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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Ex texted me saying she's pregnant when she knows I know she can't conceive and that I'm not very likely to have kids.

My almost girlfriend of two weeks ago, whom I clearly states after I didn't want to do anything with is now pissed off I have a girlfriend and is trying to stir shit up.

My current gf is being a douchebag on the first night of being together.. I don't see this lasting long. :blink:

Even if you're skeptical about this it would be worth noting that a relitively large percentage of women told they can't have children actually go on to conceive. My auntie and cousin were both told they couldn't have kids and so was I.

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith
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Haven't head anything I over a week. That should not be a big problem, but we used to chat every night and I would receive a sweet text message when going to bed. All of it has suddenly stopped without warning. I didn't do anything wrong this time, why am I being punished :unsure:

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Haven't head anything I over a week. That should not be a big problem, but we used to chat every night and I would receive a sweet text message when going to bed. All of it has suddenly stopped without warning. I didn't do anything wrong this time, why am I being punished :unsure:

Somebody else is giving her the hot meat injection.

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Going out with a girl from a different school(jess), finally happy in my life for once then suddenly everyone has taken sides, it seems half my friends hate me and i dont even know what to do anymore..

I've been told if i split with jess and make her upset ill get beaten up and shit.. i dont know what to doo :ermm:


Jess ... says:

i'm so scared


Laurence says:

oh sorry msn didn't flash

why are you scared?

Jess ... says:

that you'll leave me.

Laurence says:

i wont trust xx

WTF do i do.. i don't even know what i'm saying any more..

Sorry really needed to let that out TF!

Edited by Laurence--Trials
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What's with relationships getting so serious, so early, all of a sudden?

Do you want to be with her?

How long've you been going out?

If it's a kind of: "U wil get beatens if u mayk my bmfl Jess upset." affair, then you've got to judge how willing they seem to carry it out, i.e. I had the exact same thing said to me by a bunch of angry chavs, but I ended it and nothing more was said/done, so I wouldn't take it too seriously, unless it's a group of close-knit meatheads who seek any excuse to dish out some violence. Some mates have also had the same kinda things said to them, threats to trash their house an' stuff, but I've seen one person actually do it, and he stopped him in the yard, (awesome times at secondary) said "OI M8, WOTF U done TO KATIE" before the guy bopped him, and it was left at that. However it may differ in your situation as factors such as area, age, temperament, etc. obviously come into play and balls things up even more.

If you do finish her, your mates won't have fallen out with you, and should come to your side, so it's not too bad*...


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WTF do i do.. i don't even know what i'm saying any more..

How long have you been with her? And aren't you like, 14? Just chill, it'll be fine.

My missus goes through phases of that sometimes (but that's down to a lot of pretty deep stuff, not just OMG I LUFF YEW etc) Just re-assure her and forget about it. There's nothing worse than making a big deal out of things like that.

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What's with relationships getting so serious, so early, all of a sudden?

Do you want to be with her?

How long've you been going out?

If it's a kind of: "U wil get beatens if u mayk my bmfl Jess upset." affair, then you've got to judge how willing they seem to carry it out, i.e. I had the exact same thing said to me by a bunch of angry chavs, but I ended it and nothing more was said/done, so I wouldn't take it too seriously, unless it's a group of close-knit meatheads who seek any excuse to dish out some violence. Some mates have also had the same kinda things said to them, threats to trash their house an' stuff, but I've seen one person actually do it, and he stopped him in the yard, (awesome times at secondary) said "OI M8, WOTF U done TO KATIE" before the guy bopped him, and it was left at that. However it may differ in your situation as factors such as area, age, temperament, etc. obviously come into play and balls things up even more.

If you do finish her, your mates won't have fallen out with you, and should come to your side, so it's not too bad*...


Na hes no hard nut, just agree/ jealous i superpose, yes i reallly want to be with her, only about nearly 2 weeks, but its all sorted now. I mainly just wanted to let some steam out when i writ that if you get me. Cheers anyway :)

How long have you been with her? And aren't you like, 14? Just chill, it'll be fine.

