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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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From a womans point of view, you're basically telling her she's fat and needs to work out more.

Hahaha I agree. If I told my missus (also a similar age gap) to start working out to change/improve her body, she wouldn't be my missus much longer.

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Yea, bad route to go down buddy...

If you're that fussed about it then:

- Maybe assess what you actually want from a woman

- Go about it in a different way

Be clever about it, talk about the fact that exercising really helps ease your stress after a tough day or something. She might be more into it if she doesn't think you're doing it to 'improve' her.

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well, the point IS that she does not see it as I would like to improve her and I partly don't state it that way. She has a nice body.

Even If it's like that, she sometimes tells me that she needs to work out, but she's just too lasy and has no time.

you know, when you're turining 30, it's not always about cosmetologist. If you wanna look good - you have to work out.

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well, the point IS that she does not see it as I would like to improve her and I partly don't state it that way. She has a nice body.

Even If it's like that, she sometimes tells me that she needs to work out, but she's just too lasy and has no time.

you know, when you're turining 30, it's not always about cosmetologist. If you wanna look good - you have to work out.

So now you're saying she's fat AND old?

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NOoooo, not at all.

She's not fat, she's just like I like it. But if she has done some more exercise, I would have liked her even more.

Cosmetologist is her's decidion, not mine. Though she's 27, she looks like 21

Edited by Dan S
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Even If it's like that, she sometimes tells me that she needs to work out, but she's just too lasy and has no time.

HA my missus says that aaallllll the time. But she has actually started swimming weekly now, just weird pervy guys putting her off >_<

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right might sound faggoty but o well,

i basically asked a girl out a while back and she didn get back to me, so i saw her out and i was like whats up with that? and she was like its because i didnt know what to say and your going to australia. But she said she would go for lunch some time. So next day i messaged her again basically asking her again just cos she did say yes but i werent sure cos we were out at bar etc. Anyway, no reply again!! so now im thinking ok fair enough she dont want to go on a date with me, im cool with it, however what i cant stand is someone who just ignored me and gave me no reply. I know i shouldnt, but i just really wanna f**kin find out why she sees it totally fine to give no answer at all, makes me so annoyed as its so rude.

she was on fb today and i basically tried to ask her why she thought it was cool, she sort of tried to say she was gonna reply etc but she werent, and just a load of shit n then she was like if your not nice to me dont talk to me, but shes the one bein a dick lol. shes acting like a 12 year old and shes 21. so im just sittin there stumped, just wanting a simple answer and she just puts k as answers and then goes offline.

shes usually sound and a good laugh so thought there would be no harm in asking her out........i was wrong. shes just a mong now.

i think i just wanted to type this shite out more than anything but do you guys think i should just tell her to f**k off as shes bein a dick and just forget tryin to find out why shes a bellend about it all or just talk to her another day as mates and not mention me asking her out. just not sure what next step to take. Its what im like though, i just wanna know why someone acts like that, but im sure she will just ignore me more, like girls love doing.

im sure reading this makes me look stupid but the signs were majorly there! and it just seemed a massive green light to ask her out for a harmless lunch then she goes n just f**kin ignores it....???


Forget that foo! you are away to OZ..... all i'm saying is fanny.... everywhere!

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NOoooo, not at all.

She's not fat, she's just like I like it. But if she has done some more exercise, I would have liked her even more.

Cosmetologist is her's decidion, not mine. Though she's 27, she looks like 21

Hahahaha can you say..... single

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I assume you've tried saying, I am your boyfriend/husband (delete as appropriate), you can trust me :)

Just tell her if will help her to talk about how she feels, if she keeps it inside it will end up screwing her/both of you over in the future somehow.

That used to work with my ex g/f, she has something similar about the family etc.

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Dude the best thing you can do is be there for her. Who knows what the problem is, it could be something pretty serious. I wouldn't press to hard on her telling you what's going on. Tell her that you want to be supportive and it might help both of you if she opened up a bit. Perhaps starting a supportive monologue about what you think might be the problem could get her to correct you and spill the beans?

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For the first time since August last year, I actually missed my ex. It was only for a brief second, and it wasn't like, OMGZ I NEED HER BACK. It was Just missing something we did together, and wishing i could do it again...? I'm much happier with my current Girlfriend in every way possible, it was just a weird feeling considering I'd barely though about her in days.

Is zis normal is my question?

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For the first time since August last year, I actually missed my ex. It was only for a brief second, and it wasn't like, OMGZ I NEED HER BACK. It was Just missing something we did together, and wishing i could do it again...? I'm much happier with my current Girlfriend in every way possible, it was just a weird feeling considering I'd barely though about her in days.

Is zis normal is my question?


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I dont know what to do anymore and I know I'm just going to get even more shit from people. Because it's me.

