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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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good timing? whats happened mate?

i thought you two were ace together?

hope all is ok for you buddy.

Lol, just a drunken row that came out of nowhere even though I'd taken her out for a lovely meal and stuff. All is good now :)

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I cant get a girl its like 'i couldn't hit water if i fell out a boat ' at the moment ,

i liked a girl but we always argued over small things so i gave up .

Ever since i got rid of this girl i cant find ANYONE at all , theres litterally nobody.

I have tryed going for it , waiting till someone appears for me , going out meeting people but i cant find nobody its been months nearly a year .

help me please ,


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Mainly just finding someone im not shy with .

im not very confident because i have a stutter and i seem to get attached to girls but then they get boyfriends and im left being very envious .


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A stutter is nothing, don't let it get to you :)

Instead of focussing on what might be holding you back, what do you have going for you? You ride trials presumably and I assume you've got other interests too (music, either playing or just listening; other sports; other interests etc)

If a chick's got long enough to (in the nicest way possible) get bored of you and move on to some other guy, become attracted to him and start a relationship then you need to make faster work of things. Just generally be awesome, be someone that people want to get to know and that's interesting, then things will start to take care of themselves (Y)

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Mainly just finding someone im not shy with .

im not very confident because i have a stutter and i seem to get attached to girls but then they get boyfriends and im left being very envious .


You live in Hayling Island.

There's your awsner! :P

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Right where to start. I am getting blamed for a girl wanting to commit suicide. I started talking to her because she was going through a bad time and i stopped her doing it a couple of times. Now i have never met her but had been texting her a fair bit trying to make her see that life was worth living. She took it the wrong way and seemed to fall for me. There was a slight problem with this. She lived miles away. I have been in a long distance relationship before and I found that they don't work for me. Thinking it wasn't the best thing I told her that i wanted to be just friends and that she took it the wrong way, at this point she flipped out. I also found out that she apparently had a hole in the heart but then found out some information that would prove her not to. Such as that she has had kids but this would not be possible with a hole in the heart, from the stress that is put on the heart. Also she apparently went in for heart surgery, which is very invasive yet is out of hospital in a week, even though there was complications with the op. Well at least thats what i was told anyway. When this all happens I start getting threatening messages from her brother in law who isnt with her sister, how does that work?? He then stops bothering me and her cousin starts sending them. I haven't been responding to them because it does tend to make it worse. Then there is another girl that i like but she likes someone else, trouble is she has also told me that she likes me aswell just stuck on this other bloke at the moment and there is nothing i can do. HELP ME TF!!!

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Right where to start. I am getting blamed for a girl wanting to commit suicide. I started talking to her because she was going through a bad time and i stopped her doing it a couple of times. Now i have never met her but had been texting her a fair bit trying to make her see that life was worth living. She took it the wrong way and seemed to fall for me. There was a slight problem with this. She lived miles away. I have been in a long distance relationship before and I found that they don't work for me. Thinking it wasn't the best thing I told her that i wanted to be just friends and that she took it the wrong way, at this point she flipped out. I also found out that she apparently had a hole in the heart but then found out some information that would prove her not to. Such as that she has had kids but this would not be possible with a hole in the heart, from the stress that is put on the heart. Also she apparently went in for heart surgery, which is very invasive yet is out of hospital in a week, even though there was complications with the op. Well at least thats what i was told anyway. When this all happens I start getting threatening messages from her brother in law who isnt with her sister, how does that work?? He then stops bothering me and her cousin starts sending them. I haven't been responding to them because it does tend to make it worse. Then there is another girl that i like but she likes someone else, trouble is she has also told me that she likes me aswell just stuck on this other bloke at the moment and there is nothing i can do. HELP ME TF!!!

Hug. Leave the troubled girl alone, if she wants to talk to you sensibly as a friend then fair enough, but guilt tripping you and having (non)family members threatening you isn't worth the hassle. This girl you like, likes you but its hung up on a another guy? Make yourself more awesome than him; which come on you are. But don't make it too easy for her, if you're too available then she won't want it.

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Ouch! Tough call dude :(

With the first chick, it doesn't actually sound like there's a huge amount you can do unfortunately. Not the nicest situation to be in at all, but if her friends/family are just going to be massive pricks then ignore them. They seem pretty set in their own mindset, so it's unlikely you'll be able to change that. If she does come to you, be reasonable of course, but don't give her any false hope. She does seem a little bit of a hypochondriac so things are obviously skewed, but you cant change that if she refuses to be normal. She wants attention attention attention, don't give her the privilege! :P

With girl 2, just be a f**king hero! If she's admitted she likes you then she's either just saying it to let you down gently or she actually means it. If it is the latter, then you've just gotta build up a little more attraction with her and things will go from there (Y)

Grab me on messen or something if you want to talk at all mate.

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Thats the thing he seems to be a complete dick most times i text her or talk to her she has been crying because of him. i dont get to see her that much because she does work alot. I'm not trying to seem to availiable but dont want to seem not interested aswell, I'm not much good at getting the middle ground

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