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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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As much as I don't want her to be the one that got away, I've been thinking for a while that once she's gone to uni I should let her be just that, Just letting her go will be far easier in the long run than forever wanting her and it never being enough

TF helps out once again (Y)

now, to get the psycho ex I accidently slept with recently off my back

Great white buffalow.

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Still waiting to meet up after 2 weeks! The wait is killing me. She sais she´s ill and I do believe her, but waiting is so hard when you just want to win someone over :(

I know what you mean I have a couple of girls that are so hard to meet up with they always have so much stuff to do and then when there free I cant meet up for what ever reason.

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Still waiting to meet up after 2 weeks! The wait is killing me. She sais she´s ill and I do believe her, but waiting is so hard when you just want to win someone over :(

Keep your cool mate, to quote the streets 'your not playing hard to get, your playing it not getting a hard on yet'.

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Still waiting to meet up after 2 weeks! The wait is killing me. She sais she´s ill and I do believe her, but waiting is so hard when you just want to win someone over :(

Seperation makes the heart grow fonder and all that shit dude, if she's into you too it'll be killing her but when you see each other it''s be AWESOME

Hence why I'm confident I'm getting laid this week.... :rolleyes:

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Amen to that. Give it a go dude, Usually it's that the girl can take it or leave it and the guy is really into her, enjoy being wanted!

Meh. It's easy to say. I *really* get put off by such behaviour. Imagine if a girl was covered in puke and chased you around, whould you say yes even if she was very pretty? I guess not.

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To be fair that's a totally different scenario lol

Funny image though, for sure. :sick:

made me think of this song lol

In thread related news, AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! I think i've managed to f**k up! Been chatting to an amazing girl for about a month now, getting on amazingly and we're going out to the cinema on weds. sounds cushty you all say? Last night, i'm DJing at a local bar and the new girl from the pub i work in is there, we have a laugh together at work. Anywho, she decides to tell me that she has fancied me since she started at the pub (neither of us are drunk) and wishes things were different (she's engaged). anywho, conversation gets all kinds of awkward, after i've finished my set, she asks me to walk her home as her mate has bailed on her and we "need" to chat about things. So i've walked her home, got to her front door and she's gone in for the kiss, should of denied it, but didnt. Ended up in her bed and doing the dirty, she's given me some mahussive love bites on my neck which are stupidly visable and now i'm worried that the girl i want will think i'm a complete twat! Granted i actually am a complete twat for doing someones fiancee. wtf do i do?


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