But, a couple of months ago, I was getting to know this girl, eventually we got real close and I asked her out. I've never been so happy. Then all of a sudden, out of no-where this weekend has turned out to take a turn for the worst. Shes completly different, keeps picking at things, the whole mood is down. It doesn't feel as though she loves me anymore.

One of her friends is moving to another country on friday, not one of her very best friends. But yeah.

I know your just going to say it's not love, your only 15. But I've never felt this way before.

So please spare the spiteful comments, just for once. :(

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People are going to pick at you, not because you're you, but because you're 15.

At 15, it's extremely rare for people to have long term relationships. Neither male or female are mature enough for that sort of commitment.

As harsh as it sounds, plenty more fish in the sea and you have your whole life ahead of you - don't worry about it :)

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People are going to pick at you, not because you're you, but because you're 15.

At 15, it's extremely rare for people to have long term relationships. Neither male or female are mature enough for that sort of commitment.

As harsh as it sounds, plenty more fish in the sea and you have your whole life ahead of you - don't worry about it :)

Thanks Mike, it's just yeah...

I've had so many girlfriends (as Tf knows. :giggle: ) But, I've never felt this way with a girl before, I've taken her to the cinema, turned down so many things, just to spend a couple of minutes with her.

Over the weekend someone/thing has happened.

But you have to understand, as much as I go on about it; I am bipolar. Seeing as though I have a physiatrist and am on 'Happy pills' it's not something to lie about and I'd much rather be open about it, then keep it bottled up.

So being Bipolar, makes everything SO much harder for me.

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Thanks Mike, it's just yeah...

I've had so many girlfriends (as Tf knows. :giggle: ) But, I've never felt this way with a girl before, I've taken her to the cinema, turned down so many things, just to spend a couple of minutes with her.

Over the weekend someone/thing has happened.

But you have to understand, as much as I go on about it; I am bipolar. Seeing as though I have a physiatrist and am on 'Happy pills' it's not something to lie about and I'd much rather be open about it, then keep it bottled up.

So being Bipolar, makes everything SO much harder for me.

As hard as it is, just put things in context - think about it, you don't have any history with her - not like she's your wife and mother of your 3 kids or whatever.

You need to go through this kinda shit, it's part of growing up. Sucks at the time I know.

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As hard as it is, just put things in context - think about it, you don't have any history with her - not like she's your wife and mother of your 3 kids or whatever.

You need to go through this kinda shit, it's part of growing up. Sucks at the time I know.

Thanks Mike. :)

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Maybe, from what she tells me though it would result in my beating the living shit out of him with a bird cage.

Jack; seriously, just give her some space. How old is she? (seem to remember she's younger than you?) girls at that age are f**king mental. Give her space, let her know how you feel (not oh my god I LUFF YEW SO MUCH B MA WIFE please, more that she's doing wrong) Just see how it goes. You've known her a few months, you really don't love her you just tell yourself you do - if the worst was to happen it wont be THAT bad!

As for the something happening, high five! Just ask her about it?

EDIT: lol at swear filter...

:unsure: Wow... you are in a bit of a situation arn't you :ermm:

EDIT: Only an idea but you could let her go, then arrive at her dad's an hour later or so.

Edited by Laurence--Trials
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Right, I'm in a bit of a headf**k now. I was out with a new girl the other day just having a walk round town & having a little talk. To be honest all I really want is to dip it in her, but she has other ideas, so I was trying to make it clear that I don't really want anything serious. But out of the blue I bump into my ex, now we didn't exactly split up on good terms as I had cheated on her a few times (which she knows about some of them, but not all). Now I'm in no way proud of what I did and up until the other day I thought all my feelings for her had vanished, but as I bumped into her I realised how wrong I was. So I dropped all plans with the girl I was with, and told her that I had to go and that I would phone her later and started to speak to nat (ex). She said she was walking to the hospital (about 1 mile away from town) to get a lift and asked me if I would walk her there. So we got talking as we walked and everything seemed all good. Yet when we got to the hospital she told me she still loved me after everything I had done, and started kissing me, BUT, theres a catch, she's got a boyfriend, yet said she wants to meet up with me later in the week.

What the f**k do I do? Stay on the new bird (just a f**k) or go back to my ex (f**k and maybe get back together) behind her boyfriends back? I've been racking my brains for a few days and keep coming to the conclusion that getting back with my ex just won't work because of trust issues, yet she's the one I'd rather be with and try to make it work.

I think I'm going insane.

But you have to understand, as much as I go on about it; I am bipolar. Seeing as though I have a physiatrist and am on 'Happy pills' it's not something to lie about and I'd much rather be open about it, then keep it bottled up.

So being Bipolar, makes everything SO much harder for me.

Just explain everything to her, I have OCD and tried to keep it from my ex for ages. But hiding it justs eats you up, because you're working so hard to hide it that it gets to a point when it's all you think about when you're with her, and it ends up starting to wreck the relationship. Yet when you open up to her and tell her, it takes alot of stress off your shoulders, and you can really enjoy yourselves.

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