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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Mainly just finding someone im not shy with .

im not very confident because i have a stutter and i seem to get attached to girls but then they get boyfriends and im left being very envious .


I used to be insanely shy, now I'm over-confident-bordering-on-being-a-cocky-b*****d. It's just how you think about yourself, don't let anything negative that people say get to you, and definitely don't go out looking for girls, go out looking for a good time, take some good mates along for the ride, and once you get confident enough, with the added confidence of being with your mates and probably some help from good ol' alcohol, work your way up to making a move on them. From past experience good friends make good relationships, although don't leave it that long that the girl wants it to stay as just friends. Also, don't get envious, it's a girl, not your one-in-6-billion-soul-mate, it sounds clichéd and over-used, but there actually is plenty more fish in the sea.

Leave the troubled girl alone

+1, suicidal bitches is the worst kind of bitches, get out of there, block phone numbers, e-mails, pretty much all communications, and run for your f**king life.

With girl 2, it's probably worth the wait to see if she's going to make anything of you two, I'm in a similar situation, but reversed shifty.gif and I can't wait...

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Ok so i have to be as confident as possible and throw myself in there ?

Thanks you guys il report back at a later date ,


You shouldn't be throwing yourself into girls if you don't feel confident, just get some mates and go out drinking or something, just try to build up your confidence enough to make a base for "girl-confidence" :P

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I never like going out with friends drinking and going up to girls and chatting to them. I always feel like someones going to get in there way before me.

I prefer to be more personal, chatting them one on one. Just gotta find a way that works for you buddy.

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Ok so i have to be as confident as possible and throw myself in there ?

You Sir need a good wingman.

I'm the best wingman, peak when I'm in the club, makes loads of drunk introductions, and then get so f**ked I'm wandering around on my own while my mates got lucky lol.

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Ok so i have to be as confident as possible and throw myself in there ?

Not necessarily, you need to assess each situation to decide what action to take, being over confident and getting stuck in there isn't always the best option, some girls like shy guys.

Best thing I've found is networking/friend circles, becoming friend of a friend etc gets you a lot of new people to meet and get friendly, regardless of looks, become a friendly sociable person to every friend of a friend.

I can think of many girls I've met through friends who are absolutely disgusting, yet if your alright to them they will treat you the same way, get into her friendship circle new set of girls. Word spreads with girls, and ultimately girls can remember bad shit for a long time, if your keen and socialable, expect to get the same thing back.

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Its kinda annoying though. She was meant to be coming back to mine to watch a-team after we went out to temple newsam for a walk. But this morning she texted saying she had to get off before 7 to go shopping with her mum. So she came back to mine after temple newsam, and we were getting really close on my bed and it was like 6.50 and she had to leave. Was one of those damnnn moments :(.

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My girl trouble, not confident around my girlfriend. It seems everytime i see her it always has an awkward silence. And I just walk beside her, Its like no holding hands or anything, like we're just friends untill i walk her to her house. It's always easier to talk to her on bebo, facebook or msn but never as easy in real life. Now i know i'm only 12, but that means you might be able to give extra help as you have all been through it at some stage.

Advice on how to be confident ?


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You just gotta see her more in person and not build this 'textular relationship' on your internet social sites. Cos that's when it gets awkward.

Yeah i dont see her alot...ahh when school starts I'll see her near enough every day :D YAY!

Edit: Even more akwardness, oh well its life, i gotta get used to it!

Edited by modifiedridah2k9
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Maybe it's the wrong person if you can't find things to talk about.

A good choice for a lass is someone who you get on with, there are plenty of girls you see and go 'Damn she's hot' but it doesn't mean you'll get on with them or have things in common to talk about.


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Revolvers spot on here.

it could be a case of not getting to know her enough though yet?

Luckily the girl I'm with atm, we can't stop talking! Never had a single awkward moment to date (albeit it being only 4 occasions we've been out together) but still.

Maybe u need to find someone like that?

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Revolvers spot on here.

it could be a case of not getting to know her enough though yet?

Luckily the girl I'm with atm, we can't stop talking! Never had a single awkward moment to date (albeit it being only 4 occasions we've been out together) but still.

Maybe u need to find someone like that?

Yeah i get where you and Revolver are coming from, but i have known her for ages, like proper ages. We have always been really good friends so i know everything about her and barely anything to talk about. And this girl you are with Dan, have you known her long? If not thats probably why you cant stop talking lol.

Meh, I'll give this confidence thing a try, talk to her about stuff in person more than social networking sites, try to have no awkward moments and just make the most of it. I'll try meeting her on my own one night, as i always seem to have friends who just rip on everything and turns everything she and i say into something dirty. And Revolver, I don't just go for the hottest person i can find, I'm more of a personality person. Not that i would go out with an ogre with a good personality :P

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And Revolver, I don't just go for the hottest person i can find, I'm more of a personality person. Not that i would go out with an ogre with a good personality :P

Hmm, that's not quite how I meant it.

Anyway, just talk, you've got to have shit in common... chat about that.

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Those 4 times I've been with her are the only 4 times I've talked to her before if you get me. I only knew her through her brother. See what you mean about knowing someone for ages though. I liked this one girl who I've know since year 8 (same year as u?) And if we were to go out it would be very very weird because we know too much about each other and are almost like bro and sister? That's weird actually that one girl has just bloody texted me! Haha. Very odd.

I don't think knowing someone for ages has anything to do with it, its to do with your relationship with them and HOW you know each other. For example, my parents met each other at 15 and they are still together now at 55!! So not like they've ran out of stuff to talk about :P

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