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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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I tend to make myself think that any girl I might get involved with is a massive twat so my sub-conscious hates them, however I can be perfectly normal and nice and achieve my goal of getting some sexytime without the risk of feeling shit if I did get rejected because afterall I don't even like them and it doesn't make me feel bad.

If you've already started to really like her, then you've lost the game.

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She just wants to hang out?

That's the logical expelnation but it's not like she doesn't have who to hang out with. Going out tomorrow, will see what this is all about. For a moment I thought this was somewhat related to my dad who she really likes and that she wanted to get to know me too. But the amount of attention she's been giving me recently isn't normal. She can't cheat on her bf, we're all essentially a big family and it would instantly come out and ruin everything.

how do you guys handle fear of rejection?I'm starting to like this girl but i'm quite scared of being rejected.

It depends on how much self esteem you have. If you get rejected just ignore it and forget about it. In such situations I always like to think that the girl would have regretted her decision if she got to know me, and that the's obviously not good enough for me. Such thinking is not always true and it's a bit big headed but it really helps you just ignore the whole thing and move on.

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how do you guys handle fear of rejection?I'm starting to like this girl but i'm quite scared of being rejected.

Realise that the outcome is unlikely to change from 'No' to 'Yes' if you're scared. Conversely, the outcome is more likely to change from a 'Yes' to a 'No' if you go from confident to scared. Also, you can change a 'No' to a 'Yes' through confidence sometimes too.

So basically, by being scared you have the possibility of something to lose but by being confident you have a chance of gaining. Don't be scared.

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We've been good friends for 4 years, in that time we've had random flings here and there

She's got a boyfriend, and she's off to uni in a few weeks

But we're starting to get close again, She's currently in Spain and she's texted me every day to tell me she misses me and can't wait to see me

Before last week I hadn't seen her in ages, then we met up, had a chill and ended up watching movies for hours on my bed, all snuggled up (for lack of a better phrase), none of us actually made a move on the other though, we just cuddled

Before that, and since then, we've just been talking like good mates, but with some intense flirting thrown in here and there

I can't make it out at all, It seems to me like it's the proper break I've waited years for, but half of me can't get why it would be, because she's got a boyfriend.

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We've been good friends for 4 years, in that time we've had random flings here and there

She's got a boyfriend, and she's off to uni in a few weeks

But we're starting to get close again, She's currently in Spain and she's texted me every day to tell me she misses me and can't wait to see me

Before last week I hadn't seen her in ages, then we met up, had a chill and ended up watching movies for hours on my bed, all snuggled up (for lack of a better phrase), none of us actually made a move on the other though, we just cuddled

Before that, and since then, we've just been talking like good mates, but with some intense flirting thrown in here and there

I can't make it out at all, It seems to me like it's the proper break I've waited years for, but half of me can't get why it would be, because she's got a boyfriend.

Personally I would say make a push for it. My GF was my best mate for about 3-4 years before we got together and now its going great, possibly the best descision we ever made.

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Personally I would say make a push for it. My GF was my best mate for about 3-4 years before we got together and now its going great, possibly the best descision we ever made.

Despite her having a boyfriend?

I'm trying to keep as undickish as possible, not trying to push them breaking up or anything because then I'll probably be always held as a fanny for doing so, and after a while that's just gonna strain things

But then again, if she's going off to uni, making new friends who don't know the story, I guess it could all just be a new start

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That's the logical expelnation but it's not like she doesn't have who to hang out with. Going out tomorrow, will see what this is all about. For a moment I thought this was somewhat related to my dad who she really likes and that she wanted to get to know me too. But the amount of attention she's been giving me recently isn't normal. She can't cheat on her bf, we're all essentially a big family and it would instantly come out and ruin everything.

It depends on how much self esteem you have. If you get rejected just ignore it and forget about it. In such situations I always like to think that the girl would have regretted her decision if she got to know me, and that the's obviously not good enough for me. Such thinking is not always true and it's a bit big headed but it really helps you just ignore the whole thing and move on.

