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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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If she "plays everyone" play her at her own game.

From my own experience, when it comes to the hawttiez who are out of your league, your performances are doing you no favours. Be nice, complimentary when it needs it, friendly, but keep the underlying vibe like you couldn't care less about what happens and chances are (if she is this type of girl, and i'm assuming she is...) she'll think "oh wait, a boy who should be jizzing his pants because I accepted his friend request actually isn't the interested in me. What? This is new? I'm hot? Let me investigate this a little further..." as opposed to "LOLOLOLOLOL HE'S 7"

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Edited that post above ^

Right thennnn... depends how you would describe clingy though surely? But I see her as clingy, I know you're just going to come back with a counter argument for every point though but it's cool I don't mind :). Seems pretty gay saying them out butttt, She texts me every morning with out fail. Last tuesday she literally wouldn't let go of me (i dont mean clingy in that sense, haha) but she was with me all night, she'll get pissy with me if I don't reply to her texts within a few hours and suggest something is up with me even if im out on the car or whatever, if i put something on facebook she'll instantly text me asking whatttt? or what is that supposed to mean? Even if it's completely unrealated to her. I'm sure i can remember more but im not in the best of moods...

All I simply did was ask her to the cinema, she said yes. Then when she put it off 2 days and not mentioning I thought something was up. So I asked her directly if she liked me - I like to be assertive. To which she said yes but things are complicated blah blah last 3 pages. It's not like im texting her every f**king few hours for her to be with me. And I didn't get "pissy" with her. She's already sent me a few texts apologising for being a "total twat" and shes in a "naff mood today".

Edited by dann2707
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Man, this shit is getting too much for me now. f**k her off so we can all move on.

For the sake of this thread I think i'm going to have to !! :D haha

Wrote quite a bit on the last post of that last page <

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I'd say she's playing with you. Some birds love the control, they love to have you doing their dance, and you are. Either play it completely cool like Skoze said, or f**k her off. Or just get some casual gash. Then ignore her once she goes to Uni, unless she says she's got some sort of STD.

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Just broke up with my lass. Downside I'm gonna be lonely at first, at least for a few days, upside is I'm single again! She's no longer around to f**k with my head, life just got very simple.

I like simple, simple is easy and keeps me happy.

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Nahhh, she might be Dan-sized.

I'm just going to enjoy being single for a while. She's moved out of my flat, so it will now be a PROPER manpad. My old posters are going up, and it will be designed to drive girls away the morning after, and attract the lads round for regular piss-ups. (In a totally non-gay way).

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In the lonely/bitterness stage now. Went to make breakfast this morning in my usual manner, before realising it was only for me now.

It's really wierd being on your own after ~4 months of being/living with the same person for almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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In the lonely/bitterness stage now. Went to make breakfast this morning in my usual manner, before realising it was only for me now.

It's really wierd being on your own after ~4 months of being/living with the same person for almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I thought you said you were hardly spending any time together for the past few months, despite living together?

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In the lonely/bitterness stage now. Went to make breakfast this morning in my usual manner, before realising it was only for me now.

It's really wierd being on your own after ~4 months of being/living with the same person for almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

4 months......sheez - that t'aint nothing', that's a weekend in terms of a relationship.

Just means more bacon for you!

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Wellll yeh pretty much, but it was regular, like we'd see each other at lunch most days and had at least 2 evenings a week and a day at the weekend together, it was different time alone than it is now.

4 months......sheez - that t'aint nothing', that's a weekend in terms of a relationship.

Just means more bacon for you!

That's a point, bacon! She hated the stuff so much that the smell made her retch, so naturally I stopped getting it in so the smell didn't upset her. Now I can have bacon again!

Yes I got the reference, and I've structured my reply accordingly.

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The local news is North West Tonight? I grew up about 25 miles from Manchester.

I've been to the south a few times now, took the ex to London for her birthday to see her favourite musical. Cost £750 for a 1 night stay. Seems like a pretty f**king stupid thing to do now.

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