriend would make for a fairly safe assumption that I've got my end away at least once or twice.

Edited by Matthew62
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Neither is true. I've had more sex then you can fathom and I know from very real experience that girls appreciate honesty. Nothing wrong with being a gent.

Considering JD has just spent the night in my flat with my long term girlfriend would make for a fairly safe assumption that I've got my end away at least once or twice.

I didn't see any babies.

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Matt, postpone your girlfriend shit, you don't need it and she should understand more than anyone. What you need is like a week away, riding bikes with mates and sleeping on floors worrying about your safety. If only you could arrange that...

Ride now, talk later. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yeah we'll see, she's e-mailing me today from Poland with her take on things - will see what happens! Whatever way it goes though the following week is juuuuuust what I need.

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'nother 2 weeks at least. She's just being all mental now so wants to get it off her chest for her sake if nothing else. There will be a face to face "sorting out" when she's back too no doubt.

Cool shit, i'll put the kettle on :P

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Just found this comment under a youtube vid:

" Loved ones you want back:

Do something about it, Call this person, Let them know how you feel, Make sure you do everything in your power to not let that one slip away forever, and if you feel like they have, Do everything to get them back. The worst that can happen is you end up right back where you are now, but just think of the possibilities if this said person has been wanting you back ever since.

I tried, and yes I failed, but I have this hope that for someone else, It will change their life"

Pretty much liked that, and I guess it makes sense too. I think so alteast :)

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Not single anymore after more than a year, woop woop.

Met this girl a long time ago, lost contact and thought I had ruined my chance. But I didn't give up and it has paid of! :)

Will be a challenge though; She lives 3 hours away and has a severe allergy to sunlight. She can't stay longer than about 15min a day in the summer. Erythropoietic protoporphyria for anyone who's interested.

I took my time to think about it, but I think that I can live with it, I actually don't like warm weather and am pretty much an "inside" person. I also study interactive media and an busy move into the game industry, where I can work from home at times.

I'm going to gamescom in germany this thursday with friends and she is tagging along. She will be here tomorrow so we can travel together, will be the first time we will share the bed, can't wait! (not necessarily sex you pervets!)

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My girlfriend I have been with for 2 and a bit months now we had like an pointless argument really but she's now constantly blunt. Ive been in Cornwall for a week and a half and I know when I'm gonna loose signal so I made sure I said bye etc before I loose contact she was still blunt all I get is K or yeah k, then this morning I said my usually morning text and shes still blunt all I got was hi, I said sorry for yesterday and I get yeah k and that's all I'm getting, the arguments neither like our faults but she won't apologise or accept my apology? I don't know what to do really?!

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My girlfriend I have been with for 2 and a bit months now we had like an pointless argument really but she's now constantly blunt. Ive been in Cornwall for a week and a half and I know when I'm gonna loose signal so I made sure I said bye etc before I loose contact she was still blunt all I get is K or yeah k, then this morning I said my usually morning text and shes still blunt all I got was hi, I said sorry for yesterday and I get yeah k and that's all I'm getting, the arguments neither like our faults but she won't apologise or accept my apology? I don't know what to do really?!

Stop texting her. If she thinks you're worth it then she'll get in contact (and maybe apologise for being blunt). If she doesn't reply then it sounds like its probably not going to work long term and you may as well cut your losses.

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