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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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We're definitely at the "put it in her bum" stage now

Personally, I think if it's turned into drama like this over a break for a few days, it's probably not gonna last if you try again because you'll both be thinking about this little event.

Been there, done that, never works for me

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Don't be "official", just be yourselves and see what happens. If you both end up wanting to be exclusive then fine, if not then that's cool too. At the very least you'll have a better idea where you both stand, along with some fun in the meantime.

See also: Put it in her bum.

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You'd have to hire a car or pay to take one on the ferry for starters, then drive just over 1000km each way which isn't going to be particularly nice on fuel as well as taking considerably longer meaning less time there before returning for work again :P

Just had a look out of curiosity and it'd be about £190 for the ferry with a car, plus another £200 in fuel. Not cheap :P If I had a few weeks off and a large supply of funds then it'd be great, but since my trip the other week cost £150 all in driving isn't really an option (and nor is going out again before she gets back, unless someone deposits a large donation into my bank account!).

Pretty shit having to stick around for a measley few shifts a week but I need all the money I can get for uni (which is why I'm currently hanging out my ass and about to head off to work shortly rather than sleeping off whatever the hell happened last night)

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Just came back from the cinema. I don't think the cinema was a bad shout now. Picked her up and walked around xscape for a while before the film and the convo just kept flowing. No awkward moments or anything :D. Just hope she enjoyed herself as much as I did :)

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If you're not sure, you were clearly never that into her in the first place, surely?

I was but that changed abit after the way she treated me these past few days :/

He's right Jake, if you were really into her it would be an easy choice. And from what you have been saying, she hasn't been treating you well, she leaves you and comes crawling back? This time you get back at her, tell her to get lost. I know it's not that easy, and im only 12 :$ but if you let her go, it will make your life alot easier without her constantly arguing with you and making your life a living hell. But then again, you probably won't listen to me cos im 12 :lol: But if you ever need any more help on what to do with this girl, TF's always here to help ;)


Just came back from the cinema. I don't think the cinema was a bad shout now. Picked her up and walked around xscape for a while before the film and the convo just kept flowing. No awkward moments or anything :D. Just hope she enjoyed herself as much as I did :)

Glad it all went good for you mate.


Edited by modifiedridah2k9
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I have no girl trouble at all. About to go surprise mine at the airport when she lands in about an hour. She was planning to meet me in Croydon but f**k it, the Airport is only down the road and who wants to get on a train after flying for hours?

Ah, can't wait for her to be home :)

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I have no girl trouble at all. About to go surprise mine at the airport when she lands in about an hour. She was planning to meet me in Croydon but f**k it, the Airport is only down the road and who wants to get on a train after flying for hours?

Ah, can't wait for her to be home :)

Good man. (Y)

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So this girl has been a little weird all day. Been trying to make convo with her but just don't get any replies that involve any questions back or anything. So we were talking about last night at the cinema and I said "I wana do it again, it was fun :)" and she replied with "aww well i'd be up for it again :)".

Am i being a paranoid little bitch or does that seem like shes saying "oh go on then, if i have to". It's just, today she's been a bit weird. I probably put her off but she says i haven't, and she said the same thing, and i'm like "no way, in fact quite the opposite".

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Yeah good shout. Its been 30 mins since she replied so I reckon I truly have scared her off :P. As u can prob tell I don't have much confidence. Haha


Chill out ffs!

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Not so much girl trouble (well maybe i dnno) But i find it hard to talk to girls 1 on 1 due to being hurt in the past and that knocked my confidence. I know about 4-5 girls i can talk to confidently 1-1 other than that i get really nervous and start f**king up and go into like 'awkward silence'

Anyone else have / had the same thing? or know what to do, cause its starting to get on my tits if you get me.

I dont want any of this piss take shit, only help.

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Not so much girl trouble (well maybe i dnno) But i find it hard to talk to girls 1 on 1 due to being hurt in the past and that knocked my confidence. I know about 4-5 girls i can talk to confidently 1-1 other than that i get really nervous and start f**king up and go into like 'awkward silence'

Anyone else have / had the same thing? or know what to do, cause its starting to get on my tits if you get me.

I dont want any of this piss take shit, only help.

I'm not actually taking the piss when I say the inevitable:


Grab life by the balls and just talk to them.

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