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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Remember, 19 months is still short enough to be classed as somewhat of a "honeymoon period". The thought of "shit, this is real" can subconsciously creep up on both of you and freak you out a bit, whether you realise it or not. If that's the case then as JD said, you've gotta think about whether or not you want to make a proper go of things and be together.

Speaking as someone who's been there and took the blue pill (or "Operation GTFO", as it was known at the time), bailing helped me realise I should have ended things about a year before, but that's totally irrelevant as it only applies to my situation and between myself and Lou. If you can see yourselves together in the future, work at it. You reap what you sow blah blah blah.

"If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got" - If things are stale, something needs freshening up (Y)

At least if you go cinema you can go out after for a beverage and you have something to talk about... No excuses for awkward silences!!

There's never an excuse for awkward silences, unless you just don't work together! If you've run out of things to say before even talking to a person it's not looking good for you... :P

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Yeah. I got a lot of thinking to do; do I patch it and fix my short term, or end it and secure my long term?

A part of me thinks the following may be partly to blame…

I'm 20, as mentioned… she's 30.

The age thing has never, not even once (even with our parents, friends etc) ever posed a problem, but maybe things are just different…?

The fact you've brought it up in your reasoning means it's a reason. As much as I'm sure you'd hope it wouldn't make a difference... to me it clearly is. You can work round it if you really want to thought, it's all about that want.

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Edit: 30 but hot, amirite?! :P

WHOA. It's you that need the work :P

Nah, give a f**k about hotness.

When you wake up, what do you think?

When you go to sleep, what do you think?

If it's her then you need to save your relationship. If not then you need to think of other factors.

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You're spot on right dude. I feel I don't do enough of that stuff y'know, that really could be part of the problem. But it's more low-level than that too.

I shit you not, she got in a massive (I mean iceberg-that-sank-the-titanic kind of massive) mood a fortnight ago because I ordered a sandwich without mayo on that we were supposed to share. It's to the point that shit like that becomes a point of venomous argument.

She ruined my birthday night out three weeks ago purely by getting in a mood over nothing (I am not exaggerating! She still, to this day, does not know what I did wrong). It's honestly like there's more hate right now than potential love.

Been in the same situation, and ruining my 21st was the deal breaker! Though I did continue twatting around with her for the following 3 years on and off >_<

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She split up with me :( But she's still doing the whole i love you routine, seriously dont have a clue what to do now. doesnt help cos im suffering from depression atm and shes just got her best mate to start bitching at me. WHAT THE f**k

OUCH! I wish i could give some advice but i don't know anything to say that can help, hope you get it sorted out Jake :)

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