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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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The ony angst I'm having atm is knowing that the girl who I oh so much desired to be with last xmas time is in to me now, and I could be with her now. But I'm at Uni... She doesn't drive *or hasn't passed yet* and I don't drive now.. Just not feasable (word of the day).

I went out with a girl who lived about 40 miles away for 16 months-ish, distance gets to be a bit of a ballache after a while.

And your word of the day calendar needs binning or a spell-check :P

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Similair vein. The girl I'm getting with at the minute lives in Nottingham, I live in Bournemouth. Thing is, it's not like we even got to know each other when we lived close to each other so it's a bit wierd. Kinda don't really wanna get more involved cos it's such a mission but not sure.

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Similair vein. The girl I'm getting with at the minute lives in Nottingham, I live in Bournemouth. Thing is, it's not like we even got to know each other when we lived close to each other so it's a bit wierd. Kinda don't really wanna get more involved cos it's such a mission but not sure.

Might be worth a go one day when you got a few quid you can spare on the ticket right?

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Might be worth a go one day when you got a few quid you can spare on the ticket right?

Oh I've been up there a few times to stay with her recently, just dunno if it's worth taking it further then that. I'm at uni, have more than one job, run a night and dj a lot so I can't just swan off 300 miles away all the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a while since I've posted in here, which is obviously a good thing!

But I'm back now >.<

To put it simply:

How to be more trusting in a long distance relationship? I'm mostly feeling very secure with the whole thing.

Just now and again I amplify the little bit of doubt into my mind into a big thing and it sends me under. Any long distancers able to shed some light? I've never done this before, But you have no idea how much I want this one time to work...

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Communication! Me and A used to talk to eachother all day every day (much like you and Caitlin) and phoned every now and again, that worked out pretty well 'til she went all weird - we've not spoken in a year :rolleyes:

What's getting to you? If it's not t-f friendly feel free to go to the SkozenuckleJive e-hugs thread ;)

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Got dumped for the second time with the same girl. Story is: first time she said we lived too far from each other and she wasn't ready for some serious business. That was a long time ago. Few days later, she got f**ked by her best friend. Later on she asked me if you could be together because she couldn't understand why she dumped me and that I was perfect for her etc... She said she would move this year as she could work in another city. We spent last week together and it was awesome, she kept telling how much she loved me etc... But yesterday she said she didn't felt that much things for me anymore. And she dumped me.

The worse thing is I proposed her last week, and she said yes,... Who has a rope now?

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Got dumped for the second time with the same girl. Story is: first time she said we lived too far from each other and she wasn't ready for some serious business. That was a long time ago. Few days later, she got f**ked by her best friend. Later on she asked me if you could be together because she couldn't understand why she dumped me and that I was perfect for her etc... She said she would move this year as she could work in another city. We spent last week together and it was awesome, she kept telling how much she loved me etc... But yesterday she said she didn't felt that much things for me anymore. And she dumped me.

The worse thing is I proposed her last week, and she said yes,... Who has a rope now?

As much as this is unhelpful, it's the cold reality of the situation:

She's a proper mindf**k. Avoid her.

Honestly mate, she sounds slightly mad to be pronouncing her love for you, then one week later saying she has no feelings - it's impossible to switch feelings off like that unless you do something major like kill her family or something (Which I assume you've not done?)

It sounds like attention seeking / playing and it's something nobody should ever get caught up in.

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Communication is KEY. Not smothering and all the time, but frequent and meaningful. Don't call for the sake of calling, that's just stupid, but reasons can be all sorts of stuff so make an excuse :P

Communication! Me and A used to talk to eachother all day every day (much like you and Caitlin) and phoned every now and again

Lines up with my thoughts, guess I just need to settle into the routine (Y)

Seeing her tomorrow for the entire weekend, I think once I've seen her again my mind should calm the hell down a fair bit more :)

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Where is she? You can get train tickets and coach tickets pretty dirt cheap if you book them in advance dude.

Seriously, give it a go. My girl is 93 miles away from me in York, It makes it absolutely amazing when I get to see her, It could work for you too

Ha ha!!!

My girl is 3429 miles away from me in New York City, so I'm hoping (given the price of the plane ticket) it's going to be absolutely amazing to see her in 10 hours' time.

Ain't see her in over 3 months. You boys don't know you're born!!!

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Over 1 year now since my breakup and I still look back at my last relationship. The annoying thing is that we broke up very peacfully and with great respect towards each other so I very much miss the person that she was. Such a shame it didn't work out. No luck finding anyone good enough yet :(

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Got dumped for the second time with the same girl. Story is: first time she said we lived too far from each other and she wasn't ready for some serious business. That was a long time ago. Few days later, she got f**ked by her best friend. Later on she asked me if you could be together because she couldn't understand why she dumped me and that I was perfect for her etc... She said she would move this year as she could work in another city. We spent last week together and it was awesome, she kept telling how much she loved me etc... But yesterday she said she didn't felt that much things for me anymore. And she dumped me.

The worse thing is I proposed her last week, and she said yes,... Who has a rope now?

if you have respect for people, don't let people disrespect you

she doesn't seem to treat you in a fair way IMO

I m sure its not easy but best way to go is just avoid her

or if you want revenge you can play games with her aswell, telling her you love her deeply then drop her like a shit.

good luck, girls are such a pain in the ass :giggle:

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"If we're in a relationship and we're NOT arguing, there's something wrong."

Apparently being able to get past arguments and carry on loving each other and all that jazz are an integral part of making a relationship stronger.

To me, it seems to just be a way to tempt fate, to push the limits so to speak and generally put the whole thing on edge.


Because I don't really see the logic behind that theory. Seems to me that getting past arguments doesn't make it stronger, it just gives you more things to think about and use against each other. :ermm:

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