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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Did she know you have an Ipad and a well paid job?

This was before all that.

I win though; I saw her recently and she got big!

Seriously, I dodged a bullet there—meals out with her now would cost a fortune…

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I wouldn't say trouble as such, just been seeing this bird for while just struggling to bring my A game to the bedroom for some reason..Maybe its because I quite like her or maybe it is the difference..I dunno. I've never had this issue before though and pondering it over doesn't seem to be helping at all.

*In reply to Ben, seems the reply quote doesn't want to show up today.. ah well.

I can't say I've had that trouble but I can understand it happening in either sense of really liking her or thinking about your differences. Obviously if you really like her you can pressure yourself with the idea it's really important to make the experience the best it can be - the irony being that the concern has the opposite effect like when we worry about doing a trials line and the fear ruins our concentration and makes us more likely to mess up and hurt ourselves. And in terms of difference, sometimes we can carry preconceived ideas about what the other person is expecting based on their difference. Usually there's a thought occuring in either of these senses that leads to a problem but it can easily be subliminal, our awareness only catching it in the corner of its eye, so to speak.

I guess you've gotta try and pay attention to the subliminal thoughts that occur just before you get down to business or the ones that occur when you imagine the situation. You can also patiently pay attention to the feeling that surround or relate to the situation which can often bring up an enlightening thought. Or alternatively tell her about it? It might relieve some of the pressure? She might even like the fact that nerves are getting to you because you like her so much? Women seem to typically be more about the liking thing than the sex thing in my experience. Regardless of any of this stuff anyway, I bet the more time you spend with this girl and the more comfortable you become, the issue will just fade away even if you manage to understand it or not.

When you mentioned interacial relationship I thought you might be going through the interesting experience I did of racism toward being white from gf's family.

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Interesting read there dude. I sort of raised the subject a little earlier today and she was just a bit like 'meh,we're just getting to know each other etc etc' so I can't be as bad as I imagine I am being lol

I think I'm getting used to such a change as well, its been a fair old while since I've seen the same girl more than just a few times so getting into something a little more regular feels kinda odd.

Shes yet to stay a night though, which is odd, its like, 'In, movie, spanky sexytime, then home' usually I've had girls stay over a night or two first before much has happened. Its just different.

I've not yet met her family but that should be interesting, her mum sounds well jolly on the phone though!

It's a good point that you're just getting to know one another. Sometimes learning and alligning with each others 'grooves' takes a while. Sometimes you both gel instantly but it's never a given. Regardless of how it is in the start though doesn't mean much about how it can ultimately be.

I wouldn't get too hung up about each relationship needing to follow the same pattern though. It's good to just go with what works and what happens, within obvious limits. We are creatures of habit however and sometimes we end up a bit too dependent on that habit for security.

Anyway, ramble over. Good luck.

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I can't say I've had that trouble but I can understand it happening in either sense of really liking her or thinking about your differences. Obviously if you really like her you can pressure yourself with the idea it's really important to make the experience the best it can be - the irony being that the concern has the opposite effect

This is true, and i guess most likely with you, Allen?

I did the same with my missus, reeeeeeeeeeeeally liked her and wanted everything to be perfect, and then it was all a bit shit. Told her, she seemed to like that she meant so much to me, we laughed it off and all's been good ever since! As you said in the previous, you're not used to anything consistent so that's probably adding to what you're feeling because it's not a regular thing for you to have. Anyway, im gonna stop telling you what you already know now...

In the immortal words of Tomturd; Relax.

Edited by Skoze
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It's good you let her know, at least she knows that you care about her experience and aint just doing it for the sake of doing it.

Asked the girl if she wanted to meet up, said she wasn't feeling good without any further explanation. Something is really stopping her from meeting up with me, but I have no idea what. I'm pretty sure that she had a positive experience when we saw each other. I don't want to seem suspicous/moan about stuff/don't trust her on her word but I might have to confront her with my feelings towards this.

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Asked the girl if she wanted to meet up, said she wasn't feeling good without any further explanation. Something is really stopping her from meeting up with me, but I have no idea what. I'm pretty sure that she had a positive experience when we saw each other. I don't want to seem suspicous/moan about stuff/don't trust her on her word but I might have to confront her with my feelings towards this.

Try not to over-analyse, she could be "playing hard to get", she could genuinely "not be feeling good", amongst a load of other things, I wouldn't confront her just yet, just wait it out and see what happens.

Obviously don't pretend you've lost all interest in seeing her, try to hint at it, but not go on about it if she hates that kinda thing.

EDIT: I've pure scan read your previous posts, so if I'm way off the mark, and my post consists mostly of faggotry, ignore me.

But still, The Streets have it dialled.

Edited by Ninja Manatee
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Try not to over-analyse, she could be "playing hard to get", she could genuinely "not be feeling good", amongst a load of other things, I wouldn't confront her just yet, just wait it out and see what happens.

Obviously don't pretend you've lost all interest in seeing her, try to hint at it, but not go on about it if she hates that kinda thing.

EDIT: I've pure scan read your previous posts, so if I'm way off the mark, and my post consists mostly of faggotry, ignore me.

But still, The Streets have it dialled.

You´re right about the over-analysing , i'm very much like that. But I keep waiting 2-3 weeks between each time we meet up, and it ain't making me happier. She has no job and limited school work, as far as I know she is at home all day. It just very much seems that there is some sort of reason for her to not see me. I don't think I have very much to lose by confronting her, we barely speak anymore, we never see each other, can't become any more worse as it is now :P

I'll approach her very carefully about it, she always said that if somethings bothering me I should just be honest with her.

It already feels like I'm in a relationship talking like this :P

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Caitlin goes to uni on Saturday, I really want things to carry on how they are, it's f**king awesome!

We've fallen for each other way harder than we should have, we've both admitted it wasn't intentional we've come to this. So it's safe to say she's interested and not just because I'm interested in her and there's nobody really left around here anymore since they went to uni.

She knows I'm always here and that I'm gonna travel to see her now and again, We've already arranged for me to go up in a few weeks when I go up to Scotland, Gonna stop a night or two at hers then carry on to see my family.

So it all seems a safe bet that it can carry on right?

....Now, why the f**k will my brain not just accept that, rather than constantly worrying that I'm gonna get sidelined for somebody closer?

Anybody had this? It's absolutely killing me and I really don't want it to start straining things, because I'll never ever forgive myself if I f**k it up this time

Edited by PeanuckleJive
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rant about woman and your brain....

distance can work, takes time and effort and probably more phone s*x then actual s*x, i did it for three years, however we both went our seperate ways as really neither were going to move for the other as we were both happy with our lives.

dont rule it out, but dont ruin it by constantly worrying. easier said than done i know

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The worrying is the annoying bit, Honestly no idea how I get rid of it because it's always done my head in, and it's a bit self perpetuating if it ruins things between me and somebody, because then I spend the next occasion worrying about my worrying, vicious cycle >.<

I know the answer to that is man up, thank you TF (Y)

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Ex texted me saying she's pregnant when she knows I know she can't conceive and that I'm not very likely to have kids.

My almost girlfriend of two weeks ago, whom I clearly states after I didn't want to do anything with is now pissed off I have a girlfriend and is trying to stir shit up.

My current gf is being a douchebag on the first night of being together.. I don't see this lasting long. :blink:

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