My missus goes through phases of that sometimes (but that's down to a lot of pretty deep stuff, not just OMG I LUFF YEW etc) Just re-assure her and forget about it. There's nothing worse than making a big deal out of things like that.

I'm 15, 16 in march (yes i no its no close just saying) and okay cheers for sharing skoze :)

I know i'll get this shit about oh your only 15, its not going to last, but theres nothing wrong with going out with someone at this age is there, and i love her and we're very strong at this moment in time. So no need to say it ;)

Thanks anyway guys :)

Edited by Laurence--Trials
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Na hes no hard nut, just agree/ jealous i superpose, yes i reallly want to be with her, only about nearly 2 weeks, but its all sorted now. I mainly just wanted to let some steam out when i writ that if you get me. Cheers anyway :)

I'm 15, 16 in march (yes i no its no close just saying) and okay cheers for sharing skoze :)

I know i'll get this shit about oh your only 15, its not going to last, but theres nothing wrong with going out with someone at this age is there, and i love her and we're very strong at this moment in time. So no need to say it ;)

Thanks anyway guys :)


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Aren't i aloud to love her just because its been 2 weeks?

Not really no. And not to sound too harsh, you don't love her, you think you do.

In a few weeks / months you'll probably hate her / be bored / fall in love with someone else...

Absolutely no need to get all emotional at 15, it's a waste of time.

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The f**k am i doing speaking to my ex again. turns out we both miss other and she still loves me D: !

EDIT: dont really no waht to make of it, i still really like her but dont want to get f**ked about again, what should i do?

I'm in the same boat right now, And I'm f**king loving it

Just keep your cool, Keep her at arm's length and don't go diving in head first, take it slow and make sure that you're prepared whatever the outcome.

Try not to get too attached and let her do the chasing for a bit, she's come back to you after all.

Just because you've been together in the past doesn't mean it's gonna go bad a second time, just start over from the beginning and see where it goes, try not to dwell on the past and focus on the present :)

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I'm in the same boat right now, And I'm f**king loving it

Just keep your cool, Keep her at arm's length and don't go diving in head first, take it slow and make sure that you're prepared whatever the outcome.

Try not to get too attached and let her do the chasing for a bit, she's come back to you after all.

Just because you've been together in the past doesn't mean it's gonna go bad a second time, just start over from the beginning and see where it goes, try not to dwell on the past and focus on the present :)

Cheers man, & i actually spoke to her just for the hell of making conversation. she says she thought about me everyday since we split up, personally i think thats bullshet, spose will just have to see what occurs

Have a wank then reassess the situation.

I love you :giggle: made my night

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Cheers man, & i actually spoke to her just for the hell of making conversation. she says she thought about me everyday since we split up, personally i think thats bullshet, spose will just have to see what occurs

I love you :giggle: made my night

after 30 mins, im back to the conclusion that i was with when i split up with her, shes a bitch.

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I'm 15, 16 in march (yes i no its no close just saying) and okay cheers for sharing skoze :)

Speaking of not letting little things fester and f**k things up - Mrs Skoze had a massive go at me last week for all sorts of shit i didn't realise 'til she said it, so it's good to talk about it as soon as it's an issue...

Anyway, all's fixed and we're sweet again. Having to wait 4 days for make-up sex is hateful though.

DJJ: knob her and leave it at that.

Edited by Skoze
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Speaking of not letting little things fester and f**k things up - Mrs Skoze had a massive go at me last week for all sorts of shit i didn't realise 'til she said it, so it's good to talk about it as soon as it's an issue...

Anyway, all's fixed and we're sweet again. Having to wait 4 days for make-up sex is hateful though.

DJJ: knob her and leave it at that.

Who is this Mrs Skoze you speak of?

I do believe the forum has not been graced with photographic evidence thus far.

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