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stupid bitch cant deal with me says im too f**ked up and didnt like that i posted a pic of her holding my dick within 30 seconds of starting dating........ what a bitch my life is so bad and tf is full of geeks who can post date a quote

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Right, well regarding the girl I've been talking about recently, I got bored last night and sent her a message saying how I felt, and that I didn't know what I expected, but that I just wanted to make sure things were clear between us.

She responded saying that's really nice, but that she couldn't say anything at the moment, because her exams are the main thing for her right now, and she doesn't have time for anything else, but that we can still see each other like we do at the moment, and she'd appreciate it if I didn't change the way I act.

So that's about as clear as mud, for f**ks sake. I don't mind waiting, but I'm not waiting for nothing....

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You must have some pretty clear mud up there then, seems pretty straightforward to me?

She has exams at the mo/coming up and they're the key thing for her right now.

She's interested and wants to keep seeing you, but doesn't want to think about taking it too much further/becoming an "official couple" or whatever until her exams are out of the way.

She doesn't want you to suddenly start being weird about things/creepy/needy purely because she hasn't said to you that she want's you guys to be together.

Carry on as you were, just with less of the overthinking.

Issue? What issue...

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Is she 14 and doing her SATS or something?! :P

Shit you cought me whistling.gif

Nah, she's 18, doing her As levels, (she should be doing A2's, but she's a year behind because of emigrating to the UK), she's pretty determined to do well, and I know this isn't just an excuse to see me less or anything.

You must have some pretty clear mud up there then, seems pretty straightforward to me?

She has exams at the mo/coming up and they're the key thing for her right now.

She's interested and wants to keep seeing you, but doesn't want to think about taking it too much further/becoming an "official couple" or whatever until her exams are out of the way.

She doesn't want you to suddenly start being weird about things/creepy/needy purely because she hasn't said to you that she want's you guys to be together.

Carry on as you were, just with less of the overthinking.

Issue? What issue...

Cheers for that, it's hard to think that positively from my end, I really do over-think things a lot, I need to stop it. I'm usually a complete optimist, until it comes to girls, lol.

Anyway, since I started writing this reply, I've had a message from her saying that she does like me, and that she's just feeling confused at the moment, and doesn't know what she wants. So yeah, ok it's not a perfect answer, but at least I've not been hanging onto false hope, and it sounds like with time I could be onto something good. So yeah.. that was a surprisingly quick outcome, lol. Back to biding my time I go then.....


Just take the advice you've been given, you needy git :P

pinch.gif it wasn't quite as blatant as that, but yeah, I realise it wasn't the best idea. Doesn't seem to have screwed things up at all though, and at least we know where each other stands now, which to me's pretty important.

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Anyway, since I started writing this reply, I've had a message from her saying that she does like me, and that she's just feeling confused at the moment, and doesn't know what she wants.

Sounds like she wants a good dose of Rohypnol to be honest.

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She has exams at the mo/coming up and they're the key thing for her right now.

Women can multitask. Something doesn't add up here.

But in all seriousness such statements (about exams being the key thing at the moment) piss me off so much. It effectively means that she cannot be bothered to manage her time properly. Emotions aren't something you can put away because you have to study. It makes girls sound so cold.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry man. Just carry on dating her.

Edited by Greetings
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