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The local news is North West Tonight? I grew up about 25 miles from Manchester.

I've been to the south a few times now, took the ex to London for her birthday to see her favourite musical. Cost £750 for a 1 night stay. Seems like a pretty f**king stupid thing to do now.

Why did you pay £750 for one night? You could have rented a room for two months for that.

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Well so do i, but unless money is of no issue i would think that that was a rather large sum of money for a young man to spend for a single day.

I also don't think it's indicative of the cost of going out in London, so i'm somewhat shocked by the cost.

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Train fare for two came to £140, apartment was £190 (f**king posh though, in an area where the next cheapest was over £300, and the living room alone was bigger than my flat at the time), show tickets were £160 (best seats in the place IMO), two evenings meals at £50+ a go, two lunches at £25ish a go, went to Ripley's Odditorium which was £50ish, then loads of shopping and stuff. Easily adds up!

to be honest I still think it was worth it, it was an all out weekend but the memories will last forever. :) Not even 1 months wages for the best weekend of my life? Worth it to me. (Even though things have since gone to shit between us).

Edited by Muel
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Well, it's about £70 for a return train ticket to London, then you'd need to get a day ticket to use the underground which is like £10 so that's £160 on travel. If you don't know London like most of us Northern monkeys don't, it can be tricky to find a cheap hotel in a good location. Maybe he wanted to splash out a bit on the room as well. I used to live in Kent and when I did I spent a lot of money on single days out in London.

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Train fare for two came to £140, apartment was £190 (f**king posh though, in an area where the next cheapest was over £300, and the living room alone was bigger than my flat at the time), show tickets were £160 (best seats in the place IMO), two evenings meals at £50+ a go, two lunches at £25ish a go, went to Ripley's Odditorium which was £50ish, then loads of shopping and stuff. Easily adds up!

to be honest I still think it was worth it, it was an all out weekend but the memories will last forever. :) Not even 1 months wages for the best weekend of my life? Worth it to me. (Even though things have since gone to shit between us).

Yeah i guess so, i get it - just seems a bit crazy.

I guess i'm thinking about it, and i go out in London every weekend, have dinner, see new things etc and it's just daily life, all of which is done with a relatively small spend, so i'm always interested in how other's (non-residents) view and accumulate the spend/cost.

If you enjoyed it, then yeah well worth it, but for me personally for a similar amount of money i was able to get two weeks in a small island off Croatia with eating out most nights etc, which came as a very welcomed break and to me a pretty good use of my cash.

Out of interest what show was it, as it amazes me how much theatre ticket prices fluctuate.

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It was completely crazy. At the time I was still at uni (on my placement year now).

For me it's comparable to going abroad, it's an alien place full of this strange race of people I don't understand, who talk funny and have completely different ways of life to me.

Chicago at the Cambridge Theatre.

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That's true.

Sometimes living here it feels like it's a unique island not actually anywhere. Sooo many languages going on at once - i can often go a day or two without hearing English.

Yeah, i know the place - did you go in to the nice little pub on one of the corners of the dials opposite the theatre?

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You think that's bad? I clicked that f**king link at work. It was blocked, which means the security manager has been sent an email informing him that I clicked that link.

NSFW needs to be marked NSFW Kev, you knobend.

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You think that's bad? I clicked that f**king link at work. It was blocked, which means the security manager has been sent an email informing him that I clicked that link.

NSFW needs to be marked NSFW Kev, you knobend.

sorry man.

girl issues, ive just had a phone call, im now single.

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Hugs dawg. How come if you don't mind me asking?

basically she was sick of not seeing me(shes in uni 80 minutes away, her home is 2.5 times that). I cancelled on seeing her this weekend, cos of work commitments, shes said it was the last straw.

im pretty cut up about it, but someone said, single guys get MOAR BACON.

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All dem bacon! I always find, in a relationship I've got confidence, talking to bitches don't matter so I just ain't arsed. Then when I'm single, every approach is like "This is make or break pussy conversation, I gotta do this shit right or I will not be getting any." And it throws my game.

Just so we're clear, I don't try and get pussy while in a relationship, the conversations just don't matter. So it's easier. I ain't no cheating skank.

On all the people breaking up, just leave it at that, don't go back there. It's not worth it, it'll never get better, those little problems won't sort themselves out. Just go find something fresh and new, if it works in the long run it works. If it isn't work and it ends, best to leave it that way.

Edited by MonsieurMonkey
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All dem bacon! I always find, in a relationship I've got confidence, talking to bitches don't matter so I just ain't arsed. Then when I'm single, every approach is like "This is make or break pussy conversation, I gotta do this shit right or I will not be getting any." And it throws my game.

Just so we're clear, I don't try and get pussy while in a relationship, the conversations just don't matter. So it's easier. I ain't no cheating skank.

I concur. Weird how that works really :S

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All dem bacon! I always find, in a relationship I've got confidence, talking to bitches don't matter so I just ain't arsed. Then when I'm single, every approach is like "This is make or break pussy conversation, I gotta do this shit right or I will not be getting any." And it throws my game.

Just so we're clear, I don't try and get pussy while in a relationship, the conversations just don't matter. So it's easier. I ain't no cheating skank.

this has already come up, girl i know who is mates with my ex(me and my ex are cool- not the new found ex btw) had awesome patter with her for a few weeks,wed chat about random shit for ages. shes single, and looking. she popped up on facebook like 2 minutes ago, said "hi", i immediately bottled it, gave it a minute and disappeared. its like when your single, every conversation with a single girl is vital. and id got nothing good to say, this time last week wed discuss cheese strings to just pass time.

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Yeah but she's looking, you shouldn't be, unless this is more casual axe wound. Don't be getting into anything else right now. Give your penis some time to breath in many different flavours of fragrant bacons.

i know, but a week ago, i could chat codshit, and not think twice about it. she aint even target axe wound, but it just seems easier to be cheeky/flirty/funny in conversation when you got a missus, cos you can make sexual innuendo, dirty comments, and stare at assets, and its all one big joke/admiration of the female form, as opposed to sexual harrassment.

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It's normal to have a few emo moment right? Girl move into new flat with you, 3 months later she leave, but you're in your routines already? Rediculous shit like coming home at lunchtime and walking into the door, because it's locked when it was always open. Making two mugs of coffee in the morning automatically instead of the one. Is this actually normal or am I just a gay?

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It's normal to have a few emo moment right? Girl move into new flat with you, 3 months later she leave, but you're in your routines already? Rediculous shit like coming home at lunchtime and walking into the door, because it's locked when it was always open. Making two mugs of coffee in the morning automatically instead of the one. Is this actually normal or am I just a gay?

You're just a forgetful gay :)

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It's normal to have a few emo moment right? Girl move into new flat with you, 3 months later she leave, but you're in your routines already? Rediculous shit like coming home at lunchtime and walking into the door, because it's locked when it was always open. Making two mugs of coffee in the morning automatically instead of the one. Is this actually normal or am I just a gay?

God, it just sounds all win-win for you - i'm jealous. Bacon every morning and two cups of coffee! Good times.

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