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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Dude don't worry, you are literally 12 so you dont need to care about girls, especially when they've not got boobs yet.

One day when you're older you'll find someone who'll be far more than "go out for a few weeks then break up" and realise it is actually something mildly serious. Gotta do a lot more than be facebook official to call it a proper relationship.

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There is no point, I realised this yesterday when she ended it that really what is the point? You go out for a few weeks then something happens and its over. So basicaly you end up upset or something every time.

I'm just gonna wait 'till im 16 or something, Because its just a waste of time cos all you do at my age is worry etc. and as said before, im just young. I should just be having fun, so hopefully the time that i used seeing her is now extended riding time :P

Good boy,

When I was 12, girls were gross and I stayed away from them and chilled with my bro's.

In my opinion even 16 is too young. I wouldnt mind one at the moment, mainly just to see what its like because Ive never had one. A gf is meant to be the person you want to get married to.

I dont know what happened...

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Good boy,

When I was 12, girls were gross and I stayed away from them and chilled with my bro's.

In my opinion even 16 is too young. I wouldnt mind one at the moment, mainly just to see what its like because Ive never had one. A gf is meant to be the person you want to get married to.

I dont know what happened...

Whoa whoa whoa there. Hold your horses.

A girlfriend is meant to be someone you're considering for a further future together. Kind of like an audition if you like.

A fiance is someone you want to get married to.

A wife is someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.

*Smiles and Nods*

Edited by JD™
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JD, don't try to preach to the god-squad. Just smile and nod and hope they leave you alone...

Come now, you must have noticed that I enjoy the odd debate here and there?

But yea, you're right, I can see this one could get infuriating before he's even replied...

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Debate? That guy is more opinionated than anyone else on here, he's convinced that god has done miracles, and doesn't appear to understand about "opinions". Basically if you think different to him, you're wrong.

Remember the religion thread? That was possibly for shittest debate I've seen on tf....

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Sounds pretty gay but I keep smelling the gf's perfume on my pillow (layed in bed now) from last night and I just keep thinking what's actually gonna happen when I go to uni in sheffield this september. We haven't been going out long at all really but we've clicked soooo much and I just dunno :/. We were discussing it again last night. What have others done before? I know my mate up the road has been at uni in manchester for his first year and still with his gf who lives in leeds but still.

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got a first date tonight, an I'm pretty ashamed to say I've got the butterflies in my stomach, yeah! how gay is that? What is gona settle it? An I gota drive so I can't have a drink.

Call up a few mates, have a chat about general stuff (not the date) and just generally get into a comfortable state of mind. You'll be in the right mood for the conversation to flow just as naturally with the chick then too, which'll make things go smoother too (Y)

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Call up a few mates, have a chat about general stuff (not the date) and just generally get into a comfortable state of mind. You'll be in the right mood for the conversation to flow just as naturally with the chick then too, which'll make things go smoother too (Y)

Cheers! But I'm not meeting any of my mates, they're set on me being single cos they reckon they'll get me out more if I'm not being a bird gay so it's just me and her tonight, was gona take her to a really nice pub in an old town an then move on to a few bars in the new town followed by a casual walk around a romantic harbour.

Bollox I'm f**king bricking it!

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You're thinking too much Matt, chiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! Got nothing to worry about, just gotta relax.

Oh alright then. Haha, I just cant handle the waiting and she's f**king class aswell so I don't wana screw it up.

Cheers lads.

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All bets are off!

Made the fatal mistake after sacking off the date last night, that assuming we'd just be doing the same tonight without actually telling her so yeah I really should of seen that coming. She's going out in town with her friends tonight an I got the oppurtunity to go out on the smash aswell with a couple of mates, do I do it an meet up with her? Or sack it off tonight, keep her keen an then see her another night?

edit: or go out on the smash, not tell her im out an then just be like 'YEAH AND WHAT YOU SLUTMALT' when im chatting to some other slutmalts and she sees me?

Edited by Token
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TF has missed you :lol:

What did you go for?

haha yeah I went out on the smash and bumped into her an then just spent the whole night chatting and getting it on. It properly sucks to be in the RAF though, means I gota wait till next weekend to progress this situation further!

You know what they say though, absence makes your willy grow stronger.

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