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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Lol how that turned out ^…

Erm anyway. Was at my mates other day and saw his sister for the first time. She's stunning. 2 years younger than me but still. I want! How would I go about getting talking to her when I only go to my mates not that often at all. He's cool with me trying it on with her btw. He did drunkerdly give me her number but I'm not exactly just going to randomly text her or add her on fbook when I didn't even speak to her the other day.


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Haha she might find that weird if we haven't even spoken beforee? I'm probably wrong but initially though that.

She was sat at the computer and as we were leaving we said bye, she turned around and looked at me really surprised. But I didn't feel that it was in a bad way, more like hey I've never seen you here before!

Might just ad her on fb and private message her on there!?

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Ahh I like that plan better haha.

Only problem is he goes back to united in 4 days.

Seriousness aside it was so funny the other day. I stopped at his house after that night out. He went to the lounge or something ans his mum didn't know ibstopped over. She came into his room. I was layed on the spare bed and we just looked at each other for 5 seconds straight. Nothing was said it was so weird. Then she just walked out. Hausa I think it was a be there moment to be honest.

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Hey guys,I don't usually post on here but since the forum is famous for it's problem solving abilities I may aswell ask...

My girlfriend and I have been together for over a year and it has been awesome. She really does mean the world to me. We have never had any serious problems, we have had minor spats but really nothing that means anything...

This morning I got a phonecall from her saying she had been stupid and had kissed another guy (from her work). I went round to her house and we spoke about it, there was lots of too-ing and fro-ing. I decided to give her another chance because I do love her and she did seem genuinely sorry and she was totally distraught about it. At that time I thought I was fine and everything would be okay... She went to work about an hour ago and now I have been sitting here just thinking about what I am going to do... I feel like shit!

Have any of you guys had an experience like this where you have put something like this behind you and continued on with the relationship? I really don't want to lose her but I just need to know what someone else thinks (don't want to talk to anyone about it just now).

Thanks in advance guys.

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You know what guys are like, they are animals and won't stop trying it on until they get some. Its pretty hard for a girl to not kiss anyone when under constant pressure, without coming across as a miserable wench. It happens quite a lot, its not too bad, have a word with the work mate and tell him its not on smile.gif

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If by have a word you mean kick the **** out of, well it has already crossed my mind. This guy knows we are together because he was a few years above me at school and I would have considered him a mate... Now it is clear he is a low life little dirtbag. Seriously wanted to explode earlier but I don't want to scare her...


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  On 4/29/2011 at 4:53 PM, Rojo said:

Have any of you guys had an experience like this where you have put something like this behind you and continued on with the relationship? I really don't want to lose her but I just need to know what someone else thinks (don't want to talk to anyone about it just now).

Ex kissed someone at a party (she never told me who but had my suspicions), I let it go, then she kissed my best mate, then it came out that she'd kissed the same mate before at the start of the relationship.

Then we broke up but were still seeing each other (so not really broken up at the time) and another mate started trying to get a slice, told him to pack it in, he carried on, ended up hitting him.

She was a nob.

Though tbf to mate #1 she was his ex first (I didn't know this when we got together) so it was kind of a strange situation in the first place and I couldn't stay mad at him.

I'm still mates with both of the above mates but finally realised I was wasting my time getting shit on time and time again by the ex especially since I nearly f*cked my current relationship up craving her and telling trials-forum all about it :mellow:

Current girlfriend is 100x better, glad she gave me the chance ^_^

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  On 4/29/2011 at 4:53 PM, Rojo said:


Look at it this way, if she didn't feel that bad about it, she wouldn't have told you. Sounds like she's got morals to me and she just made a mistake.

I'd have a word with him personally, non threateningly but just explaining that it's not on.

Depends how old she is IMO. At 21 and under, having serious commited relationships just doesn't make sense to me. After then is a different story though. :P

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Cheers guys, I am usually quite level headed about stuff like this but this is just messing with me... I'm guna stay with it and see how it goes. It is a serious relationship but I suspect it is more serious for her in terms of commitment (she is 5 years older and was in the process of moving back home (international) when we met but she stayed to see how things would go). I almost wish it was just some random guy she met on a night out but she works with this guy and every time she is at work it is all I am going to be thinking about.

Hmmm, time will tell...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dead excited to meet this girl tomorrow. Thought oh no its gonna be one of those girls who puts really hot profile pics on but in real life is gonna look a mess but shes just put some pics up from today with her two mates. So cant really get any recent. And she looks pretty fineee. Wish me luck tf!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Been with Mel 18 months, was my best mate from school, talk all day, love each other to bits but she said the other day what we used to have isn't really there any more. And now she's said it, I have to admit she's right. Some days we're proper awesome couple-y and other days it's like we're just really good friends plus a bit more.

We've agreed not to give up on it just yet and can try and sort things out but i honestly have no idea where to start - help?

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