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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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So me and the new girl have been talking quite alot for the past 2 weeks. We arranged to meet up before a mutual friends party 2 weeks ago. All was fine until on the day she was like "aww im too tired to stay for the party so i'm just going to hand a card to him and go home" - thought meh, ok... but then again she is looking after her new puppies until 4-5am which i can understand.

Now last friday on my Birthday my mate ryan and his bird was planning on meeting me and this girl at the cinema to watch hangover 2. The day before she saysshe was feeling really unwell, and didn't even text me on the day :/ (although i didn't text her first, was just checking to see if shed let me know).

And now she says shes really into me, and won't let me down again but yet says shes still in love with her Ex which is holding her back. I'm just like, oh thanks for telling me now. Feel like i've been f**king wasting my time. I LOVE being messed around me.

It's weird, out of loads of girls I know. There is only a few I know that are "normal" and not weird in anyway. Who are down to earth and genuine. Anyone else find that these sort of girls are pretty rare? I'm not even bringing looks into it, mehhhhh.

Edited by dann2707
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It's weird, out of loads of girls I know. There is only a few I know that are "normal" and not weird in anyway. Who are down to earth and genuine. Anyone else find that these sort of girls are pretty rare? I'm not even bringing looks into it, mehhhhh.

Yep, "normal" -> rare, good looks and "normal" -> even rarer, and if you find one you still need to get her liking you -> mission [nearly] impossible. If you leave the good looks away it's very well possible....

(that's for me atleast :P)

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S'all an attitude thing. If you go out thinking that there's always going to be a weird flaw, constantly trying to work out what's wrong with someone then that's all you're ever going to find.

Go out, have fun, meet people; If shit goes further then it'll do that by itself.

The moment you stop trying to force it happen is pretty much when it'll start to happen of it's own accord.

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No thanks needed.

Everyone's weird in one way or another but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. Hell, most of us ride silly little bikes up and down walls to get our kicks, who are we to judge! :P

You have two options;

  • Try too hard and waste a ton of effort trying to find the impossible
  • Be awesome

Your call ;)

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It's weird, out of loads of girls I know. There is only a few I know that are "normal" and not weird in anyway. Who are down to earth and genuine. Anyone else find that these sort of girls are pretty rare? I'm not even bringing looks into it, mehhhhh.

I reckon the trick is finding someone who's wierdness's appeals to you. Seemed to work alright for me.

Everone has wierdeties though, me included. I'm possibly the most anal person ever when it comes to building bikes (think polishing bolt heads and cutting bolts down to the perfect legnth for the hole, so each 4bolt/stem bolt has to go in the right hole).

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Ah yeah, sorry, didn't mean to leave you all hanging...

She came round on Sunday night and we chatted about everything and she was glad I've accepted my faults and actually want to sort them out. She said she'd been upset and regretted doing it and was willing to try again.

I said to her she needs to tell me about anything wrong rather than let it build up and then just finish it, which she agreed with.

So far it's going well but I guess I'm still paranoid that she'll do it again out of the blue - that's the risk you take I guess.

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Get close to girl.

Like girl.

Be unsure, as going to South America for 2 months, then to a festival in Croatia, in three weeks.

Can't be arsed with a relationship.

Stop talking to girl as much.

Not sure if regretting it or not.

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