My self esteem is next to nowhere haha. I´m way too insecure, always imaginine the worst possible scenario. I was supposed to meet up with the girl last saterday, but she turned ill and we had to cancel. I´ve been very impatient since then, it´s not doing it any good >_<

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My self esteem is next to nowhere haha. I´m way too insecure, always imaginine the worst possible scenario. I was supposed to meet up with the girl last saterday, but she turned ill and we had to cancel. I´ve been very impatient since then, it´s not doing it any good >_<

I had that problem for YEARS, I still do now and again sometimes

It's really hard just to chill out and just let it cruise along and accept that whatever happens, happens.

but once you get it, it feels SO much better!

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Didn't come round yesterday due to "work load"

She's working till 9 tonight and said she would come over after, she doesn't have her car so i offered to pick her up from work. I bet my left testicle and also the right one that she doesn't "i'm too tired!!"

I've actually make "Sad Time Brownies" because I know she isn't coming over so i'm gonna eat my brownies f**k her.


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Didn't come round yesterday due to "work load"

She's working till 9 tonight and said she would come over after, she doesn't have her car so i offered to pick her up from work. I bet my left testicle and also the right one that she doesn't "i'm too tired!!"

I've actually make "Sad Time Brownies" because I know she isn't coming over so i'm gonna eat my brownies f**k her.


dude you really need to talk to her. Its no good feeling shit all the time about small things that build up. Just tell her how much she means to you ect. And that all the shity things she does hurts you. My gf have arguments all the time about things like that, and after a convo things are always better. Oh and enjoy the brownies :)
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dude you really need to talk to her. Its no good feeling shit all the time about small things that build up. Just tell her how much she means to you ect. And that all the shity things she does hurts you. My gf have arguments all the time about things like that, and after a convo things are always better. Oh and enjoy the brownies :)

Thanks for that.

Thing is, she texted me straight after she finished saying how work wasn't too bad. She knows I asked her if she wanted to come over after, i'd pick her up but yet she just acts like I didnt' "ooh it's freezing outside, waiting for my bro to pick me up"

It's like, unintentionally not wanting to come over :/

But a few texts after she said "btw want me to come over tomorrow?".

Bet that happens :blink:

If not, I just cba anymore, uni on Sunday anyway......

Brownie tastes amazing btw!!


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Nice! the Uncle a blood relation??

sounds like she's pretty similar to those swedish twins in BOTI

Yeah it was blood relation. She's serious f**ked up in the head, her mum and dad are going to let go in about a week so she will have no where to turn. She's already been thrown out.

Gutted for her really.. :lol:

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We've been good friends for 4 years, in that time we've had random flings here and there

She's got a boyfriend, and she's off to uni in a few weeks

But we're starting to get close again, She's currently in Spain and she's texted me every day to tell me she misses me and can't wait to see me

Before last week I hadn't seen her in ages, then we met up, had a chill and ended up watching movies for hours on my bed, all snuggled up (for lack of a better phrase), none of us actually made a move on the other though, we just cuddled

Before that, and since then, we've just been talking like good mates, but with some intense flirting thrown in here and there

I can't make it out at all, It seems to me like it's the proper break I've waited years for, but half of me can't get why it would be, because she's got a boyfriend.

Where are the essex boys at!? They'd tell you what to do.

Knob her.

Sorry I've been slacking.. hahaha

don't f**k her, if your really that into her tell her. But at the end of day.... shes going to uni and your just gonna make things worse on yourself, just let her be the one who gets away... for now anyway.

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Sorry I've been slacking.. hahaha

don't f**k her, if your really that into her tell her. But at the end of day.... shes going to uni and your just gonna make things worse on yourself, just let her be the one who gets away... for now anyway.

As much as I don't want her to be the one that got away, I've been thinking for a while that once she's gone to uni I should let her be just that, Just letting her go will be far easier in the long run than forever wanting her and it never being enough

TF helps out once again (Y)

now, to get the psycho ex I accidently slept with recently off my back

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