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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Back to square one yet again with whatever it is that's actually up with her - it's driving me f**king insane.

Literally, every week when she sees her dad she's a bit down about it all which is understandable, but ever sice she last saw him she's been reeeeeeally weird, ended up having a big heart to heart last night when i was with her which resulted in her "thinking about it" with regards to actually telling me. Argh.

Just from that paragraph alone my instinct was he probably threatens or abuses her...

(we finally got somewhere with it last week and she tried talking about some stuff)

Her "i dunno, sometimes he just looks at me like he wants to punch me"

Me "if ever he does i'm stabbing him in the face with a brick"

*silence and her avoiding eye contact*

Dude, that is possibly the WORST possible thing you could have said to her! If she is scared of him and what he is capable of, and she has agreed to not tell anyone then imagine what it must feel like for her. She will most likely want reassurance from you that you won't tell anyone or do anything unless she wants you to. There's usually a lot of guilt felt by people who are abused, and they need to really trust someone before they can open up.

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Dude, that is possibly the WORST possible thing you could have said to her! If she is scared of him and what he is capable of, and she has agreed to not tell anyone then imagine what it must feel like for her. She will most likely want reassurance from you that you won't tell anyone or do anything unless she wants you to. There's usually a lot of guilt felt by people who are abused, and they need to really trust someone before they can open up.


Plus if shes scared of him for aggressive behaviour, you demonstrating the same behaviour probably makes her feel no better. If youd stab him with a brick (lol?), then thats totally cool, just dont tell her!!

on a side note, the f*ck buddy and I are getting close which is fine... But another girl wants to come visit me on IOW for another beasting.... Technically Im single so im good, but still...

GAY... This could be the threesome I was promised though by my f*ck buddy (who's bi)... Worth a go at asking?

Edited by PaRtZ
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I like a girl in my year I haven't told her or anyone yet but I know that she likes my best mate and my best mate isn't really that intrested but he still flirts with her. What to do? Not tell anyone and see if she changes?? :S

Tell her, see what happens, post here when you know

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I'm not sure how to tell her though? She's in my form and it could make things really awkward. Should I speak to her or should I get a friend too? And cheers for the advice lads :)

DO NOT get a friend to tell her, man up and do it yourself!

It'll be fine, if she says she's not interested or whatever just be cool with it - it'll only be awkward if you make it that way, just act like nothing's happened if it's a no go and stop worrying :)

Get your flirt on first though, she needs to be interested (even just a little bit) before you go dropping that bombshell.

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Finally figured shit out with said girl from a while ago (defo worth a squirt or 100) and she leaves travelling for a month all to the sound of her whispering in my ear as I say bye "Imagine the sex in a month". This winds me up no end as I now realise shes going to be going mental in Europe (fair play) and Im stuck here waiting for her. Im being abused and I love it. Bad times.

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Been in the sixth form study with this girl who I'm practically in love with, and been really talking to her and getting into her but found out why she's been hanging with me more than usual is cos she's fallen out with her friends over this lad she was seeing. So I guess she's been using me to talk to because she isn't on talking terms with her mates. Dunno though as she could have gone to speak with her other friends but yet came to talk to me. Idk, I hate girls like that. She's beautiful, talkative but always always goes on about her 'shows' that she's in. And its always related to that. Gets a bit frustrating. She's still amazing but appears to be a bit of a user? Idk,

Edited by dann2707
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If you treat her the right way, which is probably slightly different to what you think, you can get on it.

Doesn't mean she's not a dick though. Evaluate whether she is or not and if she is, leave her be, lol.

Yeah cheers. (Y)

I think she likes me, :). She's a lovely person, not a slag or anything, but just felt a bit used (and not in the dirty good way) today at college.

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Yeah, it would appear that way. Its not like I don't talk to her either, its just she relates everything back to her show! For example 'oh yeah so I'm going to sheffield uni'

'Oh I'm doing a show there sometimes blah blah blah!'

That's just an example like. I don't think I could meet someone like that, but I totally would if given the choice. I'm so mixed up in her its unreal :/. She's one of those girls who you wouldn't just do, then not talk to like a few others this year, she's just minter!

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Fairly sure most of them wont work on her, shes strange. I doubt she would be all happy about flowers and chocolates... Shes kinda like Satan, what kinda stuff would he like?

If south park is anything to go by, A big floppy dildo and a double bed for him and saddam

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