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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Damn, everything to do with girls can't be easy, eh? :/

Well, I actually only am writing this because I have no chances of going to sleep right now, actually not seeking help or anything. Just writing for the sake of having written it. My head anyway is fooling around with me at the moment..

So I actually now pretty successfully was chatting with that girl I pretty much fell in love with out of nothing (again. Last time i just tried to push it away/ignore it..)

Well I now actually am trying to meet her for longer than like 7minutes since about a month, but she never had enough time. (I know that she really is busy, she perhaps had +- 5 free afternoons in that month)

And this evening she told me that she's found a school in germany (I live in switzerland [terribly boring here, and no one to ride with..]) and she'll go and live there for a year, starting in summer.

Now it's actually also clear why she's holding me on a longish lead at the moment. Probably doesen't fancy having a friend shortly before leaving or something. God knows..

I only know that she actually seriously likes me... And I would also be ready to see her wherever she'll live, if it actually still works well then^^

Just how the hell do you make that clear to someone you didn't even spend an hour with lately? lol (It may sound strange...)

Well, now the cloak is lifted, but it managed to set me into some sort of fog. Can't really think clearly about it all either now. I probably just think too much.

Have a nice valentines day -.-

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Have you ever been to Essex?

Nope, been in and around London a few times to visit a few distant relatives. I live in switzerland, as stated above, and Essex isn't round the corner :P

Though I might come over for a few months in about a year :) [inclusive bike ofcourse :)) ]

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There are easy girls everywhere... Yay for Essex rep. If anything more girls are unwilling to do stuff because they don't want to look like an 'essex girl'. But there are loads of slappers around...

Ans colchester is filled with fat bush pigs. bahahah, i cring everytime i see one at college D:

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Quagmire seems to have the right idea, being the carrier of everything means you don't have to care.

I'm completely lost with a girl I went out with last Friday. Things went very well, felt a proper connection with her. As we were saying goodbye to each other, she said that she'd really like to see me again. Kewl. So I waited 2 days before getting in touch with her (usually take 3 days but got a bit too excited). Texted her on Sunday, she took half a day to reply and then completely ignored my second text. Ok, a bit odd but I thought she was playing her part of the game. Decided to wait a while before the second attempt. Called her today in the afternoon for a short chat but she didn't answer. She hasn't called back or anything. Seriously, what the f**k?

I don't want to sound like a twat, but I have not once failed to get with a girl I liked. I've never been ignored in this way and I just don't know what to think of it especially as she was clearly keen on me and I could tell she knew the feeling was mutual. Now I see two possibilities: either she's toying with me (in which case she's pushing it a bit) or she's lost interest which given the circumstances would be a bit unusual.

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Most stupid thing is that you can't see what went "wrong", right?

Exactly! I'd be so much happier if she was straight forward about it.

I think her missing the call/text/message on FB is not an option here. I know that she might be very busy this week but that's not an excuse.

And yes, it might be her part of the game but it's not really in good taste; I might have come across a bit too eager although I did space things out. It's not like I flooded her with calls or texts, tried to contact her 3 times since, using 3 different methods and nothing.

Have to move on I guess, it's just so annyoing that I don't know what went wrong.

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Exactly! I'd be so much happier if she was straight forward about it.

I think her missing the call/text/message on FB is not an option here. I know that she might be very busy this week but that's not an excuse.

And yes, it might be her part of the game but it's not really in good taste; I might have come across a bit too eager although I did space things out. It's not like I flooded her with calls or texts, tried to contact her 3 times since, using 3 different methods and nothing.

Have to move on I guess, it's just so annyoing that I don't know what went wrong.

just "loose interest" after a while she'll start getting paranoid 'cos you're not going after her, she'll end up contacting you saying something along the lines of..." oh sorry greetings, i've really busy/stressed and haven't had the time to answer you, let's say we meet up...blah blah bla"


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Exactly! I'd be so much happier if she was straight forward about it.

I think her missing the call/text/message on FB is not an option here. I know that she might be very busy this week but that's not an excuse.

And yes, it might be her part of the game but it's not really in good taste; I might have come across a bit too eager although I did space things out. It's not like I flooded her with calls or texts, tried to contact her 3 times since, using 3 different methods and nothing.

Have to move on I guess, it's just so annyoing that I don't know what went wrong.

Exactly the same happend to me. She suddenly blocked al contact for 5 months without warning. After first making me happy by telling me shed had feelings, hurray for girls. We speak to each other now and then on msn but it will never be the same as it was. Think it´s wise to move on indeed :(

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She messaged me today on FB apologizing for her recent behaviour. The only explanation she gave was that the last 1,5 weeks were "a very peculiar time" for her. Whatever that means.

A few days ago I heard a rumor about her dating some other guy. Perhaps it didn't work out or something.

I feel relieved after getting this message. The obvious thing to do would be to move on and just forget about her. But because it's so difficult for me to find a girl I like (and I actually did like her), I'll probably pick up the gauntlet and regret it a few weeks later :ermm:

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my x rang up in tears about 15 mins ago .saying

david theres not a day that goes by where i dont think about you... 'i miss you and i need you in my life Can we make things work babey

i replyed with laughter and said NO CHANCE! and hung up


She ripped my heart out and threw it away..so it made me feel pretty good to just reject her

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